Breaking Free: I’m Overwhelmed
Matthew 11:28-30
Life is stressful! If not handled correctly, a person can accumulate baggage in life. What does that look like? Relationships go bad. Poor choices mean painful consequences. Financial mismanagement leads to debt and bondage. Spiritual deserts have replaced flowing streams and green pastures. Can you relate?
Are you carrying around unnecessary baggage? Can you name the bags that are causing you stress and pain? On this Mother's Day, are you overwhelmed as a mom? Research reveals that many parents, and especially mothers, are exhausted, fatigued, and overwhelmed. How can you let go of your baggage and live free as a mom or as a believer in Jesus?
In your study group, take time to read and discuss these Bible verses (1 Peter 5:6-7; Philippians 4:4-7; Psalm 46:1; Psalm 121:1-2). What is the Lord saying to you through His Word? What needs to change immediately in your life? Do you need to pray now for God to set you free and give you His peace?
1. We Need to Acknowledge Our Baggage. In your relationship with God, are you honest with Him? You don't have to pretend. He can handle your honesty and "stuff." That's amazing news! Is your church a "safe place?" You can share with others your failures, struggles, and temptations. To the Lord and with your group, what do you need to acknowledge?
2. We Need to Believe God's Promises. In your group, take a few moments and share several of God's promises. How have His promises comforted and ministered to you? If you come to Him, Jesus promised to give you rest. Being overwhelmed isn't unusual. The invitation is to draw near to the Lord. What do you need to do now to come to Jesus? He's inviting you.
3. We Need to Obey Jesus' Invitation. Jesus invited many people to make decisions. Take several minutes and talk about His invitations. How did God call Isaiah (Is. 6:1-8)? What did the Lord ask the fishermen to do (Matt. 4:18-22)? How did Jesus call a wealthy tax collector (Lk. 19:1-10)? What is Jesus inviting you to do? Matthew 11:28-30 is an invitation for the overwhelmed.
What do you need for the Lord to do in your life? How do you need to serve another overwhelmed person? God wants to use your experiences and story.
Finish your time together in prayer. First, pray for one another. Second, pray for mothers who are overwhelmed on this Mother's Day weekend. Third, pray for your local church, your pastor and leaders, and the nation. Fourth, pray for revival and spiritual awakening to take place. Fifth, pray for the spread of the gospel throughout the world.
We hope you'll worship with us this weekend! The Lord is at work, and people are "breaking free!"
Have a blessed Mother's Day!
View all of the "Breaking Free" Sermon Series Study Guides at
Breaking Free: I’m Tempted
Genesis 39:1-10
How were you tempted this week?
What do you know about the Bible? That's a strategic question. If you're going to handle temptation God's way, you need to know the Word. Take a few moments now and read Matthew 4:1-11. After reading the biblical text, answer the following five questions:
1. Who is the source of temptation?
2. Is it a sin to be tempted?
3. When does the enemy often tempt God's children?
4. What do you know about the enemy and how he works?
5. How did Jesus handle temptation?
Read about Joseph's life in Genesis 39:1-10. He didn't have to look for temptation. The enemy found him. Joseph was a young man with a heart for the Lord. He confessed that he didn't want to sin against God. Holiness was present in his life and decisions. Are you living aware of God's presence? Is holiness a priority for you in the Christian life?
As you study God's Word, focus on the following three practical statements:
1. RECOGNIZE the Threat Behind Temptation. You're not to play around with snakes or temptation. As you identify the source of temptation (Satan), you need to know his intention. Satan isn't your friend. His goal is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He wants to devour your life (1 Peter 5:8). Share a time when the enemy sought to destroy your life, marriage, family, or church.
2. RESPOND to Temptation God's Way. Life throws many curve balls at you. You can respond God's way or the world's way. Why do many individuals sacrifice their future for the pleasure of the moment? Why do many people in ministry wreck their lives, marriages, and families? It's because they responded to temptation the world's way, not God's way. What is God's way?
3. RESIST the Temptation to Clutter the Closet. Do you like clutter? Rather than deal with issues, many people stuff them in the closets of their lives. That gets messy over time. How can you get rid of the clutter in your life? How did Joseph deal with the clutter in his life? Take a few moments and get practical. How can you declutter your life? This opens the door for you to "break free."
This message applies to people of all ages. When you wake up every morning, temptation is ready to meet you face-to-face. You can be enslaved, or you can "break free." God wants you to live free (John 8:32, 36).
We hope you'll join us in worship this week. We're praying for people (including you) to make the following spiritual decisions:
Church Membership
Call to Ministry
Confess Personal Sins
Give the Lord Your Best
As you seek the Lord, may He change your life for His glory and your good! If we can help you as you obey the Lord's call, please reach out to us. We'd love to serve you.
First Baptist Church Clarksville loves you!
View all of the "Breaking Free" Sermon Series Study Guides at
MAY 26, 2024
Breaking Free: I’m wounded
Genesis 50:15-21
Breaking Free: I’m STRESSED
Exodus 3:1-10
You're stalled in traffic again. Your stock portfolio took a hard turn to the south, at an all-time low. Your doctor called and asked to meet with you as soon as possible. You discover drugs in your son's bedroom, or you learn that your daughter is hanging out with bad influencers. As you read these scenarios, what are you feeling? Are your heart rate and stress levels increasing?
Moses lived a fruitful life. However, his journey was filled with stress. His birth was stressful; his growing-up days were stressful; and his call was stressful. God wanted to use him to deliver His people from Egyptian bondage and slavery. Moses obeyed and led as God asked. However, here is a question to consider: Were God's people easy to lead? Why is involvement in ministry stressful?
In your study group, take a few moments and read Isaiah 40:28-31. What do these verses reveal about God and how to handle stress (or anxiety)?
Moses knew the value of solitude, being alone with the Lord. Many people are stressed out because of their pace in life. Is your pace in life overextended or just right? If you're maxed out, what can you delete from your calendar? What can you delegate to someone else? One biblical cure for stress is time alone with God. That spiritual discipline helps you with priorities, direction, and strength.
As a group, discuss chapters two and three in Exodus. How did Moses handle stress (and anxiety)?
1. Contemplate the Causes of Stress. As you study God's Word, you'll notice that He often revealed Himself on mountains or around water. Share biblical stories that illustrate this truth. If you're facing stress, what are the causes? It's common for people to battle physical stress, financial stress, vocational stress, relational stress, or spiritual stress. Can you identify (or name) your stress?
2. Crave the Transformation of Solitude. Moses was in the desert alone with the Lord. Life changed for Moses in that place of solitude (holy ground). Have you ever practiced solitude? You invested time with the Lord in a place that was free from distractions and interruptions. You came with your Bible, pen and paper, and a hunger to hear God's voice. How has solitude changed your life?
3. Consider the Benefits of Sabbath. Moses's time with God proved to be beneficial. He heard God's voice and followed His leadership. Practicing sabbath is a time to slow down and reflect. You put the brakes on in life. When was the last time you took a day off, you put down electronic devices, or you took an extended vacation with your family? Do you need to do these things?
You can be free from stress. You can live victorious in Christ. Stress doesn't have to get the best of you in life.
Finish your study time this week, talking about stress and how you handle it. You can answer the following three questions:
What is currently causing you stress?
How does your walk with God give you release and victory over stress?
How can you pray for one another before you finish?
We hope to see you on Sunday for worship. These are exciting days at FBC Clarksville. We'd love for you to join us.
Have a glorious rest of your week.
View all of the "Breaking Free" Sermon Series Study Guides at
Breaking Free: I’m CONVICTED
Psalm 105:1-5
What has the Lord been teaching you lately?
It's Father's Day weekend. The heavenly Father loves you. He sent His only begotten Son to the cross to pay the penalty for your sins (John 3:16). Have you experienced God's love and new life in Jesus Christ?
God calls His people to leave behind a kingdom legacy. Legcies are more than money and possessions. A kingdom legacy is about knowing, following, and serving the Lord. What kind of legacy are you leaving behind? You need to be convicted to leave behind a kingdom legacy.
When you hear the word "conviction," what comes to mind? Take time in your study group to share your thoughts.
1. People Who Leave a Kingdom Legacy Know God. Legacy is about influence. You're influencing people. What's God's purpose for your life? The goal of life isn't about money, fame, or comfort. Do you know the Lord? If so, the Lord saved and left you here for a reason. When that glorious day comes for you to go home to Heaven, you're life (legacy) will live on. What's your legacy?
2. People Who Leave a Kingdom Legacy Trust God. How are you trusting the Lord? Why do you believe the Lord is trustworthy? How have you seen the Lord take care of you? Share personal stories of His care and faithfulness. As you trust God, please know that He is trustworthy in all circumstances, and it makes a difference in how you live. Is God pleased with the way you trust Him?
3. People Who Leave a Kingdom Legacy Obey God. How does God want you to obey Him? Take a few moments and answer these questions: (1) Are you building your life on the rock or sand? (2) How are you investing your life in the lives of people around you? (3) Is your legacy going to unite or divide? (4) Is the Great Commission foundational to your life and legacy? (5) Are you obeying God?
As your study group finishes your time together, read Psalm 105:1-5. What does God want you to remember? The books of Psalms and Deuteronomy use the word "remember" forty-nine times. Worship the Lord and remember His grace, goodness, and glory!
One day, unless Jesus returns in His glory, a preacher (and maybe family members and friends) will stand over your casket and say a few words. What do you want them to say? What kind of legacy are you leaving behind? May the Lord allow you to leave behind a kingdom legacy!
We hope you'll worship with us this Father's Day weekend! We love you!
Happy Father's Day!
View all of the "Breaking Free" Sermon Series Study Guides at
Breaking Free: I’m Selfish
Philippians 2:1-4
Happy Father's Day!
Are you selfish or unselfish? Are you generous or stingy? Do you think of yourself or other people first? Those are intimate questions to answer.
Jesus modeled an unselfish life. He lived a perfect sinless life. He died on an old rugged cross for your sins. He was buried in a tomb. He experienced a glorious resurrection. He ascended back to the Father. He is coming again one day. He is saving boys and girls and men and women. Praise the Lord for the unselfish life of Jesus Christ!
As you evaluate your life, what matters to you? Are you willing to put the needs of other people before your own? In your study group, invite someone to read Philippians 2:1-4. What does Paul say about living an unselfish life?
1. It's Spiritual to Get Personal. Take a few moments and answer these three questions: (1) How is your relationship with Jesus? (2) How are your relationships with other people? (3) How are you taking care of yourself? Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, revealed God's truth to God's people. Many relationships are weak and wounded because of selfishness. What needs to change in your life, allowing you to put the needs of other people before your own?
2. It's Beneficial to Get Practical. Take time and read the following Bible verses: Matthew 25:21; Acts 4:13; John 15:1-5. How are you practicing God's Word? Are you pleasing the Lord? Do other people see Jesus in your life? Are you bearing fruit for God's glory? As you think about your relationships, what can you do to put the needs of other people before your own? (1) Husbands and Wives? (2) Parents and Children? (3) Friends? (4) Church Family? (5) Coworkers and Neighbors?
As you wrap up your group time, what relationships need attention, affirmation, adjustment, or accountability?
Jesus calls His followers to live unselfishly and generously. He wants you to put the needs of other people before your own.
We hope you'll worship with us this Father's Day weekend. As we celebrate fathers, we desire to praise and glorify our good good Father! He is worthy to be worshiped!
Finish your study time with a season of prayer. Pray for (and remember) your earthly fathers and adore your heavenly Father.
View all of the "Breaking Free" Sermon Series Study Guides at
Breaking Free: I’m Unsure
Romans 8:31-39
Many people have said over the years, "You can be sure of two things in life: death and taxes." It's painful when doubt creeps in. "I'm unsure if God loves me. I'm unsure if my marriage is going to make it. I'm unsure if I'll have a job next month. I'm unsure if we're going to make it financially. I'm unsure if I'll ever feel better."
What are you unsure of in your own life? In your study group, be transparent with one another and answer that question. If needed, take the time to pray for one another. God moves when His people pray.
Romans 8 is amazing! As believers in Jesus, worship the Lord in your group because of these three biblical truths: (1) God loves you. (2) You're more than a conqueror. (3) Nothing will ever separate you from God's love in Christ Jesus. Those biblical foundations change lives.
How can you be assured in this life and in the life to come?
1. It's Appropriate to Ask Questions. Jesus asked many questions. Effective leaders develop skills in asking questions. In your group, take the time to answer the following three questions: (1) Can a follower of Jesus lose his or her salvation? (2) If a believer commits suicide, does he or she go to Heaven or hell? (3) Does God forgive sin?
2. It's Possible to Live Victorious. Living victoriously doesn't mean life is easy. You must be on guard against health and wealth preachers and teachers. You can live a victorious life by being realistic, living dependent, and receiving love. If you're a believer, you're one of God's sheep. Talk about the behavior traits of sheep. Sheep need the loving care and touch of a shepherd.
3. It's Biblical to Stand Convinced. What are you convinced of in life? Will you be able to retire when you desire? Do your kids know that you love them and want God's best for them? Are you confident that God loves you and will never abandon you? Assurance is essential in the Christian life. What does "once saved, always saved" mean and not mean? You can discuss your answers in your group.
Do you know that you know Jesus? A believer's salvation story is powerful. Living with the assurance of salvation is foundational. Why are you assured of knowing Jesus and spending eternity in Heaven? Take a moment and read 1 John 5:13. Can you know that you're saved?
We're praying for you this week. We'd love for you to join us in-person on Sunday if possible. If not possible, we welcome you to connect with us online.
May the Lord of grace and truth bless you with His assurance this week!
View all of the "Breaking Free" Sermon Series Study Guides at
Breaking Free: We’re Desperate
2 Chronicles 7:14-15
How are you praying for our country? A presidential election is months away. Violence seems to be growing in cities and towns across America. Traditional, biblical values are under attack. Many churches struggle to stay healthy and vibrant. The rising numbers related to depression, anxiety, and suicide are troubling.
What's the answer to America's problems?
In your study group, take a moment and read 2 Chronicles 7:14-15. What is God saying to His people? How does His message apply to believers living in 2024?
The Bible is filled with thousands of promises. What's the difference between conditional and unconditional promises? As you discuss your answers, share examples from God's Word of conditional and unconditional promises.
As you study this week's sermon text, here are three foundational principles to study and discuss.
1. Jesus-Centered Conversion. God says, "My people." Most people believe they're going to Heaven. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? As you hear people's testimonies, are their stories self-centered, religious-centered, or Jesus-centered? Jesus is the only way to be saved. Jesus is the Hero of every conversion story. What do the words admit, believe, and confess mean?
2. Spirit-Led Conviction. If you asked most church people, "What's the answer to America's problems," what do you think they'd say? God calls His people to take four actions. In your group, talk about these four words: humble, pray, seek, and turn. How can your church family practice these four biblical commands? God moves when His people obey Him.
3. God-Driven Change. Are your church's programs, activities, and facilities the answer to America's problems? The next statement isn't a Sunday School answer. It's the biblical truth. Jesus is the answer! As God's people obey Him, He promises three consequences. (1) Hear Our Prayers. (2) Forgive Our Sin. (3) Heal Our Land. What do these biblical promises mean?
As you prepare for our nation's birthday on July 4th, will you pause and pray for our country? We're desperate for a fresh touch of the Lord.
In your study group, here are five prayer requests:
1. Pray for your church to be obedient to the Lord and His Word.
2. Pray for elected officials at the national, state, and local levels.
3. Pray for the presidential election in November.
4. Pray for God's people to be salt and light.
5. Pray for a significant downpour of God's Spirit, leading to revival and spiritual awakening.
We hope you'll worship with us this weekend! Our God is worthy!
View all of the "Breaking Free" Sermon Series Study Guides at
Daniel 2:1-49
Breaking Free: I’M CASUAL
Acts 11:19-30
Why are many churches declining and dying? It's painful to see churches exist on "life support." How is your church doing? Is your church growing? Is your church healthy and united? Is your church declining and dying?
The church in Antioch was alive and healthy. God was at work among His people. The gospel was being preached. Lives were being changed. Disciples were being made. Take a moment and talk about what you see God doing in your church.
Casual Christianity is hurting the health and vitality of local churches. God desires for His followers to be committed and surrendered, not casual or nominal.
What practical insights do you see in the church in Antioch? How do they relate to churches today?
1. Embrace Commitment. Believers in Antioch were "all in." Those men and women were committed and surrendered. Is God pleased with your commitment? If everyone in your church attended, gave, and served like you, what would your church be like? Would your church be growing or declining?
2. Reach People. The gospel was being preached in Antioch. If you know Jesus as your personal Savior, you're responsible for reaching people. How are you sharing Jesus' story and your story? Why do you believe most people find it easier to talk about sports, food, or shopping than about Jesus?
3. Welcome Change. Many people turned to the Lord in Antioch. God was on the move and changing lives. Is your church open or closed to change? Change is more than replacing seats in a worship center, a style of music, or the color of carpet and walls. Change is about lives, marriages, families, and churches.
4. Serve Together. Barnabas realized that he couldn't meet all the spiritual needs of the people. He needed help. Barnabas found Saul, and they served together for a whole year. How are people serving together at your church? Is it hard to find workers? How are people being equipped (trained) to serve?
5. Make Disciples. The church in Antioch had a strong teaching ministry. Can you imagine learning God's truth from Barnabas and Saul? How is your church making disciples? How are you growing in your walk with Jesus? Share in your group how you've been taught God's Word and ways.
6. Live Generous. God's people in Antioch lived generous lives. When a need was shared, they gave as God led. Is God generous or stingy? Read the following verses: Philippians 4:19; Ephesians 3:20-21; John 3:16. Are you giving the Lord your best, what’s left over, or what you don’t need?
7. Model Trust. The church in Antioch trusted its pastoral leaders. Are your pastor and ministry team trustworthy? Healthy marriages, families, relationships, and churches require trust. What breaks trust in churches? If trust has been shattered, how can it be repaired? How is trust modeled in your church?
This is our final message in the "Breaking Free" sermon series. We'd love to hear how God has used these sermons to deepen your walk with Him. Please take time to send us an email or comment. We'd love to hear from you.
We hope to worship with you this weekend! We love you and are praying for you!
View all of the "Breaking Free" Sermon Series Study Guides at