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JUNE 6 (WEEK 1):

Animal Planet: Eagles | Isaiah 40:28-31

Animals are found throughout the Bible. This Sunday, Pastor Ronny launches a new sermon series, and he is focusing on eagles from God's Word. God said that His people shall mount up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:26-31).

Many people are discouraged, exhausted, doubtful, impatient, or weary. If these words describe you, what should you do?

What keeps people from flying like eagles? How do people know if they're flying like eagles?

1. See God's Activity. God created eagles with amazing eyesight. Eagles can see a rabbit from two miles away. What helps you see what God sees?

2. Survive Violent Storms. God created eagles to fly into or above storms. Every person faces storms...even violent ones. How do you respond to storms?

3. Stay Relationally Loyal. God created eagles to mate for life. Eagles are loyal to each other. What actions can strengthen your relationships in life?

4. Soar Above Circumstances. God created eagles to soar for hours without a single wing beat. Are you living above or below your circumstances?

5. Sacrifice Personal Comfort. God created eagles to push other eagles out of their comfort zones. Even so, eagles are protective. Who is leading you out of your comfort zone?

If we can serve you, please contact us in the Church Office or connect with us in person on Sunday. We exist to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples.

If you have questions, email us at


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JUNE 13 (WEEK 2):

Animal Planet: Lion | 1 Peter 5:6-11

News stations often share stories about zebras, elephants, bears, or tigers roaming neighborhoods. A lion is on the loose in our city. You don't need to call animal control. However, you do need to be sober-minded and watchful. The lion is an adversary, the devil.

God's people don't live on a playground; they live on a battlefield. Spiritual warfare is serious, requires a strategy, and demands support.

How do you deal with spiritual warfare, a roaring lion?

1. Experience God's Care. The lion wants you to believe that God doesn't care about you, Can you list three ways God has cared for you recently?

2. Know Satan's Ways. You need to know how Satan works and how to be victorious on the battlefield. Can you identify three ways Satan works?

3. Discover God's Plan. You don't need a lion as a pet. How do you live self-controlled and watchful? How can you resist your enemy?

4. Trust God's Promises. The Bible promises your victory over a roaring lion. Can you quote three promises God made to you?

May the Lord use His Word and this message to equip and protect you! As the inspirational hymn says, there's "Victory In Jesus!"

If you have questions, email us at


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JUNE 20 (WEEK 3):

Animal Planet: Ants | Proverbs 6:6-8

When was the last time you heard a message on ants? In many parts of the world, people eat ants as a delicacy. How would you respond if God called you to serve in those places? Compared to size, ants are one of the strongest creatures.

God created ants with purpose.

What do ants teach you?

1. Dedicated Service. Ants, at least female ones, are hard workers. You'll learn more about this in the message. Ants know how to serve (work) together. How are you serving the Lord? If not, what's keeping you from serving Him?

2. Faithful Stewardship. Ants are wise stewards, meaning they prepare for hard times. Stewardship is more than money. It's about your decisions, time, money, and gifts. Are you prepared to live? Are you prepared to die? Are you making the most of your days?

3. Noticeable Support. Ants don't fight; they support one another. God's people need to hear this word. Ants need one another to survive. God created you for relationships. How would you describe your involvement in His church?

4. Tenacious Steadfastness. Ants are experts at building and rebuilding. How many anthills have you destroyed? When destruction comes, ants immediately start rebuilding. When destruction and storms come your way, what do you do?

It's a fact that people can learn from ants. May the Lord use our pastor's message this weekend to help you in your walk with the Lord! Please contact us if we can help and serve you.

If you have questions, email us at

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july 4 (WEEK 4):

Animal Planet: Fish | Matthew 4:18-22

Many people like to fish. Depending on your temperament, fishing can be relaxing or frustrating. Medical professionals agree that eating fish is healthy for you.

The Bible is filled with stories about fish. Pastor Ronny continues this weekend with his series entitled Animal Planet. Jesus called several fishermen to come and follow Him.

1. Jesus Still Sees. Jesus saw people and circumstances. What did He see that's recorded in the New Testament? What do you and I see today? Do we see people in need of Jesus and a local church family?

2. Jesus Still Invites. Jesus invited people to come and follow Him. Can you name one or more invitations that you've received? Have you heard a personal invitation from Jesus? If so, how did you respond?

3. Jesus Still Equips. Jesus trained the fishermen to do what He asked. The Lord always equips the people He calls. How has the Lord equipped you? As the Lord equips, what are the results?

4. Jesus Still Saves. Jesus is still saving boys and girls and men and women. Are you broken over people who need a personal relationship with Jesus? When was the last time you had a gospel conversation?

What spiritual decision do you need to make? If you need spiritual help, please contact us. We'd love to serve you.

As our nation celebrates another birthday on Sunday, we're thanking the Lord for the many men and women who have served and are serving our nation. In addition, we're praying for our country, and we're praying for you. May the Lord change our nation and our lives!

We look forward to worshipping with you this weekend!

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JULY 11 (WEEK 5):

Animal Planet: Sheep

The Bible has many fascinating animal stories. We see birds, snakes, and fish. Dr. Roger Freeman and Pastor Ronny are preaching a message together this Sunday about sheep. Sheep are mentioned often in Scripture.

What does God want you to know about sheep? What behaviors of sheep do you need to apply in your life and walk with the Lord?

Sheep teach you many lessons:

1. Know the Shepherd. Sheep need to know their shepherd's heart, voice, and personality. Can you say, "The Lord is my shepherd?" What steps are you taking to know the Good Shepherd?

2. Love the Shepherd. Animals, at least most of them, with the exception of a few cats, love people. The Good Shepherd loves His sheep. Do you love the Lord? Do you love Him for who He is or what He gives?

3. Thank the Shepherd. As one of His sheep, you're to come before Him with thanksgiving. When is the last time you thanked the Good Shepherd for His love, power, and protection? How do you need to thank Him now?

4. Serve the Shepherd. Is serving the Good Shepherd a blessing or a burden to you? The Psalmist said that God's people should serve Him with gladness. What needs to change in your life for you to serve Him with joy?

As Sunday draws near, please remember our 10:30 am worship gathering is in the Faith Sanctuary. It's going to be a special worship service. You're encouraged to invite other people and arrive early.

As we gather together on Sunday, let's pray Psalm 115:1. "Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!"

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JULY 18 (WEEK 6):

Animal Planet: Camel

Camels are highly visible in the Middle East. Traveling to the Holy Land means you'll see many camels up close and personal.

Camels are amazing animals. Camels live up to 50 years, run up to 40 mph, drink large amounts of water, and withstand intense seasons of heat.

What does the Bible teach about camels? Pastor Ronny shares a Word this week from Matthew 19:23-26.

1. Maintain a Teachable Spirit. Jesus consistently taught His followers. The Lord was always teaching lessons. How teachable are you in the Christian life? What lessons has the Lord been teaching you lately?

2. Consider a Human Responsibility. Many actions are impossible with mankind. However, nothing is impossible with the Lord. Jesus talked about a camel and the eye of a needle. What's impossible for you in life?

3. Ask a Relevant Question. The disciples asked Jesus a relevant question. What questions are you asking in life? Jesus revealed that all things are possible with God. What do you believe about the Lord?

The Lord desires a personal relationship with you. Pastor Ronny will conclude Sunday's message with five biblical challenges. These statements are meant to deepen and strengthen your personal walk with the Lord.

If our ministry team can pray with you, answer any questions, or help with a spiritual decision, please contact us. We'd love to serve you!

We look forward to seeing you this weekend in person or online.

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JULY 25 (WEEK 7):

Animal Planet: Birds of the Air
Matthew 6:25-27, 33 (ESV)

  1. Identify the command Jesus gives in verse 25. 

  2. What are some areas in your life that you are or easily become anxious about?

  3. What animal does Jesus make a comparison to in verse 26?

  4. Why do you think Jesus would choose that animal? 

  5. How does Scripture attest to humanity’s value being greater than the birds? (Check out Genesis 1:26-31)

  6. Read verse 33. What does it mean to, “Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”? What may need to change in your life in light of this passage?

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Animal Planet: Snakes

Many things in life I don't endorse or understand. One of those is snake-handling preachers. May I get a witness?

The Bible is filled with references to snakes. Snakes are mentioned over eighty times in God's Word.

How do you answer these four questions: (1) Is it easy or hard for you to wait on the Lord? (2) Have you ever spoken against the Lord and His servants? (3) When was the last time you confessed your sins? (4) Will you always obey the Lord?

1. The Problem Then is the Problem Today. God called Moses to lead a tough crowd. As they traveled to the Promised Land, they became impatient, critical, and ungrateful. How do you live differently than the people of Israel?

2. The Result Then is the Result Today. God taught that sinful generation that whatever you sow, you'll reap. What are the consequences of your sin? Are you facing bondage, misery, or dysfunction in your life?

3. The Need Then is the Need Today. Snakes were everywhere, and snake bites were common. The people of Israel confessed that they had an urgent spiritual need. What sins do you need to confess today?

4. The Command Then is the Command Today. God gave Moses His plan for forgiveness and redemption. It seemed strange to the people. However, Moses obeyed, and the people lived. What is God leading you to do?

If you need forgiveness and life, our appeal is for you to look to Jesus. He died on a cross and gave His life for you. You can be forgiven, healed, and free.

We invite you to worship with us in person or online. If you need prayer, have questions, or need to make a spiritual decision, please contact us. We're ready to obey the Lord and serve you.

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Animal Planet: Little Foxes

Marriage is a relevant subject. In fact, the Bible teaches that God created marriage. However, Satan would like nothing more than to divide our marriages. He'd love to destroy what God has joined together.

As the final message in his sermon series, "Animal Planet," Pastor Ronny is preaching on "little foxes." He wants you to be aware of and prepared for the "little foxes" that sneak into marriages and cause damage.

1. Value the Marriage Relationship. Marriage is to be treasured in the Lord's eyes. What do you value in life (car, house, health, etc.)? What are you doing that says you value your marriage relationship?

2. Protect the Marriage Relationship. Many marriages get in trouble over little things, not big things. What we value, we tend to protect. What do "little foxes" look like in your marriage? How are you protecting your marriage?

3. Strengthen the Marriage Relationship. A fact in life, we strengthen what we value. The Lord is all-powerful. How strong is your marriage? What do you need to acknowledge, admit, or ask?

As you listen to this week's message either in-person or online, Pastor Ronny wants you to write down 15 words that can change your marriage.

As a personal challenge, this is a great week to invite another couple to participate in our worship gathering. Whom do you need to invite?

If you have questions, have prayer requests, or need spiritual help, please contact us. Our ministry team is ready to serve.

We're praying for you this week!