Soul Care: I Didn’t Do It My Way
Psalm 23:1

How is your marriage? How is your time with your kids? How is your career? How are your finances? Let me ask you another deeper, spiritual question. How is your soul? 

Psalm 23 may be one of the most recognized chapters in the Bible. This intimate Word continues to be a comfort for individuals needing hope, healing, and help. 

Do you know the Lord as your Shepherd? Are you living a life of contentment? 

1. Understand that the Shepherd Protects. Can you recall a situation, and then thank the Lord for a time, when the Lord protected you, your family, or our church? David recalled many times when the Lord protected him as a shepherd boy and as a king. How intimately do you know the Good Shepherd? 

2. Rejoice that the Shepherd Positions. How are you listening to the Shepherd's voice and following His leadership? The Lord cares for you. David knew the needs of his sheep. He placed them in the right places at the right time. How is the Good Shepherd working in your life?             

3. Trust that the Shepherd Provides. How does God provide for you? How does He provide for our church? David lived a life of contentment. He knew the Shepherd would meet his every need. What does the Bible say about living a life of contentment? Are you content in life? If not, what needs to change? 

Our pastor's new sermon series is a timely Word from the Lord. As we live out 2023, we need to know the Lord as our Shepherd, and we need to live lives of contentment. 

We'd love to see you in worship this coming Sunday. If you're unable to join us in-person, then we invite you to worship with us online. 

May this be the year that we focus on the health of our souls!   

God's blessings to you and your family in 2023!       

View all of the Soul Care Study Guides at fbct.org/soulcare.


Soul Care: Follow the Leader
Psalm 23:2

Do you ever find yourself tired, exhausted, or fatigued? Is resting a hard behavior for you? 

The American lifestyle says that we should work 24/7. Electronic devices make it hard to disconnect and pull away. Please know, God's rhythm of life is different than the world's rhythm of life. God calls His people to rest and take a break. It's not a sin to take a nap (Amen!).    

David said that the shepherd makes his sheep lie down, and he leads them beside still waters. It's hard for sheep to rest, and it's necessary for sheep to find clean water to drink. 

What do we know about the Shepherd from Psalm 23:2? How does the Shepherd lead His sheep? 

1. The Shepherd Strengthens the Tired. How much time do you spend in "green pastures?" Has the Lord ever made you rest? A shepherd knows that his sheep need rest. Jesus, in a conversation with His disciples, led them to a desolate place where they could rest (Mark 6:30-32). What practical steps do you need to take that will help you rest and have margin in life? 

2. The Shepherd Supplies the Thirsty. Do you ever struggle in life over wants and needs? A loving shepherd always supplies what the sheep need, not always what they want. Paul said that the Good Shepherd always supplies the needs of His sheep (Philippines 4:19). When the Shepherd leads you to "still waters," what happens when you're there? 

If you're tired or have needs in life, this message is for you. We hope you'll join us in worship this coming Sunday. 

As you worship with us, we challenge you to memorize the 23rd Psalm. You can do it. Hiding God's Word in your heart is a discipline that protects you from the personal attacks of your spiritual enemy.  

We're praying for you! 

View all of the Soul Care Study Guides at fbct.org/soulcare.


Soul Care: Fill Me Up, Please!
Psalm 23:3

What do you know about sheep? God refers to His people as sheep over 200 times in the Bible. For starters, here are three facts about sheep. (1) Sheep aren't smart. (2) Sheep aren't clean. (3) Sheep aren't strong

If sheep are going to survive, they need to follow the leadership of their shepherd. David said, "The Lord is my shepherd." Can you say the Lord is your Shepherd? If not, please pause at this moment and ask Jesus to save you and change your life. You want to be one of His sheep. 

In Psalm 23:3, David talked about restoration. His soul needed to be restored. How is your soul? Are you healthy? Do you need to be restored? 

1. Experience the Shepherd's Restoration. David was a man after God's own heart. However, he didn't handle temptation God's way, leading him to crash spiritually in life. It's dangerous for sheep to be in a cast position, and it's common for sheep to drift and become lost from the flock. Sheep need to be restored. Are you living near and intimate with the Good Shepherd? 

2. Follow the Shepherd's Leadership. In Israel, the shepherd leads, and the sheep follow. How does the Good Shepherd lead you? Are you a good follower? The enemy does all he can to tempt you to follow your own ways in life. You know better how to navigate your life than God does. That's a lie from the pit of hell. Are you walking in paths of righteousness? Are you on the wrong road? 

3. Glorify the Shepherd's Name. Is it okay for a Christian to use foul language? Names are personal. You don't want someone to forget or mispronounce your name. Are you careful how you speak God's name? You should never take the Lord's name in vain. As the worship song states, His name is beautiful, wonderful, and powerful. How do you glorify the Lord's name?

God is using this sermon series to change lives, restore souls, and provide comfort. 

If you're able, we'd love for you to join us in-person for worship. We'd love to meet you and serve you. If you worship with us online, we'd love to hear from you. How may we pray for you? Where are you watching from? Can you say the Lord is your Shepherd? 

Have a blessed week. We look forward to worshiping with you this weekend. 

View all of the Soul Care Study Guides at fbct.org/soulcare.


Soul Care: There’s Nothing to Fear
Psalm 23:4

What do you fear in life? Many people fear spiders, snakes, heights, public speaking, or death. 

The Psalmist declared, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." God has used Psalm 23:4 to comfort many people. What does this verse mean to you? How have David's words changed your life?  

1. Take Comfort in the Shepherd's Peace. In Israel, there's an actual valley called "The Shadow of Death." This is a deep, dangerous, and dark valley. David understood valleys in life. Do you remember walking in a deep, dark valley in your life? How long were you in the valley? What did the Lord teach you? How did the Lord work to replace your fear with His peace?      

2. Stay Calm in the Shepherd's Presence. As David spent time in the darkest valley of his life, he shared a profound truth. The Shepherd was with him. David changed pronouns for the Shepherd in Psalm 23:4. David started talking with the Shepherd. Is it easy or hard for you to be honest with the Lord? Do you know how to pray God's way? The Lord is with you and wants to talk with you.  

3. Remain Confident in the Shepherd's Protection. A shepherd possessed two tools for his trade, a rod, and a staff. He used the rod and the staff for defense and direction. Psalm 23 is filled with verbs. The shepherd had many responsibilities. He led, guided, and protected his flock. He was always around sheep. How has the Lord protected you, your family, or our church?   

We're praying for an incredible Sunday in worship. We'd love for you to worship with us in-person or online. 

As the weekend comes, whom do you need to invite to worship with you? Your invitation could be what God uses to change a person's life. The person you invite hears the gospel, confesses his or her sin, and experiences God's amazing grace in Jesus Christ. The Good Shepherd is still saving people! 

We're praying for you. Hope to see you on Sunday.  

View all of the Soul Care Study Guides at fbct.org/soulcare.


Soul Care: What to Do When the Going Gets Tough
Psalm 23:5

Many people disagree about politics and religion. However, most people tend to get in the same boat when the topic deals with the toughness of life. Life is hard. Do you agree with that sentence? 

Jesus promised His followers that they would experience abundant lives (John 10:10). However, He never said that His disciples would enjoy easy lives. What troubles are you currently facing in life? What do you do when the going gets tough? 

Psalm 23:5 states, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." What does this verse mean to you? 

1. Ask the Shepherd to Satisfy Your Hunger. Sheep are always thinking about food. Being a shepherd is hard work. It's an around-the-clock job. Sheep cannot survive without a shepherd. Are you sitting at the Lord's table or at the world's table? How can you tell the difference between the two tables? The Lord calls His followers to hunger and thirst for righteousness.       

2. Allow the Shepherd to Soothe Your Hurts. Anointing someone with oil was common in the Old and New Testaments. In reference to sheep, why was oil used? What is a sheep's worst enemy? Can you identify two or three hurts in your life? How are you dealing with those pains or wounds? Are you seeking the care of the Good Shepherd as a first response or as a last resort? 

3. Approach the Shepherd to Saturate Your Heart. David testified that his cup was overflowing. Is your cup overflowing or empty? What's necessary for your cup to overflow? Sheep need to stay close to the shepherd. Intimacy with the shepherd leads to protection and provision. How is the Good Shepherd protecting you? How is He providing for you?      

As a church family, we know that life is tough. We realize that you're facing battles and anxieties. We know that you're searching for help and relief. Jesus loves you. He knows your struggles. He cares for you. He invites you to come to Him. 

Our desire in worship is to lift up Jesus! We'd love for you to worship with us in-person or online. 

Please reach out to us if we can serve you or pray for you. We hope to meet you this weekend. 

Grace and Peace!   

View all of the Soul Care Study Guides at fbct.org/soulcare.


Soul Care: There’s No Place Like Home
Psalm 23:6

Do you enjoy relaxing vacations in the mountains or at the beach? It's healthy to get away, allowing you time to rest, relax, and reflect. However, have you ever said after a few days away, "This place is nice and comfortable, but there's no place like home?" 

In Psalm 23:6, David talked about home for believers. He said, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." As you know, there's no place like home. 

1. Consider the Shepherd's Faithful Dedication. The Good Shepherd is faithful. He'll fulfill every promise He makes. He pursues you in your life. His goodness and mercy shall never end. Being a shepherd is hard work. A loving shepherd will often use undershepherds to help him lead, guide, and protect his flock. How are you following the Good Shepherd? How are you serving His sheep? The Lord saved you to follow Him and serve His people.  

2. Celebrate the Sheep's Final Destination. Do you know that you'll spend eternity in Heaven? If so, share why you have assurance. What's your conversion story? David's story was personal. He said, "I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." The Bible gives many insights into Heaven. However, as the contemporary song states, "I Can Only Imagine" many things about the glories of Heaven.   

If you're not sure that you'll spend eternity in Heaven, we'd love to hear from you. We'd love to use God's Word and share with you how a person knows Jesus and goes to Heaven. Please call us or send us a direct message. We'll contact you and have a no-pressure gospel conversation with you.

We hope you'll join us for worship this Sunday. This is the final message in our pastor's Soul Care Sermon Series.

How has the Lord used this sermon series in your life and in your walk with Him? We'd love to hear from you.        

Have a wonderful rest of your week. We're praying for you as we worship the Good Shepherd on Sunday.

View all of the Soul Care Study Guides at fbct.org/soulcare.