The Missing Peace: A Wealthy Man 
Luke 19:1-10

Peace! Shalom!

How many people are missing peace? In Luke 19, Jesus encountered a wealthy man. Zacchaeus had the world's stuff. However, he lacked peace. It's possible to be at the top of your profession, and have plenty of money, only to say, "I'm missing peace."

If you lack peace in life, this sermon series is for you.

1. Consider What Happens When People are Determined. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. What obstacles did he face in doing so? What are you determined to be or do in life? The enemy will do all he can to keep you from Jesus. You need to be determined to draw near to the Prince of Peace.

2. Realize That People are Faced with Decisions. How many decisions have you already made today? As Jesus traveled through Jericho, He saw Zacchaeus sitting up in a tree. Jesus asked him to make a decision. What financial decisions are you facing? What spiritual decisions are before you?

3. Watch Jesus Change People to be Different. Why did Jesus build a relationship with Zacchaeus? Why does He relate with us? Jesus left Heaven and came to this earth to change normal people. When did you repent and trust Jesus as your personal Savior? How are you following Jesus as your Lord?

As you draw near to Christmas, we hope you'll worship with us every week. If you're missing peace, our prayer is for you to confess your need and receive "The Missing Peace." His name is Jesus!

We'd love to pray for you. Please feel free to connect with us at FBC Clarksville.

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The Missing Peace: A Troubled Soul
Psalm 51:1-17

David was a man after God's own heart. The Lord used him as a shepherd boy and as a king. However, you and I need to grasp a sobering truth. If David could fall spiritually, no one is immune.

Following his spiritual collapse, David lived with a troubled soul. He lacked joy and peace. David cried out to God for his soul to be renewed and revived.

1. Looking Inward Leads to Confession. David knew that he had sinned. Confession is agreeing with God (1 John 1:9) and often opens the door for a mighty move of God. What sins do you need to confess? Have you ever asked the Lord to search your heart (Psalm 139:23)?

2. Looking Upward Leads to Forgiveness. History books record times when God moved in cities and on university campuses. Many of the world's great revivals started with confession and a heart cry for forgiveness. What do you know about the Lord? Do you need to ask Him for forgiveness?

3. Looking Outward Leads to Discipleship. David's confession and God's forgiveness caused him to live focused on other people. He desired for God to use him. Do you see the spiritual needs of other people? Are you asking God to use you?

David's life teaches us many lessons that we need to know and apply. A teachable spirit is foundational in the Christian life.

If your soul is troubled, and you lack peace, we pray that you'll join us this weekend in worship. David's life testifies that a troubled soul can find "The Missing Peace."

We're praying for you! May we make much of the Prince of Peace this weekend!

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The Missing Peace: A Perplexed Couple
Matthew 1:18-25

How is your marriage relationship going? If you're dating someone, how is that relationship developing? What do you do when you find yourself perplexed in a relationship?

God's Word is real to life. Mary and Joseph were a devoted couple. Each of them walked faithfully to the Lord and obediently with one another.

1. Accept that Relationships aren't Easy to Understand. Mary and Joseph's relationship received news that perplexed them. Mary was expecting a baby. How could this be? What's the current reality of your relationship? How are you presently responding to that reality?

2. Learn How to Listen as God Speaks. Our God isn't silent. God had a Word for Mary and Joseph. When God speaks, He is always personal, and, when he speaks, He always has a purpose. What is God saying to you? What is He asking you to do?

3. Live Regret Free by Doing What God Says. Mary and Joseph did exactly what God asked. This precious couple lived before the Lord and one another regret-free. As you evaluate your relationships, do you love one another, are you investing time together, and are you obeying the Lord?

Every relationship needs help. We hope you'll join us in-person or online this week for this timely message.

If we can pray for you, please feel free to reach out to us. It's our honor to serve you and your family.

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The Missing Peace: A Fearful Crew
Mark 4:35-41

Speaking in public is a top fear for many people. Public speakers need to know their audience. As you read this study guide, you're in one of three categories. (1) You're in a storm. (2) You've come through a storm. (3) You're headed into a storm (often without warning).

What storms have you been through in life? How did Jesus calm you in the storm or calm the storm?

1. Storms Cause Us to Realize Jesus is Nearby. How many of you have heard a storm siren going off? What are you and I aware of in life? Are you growing in your relationship with Jesus? Jesus and His disciples were caught in a violent storm. The storm caused Jesus' followers to realize He was nearby.

2. Storms Lead us to Ask Jesus for Help. What words are hard for you to say? Have you ever been desperate in life? When was the last time you asked Jesus for help? The disciples were desperate, meaning they thought they were going to die. Those men opened their mouths and asked Jesus for help.

3. Storms Allow Us to See Jesus at Work. What do you love to see? What do you know about Jesus? When was the last time you saw Jesus at work? Jesus' disciples had a front-row seat to see Him at work. Jesus spoke to the wind and waves. Chaos and crisis turned into calmness at the sound of Jesus' voice.

How should you and I respond to storms? At the end of this message, our pastor will answer that question with seven words of application. We hope you'll join us for this special Christmas Eve worship service at 5:00 pm in the Grace Worship Center.

Merry Christmas from Pastor Ronny, the staff, and the entire church family at FBC Clarksville!
Luke 2:1-20

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