Spiritual Giants: Peter

Guest Speaker: Dr. Dan Garland, Retire Lifeway Christian Resources


Spiritual Giants: Noah
Genesis 6:5-14

Have you ever visited the Ark Encounter in Kentucky? That experience helps you understand the life and ministry of Noah. God called him to build an ark, a really big boat. Noah did exactly as God asked. What a step of faith! Are you living by faith or by sight? 

Do you ever feel like you're the only Christian in your family, school, workplace, or neighborhood? Noah walked with God when everyone else followed the world. Many life principles emerge from the life of Noah. 

Discuss the following questions. How does a believer live differently from the world? How does a disciple handle spiritual pressure? How does a Christian hear God's voice? How does a follower of Jesus share the gospel with conviction? How does a father seek to win his family for Jesus? 

What lessons do you learn from Noah's life and ministry? 

1. Model Lives of Integrity, not Lives of Inconsistency. In the Christian life, integrity builds bridges to unbelievers, and inconsistency builds walls with them. Take a moment and discuss why God called Noah to build the ark. The Bible is filled with stories of God doing amazing things with the most unlikely people. How is God using you to do amazing works for His glory? 

2. Live for God's Approval, not the World's Applause. Many people are out of the ministry because they lived and served for the world's applause. Talk about ways a follower of Jesus lives for God's approval, not for the applause of people. Noah knew the will of God. He was to build an ark. Share experiences of how God revealed His will to you. Are you living in God's will now? 

3. Commit to Worship, not Worry about Results. Obedience to God is worship. As Noah built the ark, he worshiped the Lord. He didn't see many results from his preaching. In fact, Noah's life was about his walk with God, and he left the results to the Lord. Can people say that your life is about your walk with God? Are you obeying the Lord and leaving the results to Him? 

As Noah built the ark, God told him to install one door. Noah's family and the animals entered the ark through that one door. There's only one way to be saved and go to Heaven. That way (door) is Jesus Christ (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Have you turned from your sin and placed your faith in Jesus Christ? Have you walked through the door? As of today, the door is still open. We invite you to walk through the door, by turning from your sin and placing your trust in Jesus Christ. If we can help you make that eternal decision, please contact us. 

We hope to see you in worship on Father's Day. God wants to use your life to reach your family and bring Him glory. We're thankful, too, for the many people around the world who worship with us online. 

Have a blessed rest of your week. We hope to see you on Sunday. 

View all of Spiritual Giants Study Guides at fbct.org/spiritualgiants.


Spiritual Giants: Samson
Judges 13:24-25

What would it be like if God put your story in Scripture? Imagine God listing your vices and victories for everyone to read. That's a sobering thought! 

Many individuals in the Bible needed a comeback. Life took a hard turn, and they ended up in a dangerous place. As you read the stories of God's people, you see the grace and patience of God on display. Samson was born with promise, purpose, and potential. However, he made costly decisions and ruined his life. 

Are you fulfilling God's purpose for your life? Do you need to experience a comeback? Do you feel like you've ruined your life? 

Take a few moments and reflect on Samson's life. You'll ruin your life if you do these four actions.    

1. Disrespect the Spiritual Leadership of Your Parents. If you're a mom or dad, are you leading spiritually your family? Discuss what spiritual leadership looks like in your family. Samson rejected the spiritual advice of his parents, and it cost him dearly. If you want to ruin your life, then disrespect the spiritual leadership of your parents. Moms and dads, lead your family as God desires. 

2. Start Drifting in Your Relationship with God. Have you ever drifted in your relationship with God? If so, discuss what caused you to drift. Samson found himself drifting in his relationship with God, leading him to be at a place of compromise. The Bible warns against drifting (Hebrews 2:1). If you're drifting in your walk with God, He's inviting you to return to Him. 

3. Decide that You're Going to Live Self-Centered. It's not about you! Life is about Jesus. Samson lived for himself, not for the Lord or other people. Is our world self-centered? Talk about your answers to that question. People who live for themselves often hurt other people, miss God's best, and end life with regrets. Discuss Bible verses that call God's people to deny themselves.

4. Believe You Can Handle Temptation on Your Own Strength. The average person doesn't play around with snakes. God's Word promises that you'll be tempted (when, not if). Share stories of times when you handled temptation God's way and your way. Samson didn't handle temptation God's way. He paid dearly for his disobedience. Talk about how to handle temptation God's way. 

In the final minutes of this week's sermon, you'll hear five truths about how to overcome a messed-up life. You don't want to miss hearing and applying these biblical truths to your life. 

We hope you'll worship with us on Sunday. We're thankful for you.

Have a blessed weekend!   

View all of Spiritual Giants Study Guides at fbct.org/spiritualgiants.

JUly 2, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Spiritual Giants: Josiah
2 Chronicles 34:1-7

What was your life like when you were eight years old? You may say, "My life was about toys, games, spending time with friends, and eating macaroni and cheese." Can you imagine leading the country when you were eight years old? 

Josiah was an incredible young man. He was a powerful, godly leader, even at such a young age. As you study God's Word, you discover that God loves to use young people. Take a few moments to talk about how God used Joseph, David, Daniel, Mary, and Josiah. How does God want to use the next generation of our day? 

What does the life and leadership of Josiah teach you? 

1. Live Different from the World. Josiah lived a life that pleased God. For the next few moments, take off your "mask" and be honest with God and a few other people. Are you living a life that's pleasing to God? Discuss your answer to that question. Living differently from the world isn't easy, comfortable, or popular. However, it's expected from your Savior and Lord. 

2. Initiate Change as God Leads. Many Baptists don't like the idea of change. It's one thing to be confronted with change. It's another thing to initiate change. Josiah was an initiator of change. Take another moment and lean into an honest discussion. What needs to change in your life? What must change in your marriage and family? What should change in your church? 

3. Obey Scripture with Heartfelt Devotion. Have you ever discovered a treasure? If so, what was it? An individual close to Josiah found the Book of the Law, God's Word. In Josiah's day, what happened when the Word of God was discovered? God's Word changed people's lives. Take the next few minutes and share how you read and study God's Word. How is the Bible changing your life?

In preparation for this week's message, pray for God to use you like He did Josiah. If you have kids or grandkids, take time now to pray for them by name. You can ask your heavenly Father to save them, grow them, and use them. God changes lives when we pray. 

We hope you'll worship with us this weekend. We'd love to see you in-person. If that's not possible, we're always blessed by your participation online.    

Have a blessed rest of your week. May we make much of Jesus this weekend! 

View all of Spiritual Giants Study Guides at fbct.org/spiritualgiants.

JUly 9, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Spiritual Giants: David
2 Samuel 6:16-19

What comes to your mind when you think of David...God's shepherd boy and Israel's king? Many people think about his battle with Goliath or his inappropriate relationship with Bathsheba. Without debate, those are familiar and powerful stories. You might comment about David being a man after God's own heart. David is a significant personality in God's story. 

Have you ever sought to do the right thing only the wrong way? Talk about those answers. This week's sermon focuses on David bringing the ark of God back to Jerusalem. He sought to do the right thing. However, he used the wrong method. It's imperative for God's people to focus on the unchanging message, the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's vital, too, for God's servants to consider methods.  Doing the right thing the right way matters to God.

1. Pay Attention to the Small Details. God's servants need to pay attention to small details. Many marriages are destroyed by "little foxes" (Song of Solomon 2:15). How was the ark of God supposed to be moved? Did God care about the small details? David, doing the right thing the wrong way, cost a man his life. What small things in life do you need to focus on? 

2. Allow Biblical Truth to Influence Life. Who or what influences you? Take a few moments and talk about your answers. Companies spend mega-dollars every year to influence you...what you wear, what you buy, where you live, or what you eat. Spend the next several minutes discussing these questions. Does your disobedience affect (influence) other people? Does absolute truth exist?     

3. Commit to Giving God the Best. How do you define worship? Is it about music, or do you see worship as a lifestyle? As you worship the true and living God, are you giving Him your best? Take time now and talk about what that looks like for you. David's worship was expressive; he was a witness; and he received criticism. What is worshiping the Lord costing you?

David's life reveals the goodness and grace of God. If you've sought to do the right thing the wrong way, this week's message is for you. 

We invite you to worship with us in-person. Being connected to God's people is beautiful. We'd love for you to be our special guest this week. If you're not able to be in the worship center, we're thankful that you connect with us online. Even watching online, you can sing, take notes, give tithes and offerings, and make decisions for Jesus. We'd love to hear from you.  

Have a blessed rest of your week. We'll see you on Sunday.  

View all of Spiritual Giants Study Guides at fbct.org/spiritualgiants.

JUly 16, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Spiritual Giants: A Samaritan Woman
John 4:39-42

What's your story? You may ask, "What do you mean?" What was your life like before Jesus saved you? When did you place your faith in Him and receive His forgiveness? How is Jesus growing you and using you to build His kingdom? You have a story. Take time in your group to answer those questions and share your story. 

Most people love to share good news. You found the sale of a lifetime. You spread the word as fast as you can. You ate at an unbelievable restaurant. You post a glowing review online. You and your family experience the perfect vacation spot. You tell all of your family members and friends about your new favorite place on the planet. Good news makes us smile and gives us hope. When was the last time you shared the Good News of Jesus? If it's been weeks or months, why are you silent about the greatest news in human history?  

In today's biblical story, we meet a Samaritan Woman. Her life had ups and downs. She met Jesus on an ordinary day, and He changed her life and her story forever. Jesus used her to reach other people. Talk about how Jesus is using you and your story. 

1. Do We Love Lost People? That's a relevant question. Jesus left Heaven and came to this earth. He took on human flesh. He lived a perfect, sinless life. He died a horrifying death on the cross. He experienced victory by being raised from the dead on the third day. Jesus is alive! Jesus loves lost people. Discuss how believers today can show love to lost people. 

2. How Do We Reach Non-Christians? College football is a major sport in America. Most people are passionate about their team. Championship football teams must play both offense and defense. Players can't stay in the huddle. As God's people gather on Sundays, we must leave the huddle (building) and have gospel conversations. What's your strategy to reach non-Christians?

3. Can Jesus Use Our Stories? God doesn't only use pastors, missionaries, and preachers. He uses common, ordinary people (Acts 4:13). In Bible days, Jesus called and used fishermen and tax collectors. He used their lives and their stories. What are you doing with your life? What are you doing with your story? Have you surrendered them to Jesus for Him to use? 

Your seasons of misery could be your greatest platform for ministry. That's what Romans 8:28 looks like in life. God wants to use you! 

We hope you'll join us in worship on Sunday. We'd love to see you in-person if possible. If that's not possible, we invite you to worship with us online. 

As we worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples, the Lord is changing lives and growing His church.     

We love you! Have a blessed rest of your week. We'll see you on Sunday. 

View all of Spiritual Giants Study Guides at fbct.org/spiritualgiants.

JUly 23, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Spiritual Giants: Paul
Acts 22:6-16

Is your life about you or the Lord? Are you seeking the kingdom of God first (Matthew 6:33)? How well do you know the Lord, and have you asked Him what you're to do in life? 

Those opening questions relate to Paul. What do you need to know about the Lord's servant? His life changed radically on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). Using biblical language, he was saved. Paul went from death to life. The Lord gave him a spiritual heartbeat. Exclusively from God's call, Paul became a pastor, preacher, church planter, missionary, spiritual father, and author. The Holy Spirit used him to write a great deal of the New Testament. How many of Paul's New Testament writings can you name? 

What do you need to learn from Paul's testimony? 

1. Understand How God Works. Take a few moments and discuss how people limit God and His work. Paul realized that the Lord is always at work. His activity isn't limited by time or space. Due to Paul's availability, the Lord used his story. Take a moment and lean into this next statement. The Lord wants to use you and your story. Are you available for the Lord to use? 

2. Spend Time with God. Do you love the Lord? Are you spending time with Him? Are you giving the Lord the best time of your day? Paul's relationship with the Lord was intimate, meaning close and personal. If you're going to live close to the Lord, you'll need to practice the spiritual disciplines of the Christian faith, you'll need to love what the Lord loves, and you'll need to talk with Him. 

3. Do Everything God Asks. That sounds like an easy sentence. Are you doing everything the Lord asks? Most people could say, "I'm doing a few things. I'm doing most things." Paul's life and words testified that he did everything the Lord asked. In Christ, Paul was "all in." Are you living a generous life with open hands? Are you craving biblical truth? Are you connected with God's people? 

Paul was a spiritual giant. Take time now to talk more about Paul's life and ministry. Discuss these three statements, using your personal story. (1) Here is my conversion story. (2) Here is how my faith is growing. (3) Here is how the Lord is using me. 

Thank you for studying God's Word with us. We hope to see you in worship on Sunday either in-person or online.             

As a church, if we can serve you or pray for you, please reach out to us. We're available for the Lord to use. 

We love you!  

View all of Spiritual Giants Study Guides at fbct.org/spiritualgiants.


Spiritual Giants: Epaphras
Colossians 4:12-13

How are you praying for the Lord's church? History affirms that God moves when His people pray. If you're involved in a local church, how do you see God working in your church? Give specific examples of God's activity. 

Many people serve the Lord on a platform. People know their names and faces. However, many other people serve in obscurity. People don't always know their names or their faces. Thank the Lord for the many prayer warriors. These men and women serve (and pray) for an audience of One, the Lord Jesus Christ. Can you name any modern-day prayer warriors? If so, take a few minutes and talk about their lives and influence on your life. 

Epaphras was a prayer warrior. Paul commented on his life and ministry in Colossians 4. God used his prayer life to strengthen the church and disciple believers. What lessons do you learn from the life of Epaphras?

1. The Hearts of Members Must Be Right. Many people confess to being believers, yet they stay away from the Lord's church. God calls His people to fellowship with one another (Hebrews 10:25). Consumerism is limiting the church's effectiveness and potential. Epaphras was a servant. How are you serving Jesus and His church? How can the church disciple more servants? 

2. The Behavior of Members Must Be Consistent. Is God pleased with your involvement in the church (attending, giving, serving, praying, etc.)? Epaphras served God's people with devotion and perseverance. He could teach a class on developing and implementing a prayer ministry. How has your life been touched and changed because of praying people? 

3. The Prayers of Members Must Be Specific. As you pray, do you pray more in general or specific ways? Do you pray for the lost, or do you pray for a lost person by name? Epaphras prayed specifically for God's people. As you pray, whom do you need to pray for in a specific way? Please take a piece of paper and write down specific groups or names whom you need to pray for now. 

FBC Clarksville is having a 24-hour season of prayer on August 19-20. You can sign-up and find more details at www.fbct.org. People are being asked to come to the Grace Worship Center and pray for an hour. If you're in the area, we invite you to participate and see God move in your life and in the fellowship of His church. 

We hope you'll join us in-person for this final message in our sermon series. You can always listen to or watch previous worship gatherings online.

Thank you for worshiping with us each week, and a special thank you to the many people who support our online ministry with your prayers, encouragement, and gifts. The Lord is using you! 

Have a blessed rest of your week!              

View all of Spiritual Giants Study Guides at fbct.org/spiritualgiants.