We want to let you know about open positions at First Baptist Church.

All organizations desire to hire individuals with experience, integrity, and excellent character, but this is especially true in the church.

We desire candidates that are not only trustworthy and have a great work ethic, but desire to honor the Lord in their work.

We are very selective when it comes to leadership staff, but we desire to be just as cautious when hiring for all positions in the church. Many times our workers on the front lines make the greatest impact for the Kingdom; in their speech, their interactions with others, and even through prayer as they encounter opportunities.

Do you or someone you know fit these qualifications? Please send resumes to info@fbct.org for more information.


First Baptist Church is seeking an experienced accountant who can prepare financial reports, make journal entries and work in the general ledger, create and analyze spreadsheets and budgets, and perform other tasks related to church financial matters. Please send resumes and questions to info@fbct.org.
