JESUS: Savior

Matthew 1:18-25

As you begin this week's study, open your Bibles and read Matthew 1:18-25. What is the Lord saying to you through this passage? If someone asked you about Jesus, who He is and what has He done, what would you say? 

This sermon series is about JESUS! Have you spent more time preparing your heart or your home for Christmas? 

Take the time now in your group to discuss the following three biblical principles.

1. The Sovereignty of God. Who is God? What attributes can you use to describe Him? As you study the lives of Mary and Joseph, you know that God uses common, ordinary people. He used fishermen and tax collectors. How is the Lord using you? The Christmas story reveals the activity of the Holy Spirit. What do you know about the Holy Spirit? How does the Holy Spirit work?

2. The Sins of People. What titles are used for Jesus in the Bible? Think about the Christmas story found in Luke 2. What three titles are shared in the birth announcement? Romans 3:23 says that everyone has sinned and come short of God's glory. That phrase means to "miss the mark." How do you define sin? Share insights about Jesus (His gender, name, and purpose) from Matthew 1:21. 

3. The Sacrifice of Jesus. A prominent word in the Christmas story is obedience. Joseph and Mary obeyed the Lord. Jesus obeyed the leadership of His Father, too. He prayed for the Father's will to be done. He sacrificed His life on a cruel, old rugged cross. Jesus bled and died for your sins. He overcame death and the grave for your salvation. Thank Jesus for His sacrifice and your salvation.   

Take the next twenty minutes and discuss the following three questions:

1. What specific examples can you find in the Bible where God used ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things? Explain how these examples inspire you in your own life and walk with Jesus. 

2. What do the titles "Savior, Christ, and Lord" reveal about Jesus' identity and purpose? Discuss how these titles relate to the Christmas story. 

3. How can you practically and spiritually apply the message of the Christmas story to your daily life? Share specific ways you can express thanksgiving to God for His gift of salvation in His Son and your Savior, Jesus Christ. 

The faith family at FBC Clarksville invites you to adore, celebrate, and worship Jesus with us this Christmas season. You're welcome to join us in person or online on Sunday.  

May you have a blessed rest of your week! 

Merry Christmas!  

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John 13:1-5

Imagine being in a room with Jesus. You've enjoyed a meal together. The custom was for someone to wash the feet of guests. To your amazement, no one volunteered. You didn't volunteer either. At the end of the meal, Jesus stood up, took off His outer garments, poured water into a basin, grabbed a towel, and started washing the feet of His followers, and even His betrayer. You witnessed the Son of God modeling servant leadership. 

The story of Jesus washing feet is a contrast between wearing a robe (serve me) to carrying a towel (serve others). Are you more comfortable being served or serving others? Share an experience when you abandoned the comforts of being served for the sacrifice of serving others.

Christmas is all about Jesus. He's the Savior, and He's a servant. 

What biblical truths do you see from John 13:1-5? 

1. Know that Time Counts. What would you do if you knew that you only had hours to live? Share a few of your answers with your study group. Jesus knew that His time had come to depart from this world and go to the Father. Do you know where you'll spend eternity? Are you making the most of your time? Are you planning to cross the finish line of life and ministry faithfully?   

2. Believe that Motives Matter. Jesus lived with a servant's attitude. Children love to ask "why" questions. How do you answer these questions? Why are you in the career that you're in? Why do you attend church? Why do you serve in ministry? Jesus washed feet with the purest motives. Love motivated His service. Are you serving with Jesus-centered or self-centered motives? 

3. Realize that Actions Speak. Give an example of someone you know who is a servant leader. How do you see him or her serve? How does he or she inspire you? A servant leader doesn't sit back. He or she takes initiative. Read John 13:1-5 again. What specific actions did Jesus take to serve those in the Upper Room? What actions do you need to take to be a servant? 

Take a few moments before you pray and answer the following three questions:

1. How does Jesus' example of foot-washing influence your understanding of humility and service?                       

2. What are the pitfalls of self-centered motives? 

3. How can you be more in touch with the Holy Spirit's leading to serve others?

Thank you for studying God's Word with us. We'd love for you to join us for one of our Connect Groups and our worship gathering on Sunday mornings. You can find details about what's happening at FBC Clarksville at

Merry Christmas to you and your family!     

View all of the "JESUS" Sermon Series Study Guides at



Matthew 28:18-20

Christmas is all about Jesus! He's the Savior of the world. He's a servant who washed the feet of His disciples. He's the sender of His church into all nations. 

The Great Commission of Jesus isn't optional for the church. He calls His redeemed people to make disciples of all nations. Read Matthew 28:16-20. His divine mission will be fulfilled. Read Revelation 7:9-10. How is your church involved in fulfilling the Lord's Great Commission?      

Change is happening all around you. The world is changing. Local schools are changing, Your church is changing. You're changing. Do you like or dislike change? Take a few moments and identify people or things that never change. How many items do you have on your list?   

A major theme of Christmas is obedience. Joseph obeyed the Lord's Word. Mary obeyed the Lord's call. The Shepherds obeyed the Lord's leadership. The Wise Men obeyed the Lord's guidance. Jesus obeyed His Father's will. How are you obeying the Lord this Christmas? 

As you study the Great Commission this week, what insights do you need to learn and obey? 

1. Jesus Extends His Invitation. Jesus has all authority, and He invites people to follow Him. Thinking about God's Word, in what ways does He invite people today? He calls His people to take the gospel to all nations. Take a moment and pray for missionaries who have obeyed the Lord and moved overseas. Why do you believe many people are unwilling to fulfill the Great Commission?

2. Jesus Explains His Instructions. Many parents will assemble toys this Christmas. How many of them will have extra parts and pieces left over? It's important to follow the instructions. Studying the Great Commission, what instructions did Jesus give His followers? As you identify them, discuss what they mean and why they're foundational.   

3. Jesus Ensures His Involvement. Matthew's Gospel opens with Jesus receiving the name Immanuel, which means, "God with us." His Gospel ends with a promise that He'll be with us "always to the end of the age." As you fulfill the Great Commission, you can serve under the Lord's protection and power. How does He protect you? How are you serving by His power?       

Christmas is all about Jesus. It's knowing who He is and how He works. Jesus is sending His people out of buildings to the nations. Millions of people need to hear the name and good news of Jesus.

Take a moment and briefly answer these three questions:

  • How are you fulfilling the Great Commission? 

  • How is your church reaching the nations with the gospel? 

  • How can you and your study group pray for and encourage a missionary serving overseas? 

We hope to worship with you on Sunday. 

Merry Christmas!    

View all of the "JESUS" Sermon Series Study Guides at



Hebrews 13:1-6

View all of the "JESUS" Sermon Series Study Guides at