Immanuel: Unbelievable Invitation 
Luke 1:26-38

Can you remember incredible invitations you've received in life? These invitations were unexpected and changed your life.

The biblical story teaches that Jesus was to be called Immanuel, which means, "God with us." That phrase changes everything. Jesus isn't distant from you. He's with you!

The story of Mary is inspiring. Jesus was with her. The Lord had divine plans for her life and relationships. Mary experienced the Lord's favor.

How does Mary's story relate to you?

1. Hear God with A Listening Ear. God spoke and captured Mary's attention. Her life radically changed after hearing God's voice. Are you willing for God to change the direction of your life? How have you seen God use ordinary people?

2. Approach God with A Teachable Spirit. Mary responded to God's revelation with humility. Her life was available for God to use. What is the biblical significance of Jesus' Virgin Birth? Are you available for God to use?

3. Obey God with a Servant's Heart. Mary never saw herself as a celebrity. She acknowledged herself as the Lord's servant. Excuses never came from Mary's mouth. Are you a servant? How do you need to obey the Lord?

We strongly encourage you to worship with us in-person or online this Sunday. Our desire is to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples.

We're blessed to adore the Lord with you every week at FBC Clarksville. Have a blessed week, and we'll see you on Sunday.

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Immanuel: Stressful Times
Matthew 1:18-25

Is it the most wonderful time of the year, or is it the most stressful time of the year? How do you respond to stress in life? You know this, but it's worthwhile to convey again, "Stress can kill you."

The Christmas story is familiar to most of us. It's filled with joy, drama, excitement, and stress. What do you know about Joseph?

In this timely message, you'll learn how to conquer stress in your life.

1. Understand what Causes Stress. What causes cancer? What causes mental illness? What causes peace? Joseph heard news about Mary that was stressful. She was expecting a baby? How do you define stress? What causes it in life?

2. Discover what Cures Stress. A cure for Covid, loneliness, or stress is wonderful. What do many people do when stress fills their lives? What do you do when stress enters the door of your life? You have many ways to respond. However, you need to know that your faith in Jesus matters.

3. Share what Conquers Stress. Two things you need to discover and know in life, God's promises and God's will. How many of God's promises can you name? Do you know God's will for your life? Stress doesn't have to get the best of you. You're more than a conqueror in Jesus Christ.

We pray you'll join us this Sunday for this important message in the sermon series, "Immanuel." You can overcome stress because God is with you!

We look forward to worshiping the Lord Jesus with you this weekend!

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Immanuel: Extravagant Worship
Matthew 2:1-12

Have you ever been extravagant in your life? Have you ever engaged in extravagant worship? John 12:1-8 is a biblical story of sacrificial worship. Mary gave the Lord her best. She was extravagant.

The Wise Men were extravagant in their worship, too (Matthew 2:1-12). Those men traveled a great distance, they faced imminent danger, and they dealt firsthand with discouragement. However, when they saw the Son of God and Savior of the world, they gave Him their best, their treasures.

What's involved in extravagant worship?

1. Follow God's Leadership. We know many things about God. He loves people. He forgives people. He disciplines people. He leads people. If your worship is extravagant, you'll spend time in preparation, and you'll persevere when the going gets tough. Are you following God's leadership?

2. Shout God's Victory. Battles are common in our day (political, cultural, financial, relational, or spiritual). The Wise Men faced an enemy as they searched for Jesus. You have an enemy. His desire is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Do you know how to engage and defeat your enemy?

3. Cherish God's Worth. What do you cherish in life? As you worship the Lord, it's wise to gather and worship with other people. The Wise Men worshiped Jesus together, and, as you worship, it's helpful to practice the basics. The Wise Men came to the house, bowed down before the Lord, and gave Him their gifts. Those men were overjoyed. Are you cherishing God's worth?

Our vision as a church is to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples. The Lord God Almighty is worthy to be worshiped!

As we approach Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we invite you to worship with us in-person or online.

We're praying for you! We're excited to gather with you this weekend and practice extravagant worship.

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Immanuel: Immediate Obedience 
Luke 2:1-20 

Are you comfortable with silence? The Bible speaks about times of silence in the world and in Heaven. After the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, a 400-year period of silence was experienced. No prophet was heard. No new Word from the Lord was given. It was a period of silence. 

And then, one night, God spoke a powerful Word. His message would change history and the lives of people. He said, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11). You couldn't get to God, so He came to you. 

What questions do you need to ask from Luke 2?

1. Is There Room for Jesus Today? As Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, there was no room for them in the inn. The "no vacancy" message didn't stop the divine plans of God. He has a way of placing His people in the right place at the right time. Is there room today for Jesus in your life?  

2. Is There Reverance for Jesus Today? Do you fear the Lord? Do you stand in awe of Him? God spoke the greatest message in history to shepherds. Those men lived outdoors. As you may know, those men didn't smell well. However, the Lord uses the most unlikely people. How is Jesus using you? 

3. Is There Remembrance of Jesus Today? As you celebrate this sacred season, it's wise to remember Jesus. The shepherds shared Jesus with boldness and urgency. The gospel is for all people. When is the last time you had a gospel conversation? How will you remember Jesus this Christmas? 

We look forward to worshiping with you on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. As we gather together, let's make sure there's room, reverence, and remembrance of Jesus this Christmas. 

We're praying for you and your family. 

Merry Christmas!

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