The Lord’s Prayer: Panic or Pray

Matthew 6:5-8

Can you quote the Lord's Prayer? Take time in your study group to read the Lord's Prayer together (use the KJV translation if possible). Read Matthew 6:5-14.

When life takes an unexpected turn, how do you respond? Do you panic or pray? You hear bad news from your doctor. You receive a pink slip from your employer. Your son or daughter resists your leadership. Jesus calls His followers to pray, not panic.   

Jesus' disciples requested Him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). Have you ever asked the Lord to teach you to pray? If so, share what He taught you with your study group. Your insights will bless and teach other people.

Why are many people and churches praying less and less? Discuss your answers with your group. 

As you begin this study of the Lord's Prayer, what does Jesus want to teach you? Here are several biblical principles that relate to your life: 

1. Jesus Commands His Disciples. Jesus said, "When you pray, not if you pray." He gave His followers three imperatives in His model prayer. Can you name the three imperatives (verses 5-8)? Take the time to discuss them, and share practical ways to apply them in your walk with the Lord. Intimacy with Jesus is at the heart of the Lord's Prayer. How is your intimacy with the Lord? 

2. Jesus Warns His Disciples. Jesus expects His followers to be different from people in the world. As you pray, your words and behaviors need to honor the Lord. What does He say to do in the Lord's Prayer? What does He say not to do in the model prayer? You're not praying to be seen; you're not praying to fulfill a religious duty; and you're not praying with a selfish agenda. 

3. Jesus Teaches His Disciples. Jesus knew how to relate with and teach His followers. He used simple words and precepts with deep theological meaning. Are you teachable? Jesus taught His disciples from personal experience. He was a man of prayer. Read and discuss the following verses in your group: Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12, and John 17. 

Prayer is essential in the Christian life. May the Lord use this sermon series to deepen your intimacy with the Lord and other people. 

We hope you'll join us in worship on Sunday. We're excited to see how the Lord will use His Word to develop your prayer life. 

Have a blessed time in your study of the Lord's Prayer...alone or with your group.

View all of the "The Lord’s Prayer" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/thelordsprayer.


The Lord’s Prayer: WORRY OR WORSHIP

Matthew 6:9
Do you struggle with worry? If so, what are you worried about at this moment? Many people worry about their appearance, marriage, family, career, or health. The Lord's Prayer is about worship, not worry. 

Talk about the prayer life of Jesus. Share biblical references of Jesus praying. Discuss foundational "best practices" for Jesus' prayer life. For example, He prayed all night; He prayed in a solitary place; He prayed before making major decisions; He prayed before eating; and He prayed by Himself and with other people. 

Before you proceed in this week's study, read the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6) and worship the Lord in prayer for a few minutes. How can you and your group magnify the Lord? Prayer begins with a biblical view of God. 

1. Proclaim the Way of Salvation. Do you have a teachable spirit? As you pray, are you aware of His presence? Prayer begins with the greatness of God, not your concerns or wants. To repeat the words "Our Father," you must know Jesus as your Savior and comprehend the spiritual value of His church. You're not alone in the Christian life. God created you for community and fellowship. 

2. Anticipate the Splendor of Heaven. Take a moment and read Colossians 3:1-4. What's it like living in your city/community? You may identify positive and negative realities. What's Heaven going to be like? Here's a glorious truth. You can't say one negative thing about Heaven (Revelation 21:1-4). Are you confident that you're going to Heaven? If not, trust Him. If so, thank Him. 

3. Declare the Holiness of God. What does the word, "Hallowed" mean? What's the theological significance behind the word, "Name?" How do you feel when you hear the Lord's name used in a casual, profane way? Do you need to stop using His name in a way that doesn't glorify or honor Him? Why did the Jewish people refrain from speaking the Lord's name? Share with your group.

Life is often messy, even for believers. You have a choice to make when you're facing a crisis or storm. You can worry or worship. As you personalize the Lord's Prayer, He's calling you to worship, not worry. You can trust Him. He's faithful. His mercies are new every morning. You can praise the Lord. 

We hope you'll worship with us on Sunday. Whether in person or online, may the name of the Lord be exalted. He is worthy to be worshiped.  

We're praying for you, and we love you! 

View all of the "The Lord’s Prayer" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/thelordsprayer.


The Lord’s Prayer: FORCE OR FLOW

Matthew 6:10

A common question in life relates to God's will. "How can I discover and know God's will?" 

In Matthew 6:10, Jesus said, "Your kingdom come, your will be done." How have you discovered God's will in your life (career, purchase, relationship, ministry assignment, etc.)? What is God's will for your church and nation? Share your answers in your study group.  

How do you explain God's revealed will and His specific will? 

1. Your Worship. The heart of worship is the Lord, not music style, church traditions, or personal preferences. The Lord's Prayer opens with adoration of the Lord God Almighty. Worship begins with God's revelation and then your response. How do you discover God's revelation? How are you obeying the Lord's leadership? Is the Lord pleased with your approach to worship? 

2. Your Repentance. The word repentance isn't used much today. It's a great word. The word means to change directions. What message did John the Baptist preach in the wilderness (Matthew 3:2)? What was Jesus' message following His baptism and temptation (Matthew 4:17)? What happens when repentance takes place? How do you need to repent? Is repentance needed in your church?

3. Your Surrender. In the Bible, you'll discover two gardens: The Garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane. Talk about the biblical significance of these two places. Is your life surrendered to the Lord? Take a moment and read Romans 12:1-2. Are you offering your body (your life) as a living sacrifice? Have you surrendered your life to God's will (salvation, discipleship, ministry, etc.)? 

How do you discover God's will? 

Take several minutes in your group and talk about the following four truths. How do each of these help you to know and do God's will? 

1. God's Written Word. 

2. God's Holy Spirit.

3. God's Redeemed People.

4. God's Spiritual Peace.          

As you finish your group time, pray the Lord's Prayer together. 

We're praying for you this week. We'd love for you to join us on Sunday in worship...in person or online. The Lord is changing lives at FBC Clarksville.  

Have a blessed rest of your week!

View all of the "The Lord’s Prayer" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/thelordsprayer.



Matthew 6:11

As you begin this week's study, take a few minutes and read the following Bible verses (John 3:16; Ephesians 3:20-21; Philippians 4:13). What do these verses reveal about the nature of the Lord God Almighty? Have someone in your group pray and thank the Lord that He's generous, not stingy. 

This portion of the Lord's Prayer is only seven words. "Give us this day our daily bread." Is this a common prayer for people in your country? If it is or isn't, share your answers. In Bible days, God's people would have prayed this prayer every day. 

What biblical truths do you see in this week's text? 

1. A Collective Request. It's important to pray alone, but it's also imperative to pray with other people. How do you begin your day? Do you begin your day in prayer? Do you and your spouse (or family) pray together? As you pray, you're having a conversation with the heavenly Father. He protects and provides for HIs children. As you pray with other people, what are you asking God to do? 

2. A Profound Dependence. What have you asked God to do today? In today's biblical text, what does the word "today" mean? The Greek word for today is used infrequently in the New Testament. When used, the focus is on "each day" and "what you need." Are you living dependent on the Lord? As you pray this prayer, remember this truth, ss you need food every day, you need God every day.  

3. A Generous Father. You can't outgive God. He's generous. In your group, take a few moments and discuss the following two questions. (1) How does God love you? (2) How has God blessed you? Share a personal testimony of a time when you experienced God's generosity. What did God do? How did He provide? What was your response to His generosity? 

"Give us this day our daily bread," says that God provides what you need, not what you want. Pause now and thank Him for meeting your needs. 

As Thanksgiving Day draws near, it's helpful to count your many blessings. One blessing from the Lord is His church. You're welcome to worship with us on Sunday...in person or online.

If you're not able to join us in person, you're welcome to worship with us by live stream on Sunday. You can find the link at www.fbct.org/livestream

We're praying for you. We hope to see you on Sunday.     


View all of the "The Lord’s Prayer" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/thelordsprayer.



Matthew 6:12

What comes to mind when you hear the word, "debts?" Take the time now to discuss your answers. Many people know firsthand the reality of financial debt, meaning they have house payments, car loans, or student loans. 

As you open the pages of God's Word, you see another kind of debt. It's called spiritual debt. You've sinned against God (Romans 3:23). As a gracious and good heavenly Father, He promises forgiveness (1 John 1:9). 

Talk about and reflect on these statements about forgiveness:

  • Forgiveness is needed

  • Forgiveness is available

  • Forgiveness is offered 

1. A Gracious Father. What do you know about God? Read the following Bible verses: Exodus 34:6-7; Lamentations 3:22-23. What do those verses reveal? God loves you (John 3:16). When you think of God as a gracious Father, you must consider His grace, mercy, and forgiveness. How have you experienced Him as a gracious Father? Share your experiences with your group. 

2. A Powerful Plea. Martin Luther said, "I look at myself and say, 'What a sinner.' I look at Jesus and say, 'What a Savior.'" Discuss these statements about sin: (1) Sin separates you from God (Romans 6:23). (2) Sin hinders your fellowship with God (Psalm 51). You need to understand confession and forgiveness. How have you practiced confession and experienced forgiveness?

3. A Mature Behavior. Obeying God's call to take the gospel to the nations requires maturity. Forgiving people who've hurt or wounded you demands maturity, too. How do you define forgiveness? Read John 8:32 and John 8:36 in your group. Are you living free in Jesus? Is your forgiveness of other people conditional or unconditional? How has Jesus forgiven you?  

Before you wrap up your group time this week, talk about the consequences of unforgiveness. You can answer the following questions. 

1. How does unforgiveness affect your Father's reputation and glory? 

2. What does unforgiveness do to the Lord's church, your local church? 

3. In what ways does unforgiveness affect your evangelistic witness to other people?

4. How does unforgiveness delight your enemy, your spiritual adversary?  

Please know that FBC Clarksville is thankful for you. We always invite you to worship with us in person on Sundays. If that's not possible, we welcome you to connect with us by live stream or on one of our social media platforms. We're thankful for you! 

Have a fruitful time of study and prayer this week! 

View all of the "The Lord’s Prayer" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/thelordsprayer.



Matthew 6:13

Living a faithful Christian life requires accountability. 

You can be sure of these three truths: (1) The enemy is coming after you. He wants to destroy your life, character, marriage, family, and church. (2) You're not as strong as you think you are. Take a moment and talk about the lives of Samson, Solomon, and David. What do you learn from those men about temptation? (3) You must handle temptation God's way. How did Jesus overcome temptation? Are you handling temptation God's way? 

Take the time now and read the Lord's Prayer. Pause and think about the phrase, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

What do you need to know about temptation? 

1. Temptation is Real. Do you know the spiritual difference between "if" and "when?" Jesus assured His followers that temptation was going to come. As you study God's Word, you know that Jesus, Joseph, and David faced temptation. Discuss the way the three of them handled temptation. What lessons do you need to learn and apply in your life? Share your insights with your group. 

2. Satan is Responsible. If your football team has a horrible season, who is responsible? If your business loses money, who is responsible? If your church fails to grow, who is responsible? What do you know about temptation? Who is responsible? Have someone in your group read James 1:13-15. Satan is your foe, not your friend. Read and discuss John 10:10 and 1 Peter 5:8.       

3. God is Ready. When you're tempted, God isn't going to abandon you. He isn't going to leave you feeling helpless. How does God equip you to overcome temptation, the enemy's lies, tricks, and snares? Read and discuss 1 Corinthians 10:13. God promises a way of escape when tempted. How can you know God's escape plan? Share personal illustrations if you can. 

Please talk about these five questions in your study group: 

1. What did Joseph mean when he said, "How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God" (Genesis 39:9)?

2. What does it look like to be intimate with the Lord (Genesis 39:2, 21)?  

3. How can you invest time in the spiritual disciplines of the Christian life (Matthew 4:1-11)?

4. When was the last time you asked the Holy Spirit to perform soul surgery on you (Psalm 139:23-24)?   

5. Do you need to confess to God that you haven't handled temptation His way (Psalm 32 and Psalm 51)? 

As your study group ends this week, take the time to discuss this question. How should you handle temptation? It's wise to write down your insights. Your list should equip you to handle temptation God's way.

We're praying for you this week. Thank you for connecting with us and digging into God's Word.

We hope to worship with you this weekend.

View all of the "The Lord’s Prayer" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/thelordsprayer.


The Lord’s Prayer: HERE OR HEREAFTER

Matthew 6:13

This week's study begins with three questions for your discussion: 

1. Are you building God's kingdom? 

2. Are you serving by God's power? 

3. Are you living for God's glory?

After sharing your answers, take the time to read the Lord's Prayer and 1 Corinthians 10:31. 

This week's study focuses on three words: kingdom, power, and glory. 

1. God Calls You to Expand His Kingdom. What do you know about God's kingdom? The Greek word is made up of two words, meaning Jesus is king, and He reigns over a dominion. As you live and expand God's kingdom, what happens in your community and around the world? Believers battle an adversary. However, Jesus is on the move. His kingdom is expanding (Revelation 7:9-10). 

2. God Wants You to Experience His Power. Take a moment to read and discuss Luke 1:37 and Job 42:2. When was the last time you experienced the supernatural power of God? How is God's power on display in your church? You need to know who God is and what He's like. God is all-powerful. If you understand God's holiness, grace, and power biblically, you can't stay the same.

3. God Grows Us to Enjoy His Glory. Ponder on these three questions: (1) How is God growing you? (2) What do you enjoy? (3) What's the ultimate purpose of your church? God wants your life and church to be about His glory. In your study group, define and discuss these two biblical realities related to God's glory. (1) God's intrinsic glory. (2) God's ascribed glory. 

The Lord's Prayer ends with the word, "Amen." What does this word mean? How do you use this word in prayer or a worship service? 

As you finish your group study, take the time to answer the following three questions:

1. What new insights did you learn about the Lord's Prayer from the pastor's sermon series and your study group?

2. What truths from the Lord's Prayer do you need to teach/share with another believer?   

3. How do you intend to practice the Lord's Prayer in your prayer life?  

Thank you for joining us on the journey of studying God's Word. We hope to see you in worship with us this weekend...in person or online. 

View all of the "The Lord’s Prayer" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/thelordsprayer.