A Runaway Prophet: There’s a Price to Pay
Jonah 1:1-17

If you run from the Lord, what will it cost you? Jonah would testify that you'll pay a high price.

As for Jonah, was he a historical person? Who or what is the primary character of the Book of Jonah? Does the Book of Jonah have any relevance for our lives today?

1. Listen as God Speaks. One of the greatest lessons you need to learn in the Christian life is how to listen to God. Jonah heard God's voice. He also knew what God said. However, he ran the other way. How does God speak today? What is God leading you to do?

2. Follow as God Leads. Many books are available that teach how to be a leader. In order to be an effective leader, it's imperative to be a faithful follower. If you run from God, what is it going to cost you? Will your disobedience affect other people around you? What is the result of running from God?

3. Mature as God Works. Is there hope for you if you're running from God? Can God forgive you and still use you in the days to come? Jonah ran from the Lord. David committed a serious sin. Peter denied that he knew the Lord. God still used those men in great ways. How is God growing you?

The Book of Jonah is short but powerful. It's filled with relevant truths for life. May the Lord use this opening message from the sermon series, "The Runaway Prophet!"

We pray you'll worship with us in-person or online this week.

We love you. We're praying for you. We'd love to serve you and help you know the Lord and grow in Him.

Have a blessed week!

View all of The Runaway Prophet Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/jonah.


A Runaway Prophet: The Inside Story
Jonah 2:1-10

We're confident that you've had many unforgettable experiences in life. Jonah had many experiences in life that he'd never forget, too.

Can you imagine living in the belly of a fish for three days? Inside the belly of that fish, Jonah had an unforgettable prayer meeting. What lessons do we learn from Jonah's story?

1. Overcome Life by Hearing God's Voice. Jonah was in a mess. He was in a crisis. It's encouraging to know that Jonah prayed while in a crisis. Do you ever pray as a last resort? Are you honest with God when you pray? Do you believe that God answers all prayers?

2. Survive Life by Trusting God's Promises. The Bible is filled with promises. God desires for you to trust Him. Are you spending time in God's Word? Do you know how to pray God's Word? How do you make wise decisions in tough times? Jonah made the best decision of his life in an interesting place.

3. Experience Life by Receiving God's Grace. Jesus promised His followers that they could experience abundant lives (John 10:10). An abundant life doesn't mean that you'll never have problems. How do you need to come to the Lord? Are you doing what God says?

Jonah's life relates to people on many levels.

We pray you'll join us in worship this weekend. We love worshiping with people in-person. However, if you're not able to worship with us on our campus, we hope you'll worship with us online.

We're praying for you!

View all of The Runaway Prophet Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/jonah.


A Runaway Prophet: An Opportunity to Do Life Differently
Jonah 3:1-10

If you play golf, you know it's normal to get a mulligan (a do-over) on the first tee. Many aspects of life don't allow mulligans. You can't take a word back. You can't re-do a behavior. That's why you need to live wisely and make the most of your days (Ephesians 5:15-17).

The story of Jonah reveals a wonderful attribute of God's character and nature. He allows mulligans! The Bible says, "Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time" (Jonah 3:1). As you may testify, our God is patient, kind, and generous. He often gives you many chances to do the right thing. While true, and when He speaks, you should always obey God immediately. It's wise to never delay or procrastinate with the Lord.

Jonah's life illustrates that opportunities often come to do life differently.

1. God Speaks. God spoke to Jonah a second time. God wasn't finished with the runaway prophet. If you've been running from God, and you're one of His redeemed children, He's not finished with you either. What is God saying to you? Are you ready to obey His leadership?

2. We Obey. Jonah made his way to Ninevah. God wanted to use Jonah and change the people of Ninevah. As you look around at the lives of people, the need is urgent. Many people need Jesus. Are you studying God's Word daily? Are you having gospel conversations with other people?

3. People Change. As Jonah preached God's message, the lives of people changed. God can change the hardest heart. He loves all people. God loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross for you (John 3:16). That's amazing love. Have you received God's love? Are you sharing God's love?

Running from God will cost you. Therefore, we appeal for you to obey God immediately. Do you need to give your life to Jesus as Savior? Do you need to follow Him in baptism? Do you need to join our church family? Do you need to say "yes" to God's call to serve in ministry?

If we can help you make a spiritual decision, please reach out to us. We'd love to serve you and see you live in the center of God's will.

We hope you'll worship with us this weekend either in-person or online. We're praying for the Lord to change you, grow you, and use you.

Hope to see you on Sunday!

View all of The Runaway Prophet Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/jonah.


A Runaway Prophet: Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God
Jonah 4:1-11

Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon in the 1700s entitled, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." During the sermon, and afterward, as well, people could be heard crying out to God for mercy.

In Jonah 4, the runaway prophet found himself in the hands of a loving God. Have you ever felt sorry for yourself? Have you ever been mad at God? Has God ever taught you a tough lesson?

What insights do we gain from Jonah 4?

1. Decide Now How You'll Handle Opposition. It's always wise to think ahead (that's what effective leaders do). God changed the people and city of Ninevah. When God works, opposition generally rears its head. It's not abnormal to face opposition. When was the last time you faced opposition?

2. Take Advantage of Opportunities to Learn. No matter your age, take advantage of teachable moments. God taught Jonah many tough lessons. What hinders your prayer life? When was the last time you organized your own pity party? What is your top priority in life?

3. Understand the Purpose Behind Questions. Two books in the Bible end with questions, Nahum and Jonah. God asked Jonah several questions, and He had a powerful purpose behind them. Do you know Jesus as your Savior? How are you growing in the Lord? Is your life available for God to use?

We hope you'll join us for worship and for the final sermon in the series on Jonah. Please contact us if you have a spiritual need. We'd love to help you in your relationship and walk with Jesus.

We're praying for you, and we hope to see you on Sunday.

View all of The Runaway Prophet Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/jonah.