Family Matters: Standing at a Fork in the Road
Ruth 1:6-18

You face decisions every day. What do you do when you stand at a fork in the road? How do you know what to do, which way you should go?  

Will you be transparent for a moment? Have you ever been at a fork in the road and made the wrong decision? You went the wrong way. 

The story of Ruth is inspiring and breathtaking. Ruth stood at a fork in the road. She had to make a decision. Did Ruth go the right way or the wrong way? 

What should you do about the following?     

1. Life Issues. Issues are a part of life. Standing at a fork in the road can be stressful, painful, or beneficial. In chapter one of Ruth, it's important to learn the names of the main characters. Many of them went the wrong way at the fork in the road. Is now a fork-in-the-road moment for you? You must make a decision. What will help you make a decision, and more importantly, the right decision?  

2. Personal Relationships. God created you to enjoy a relationship with Him and with other people. Your relationships influence your life, either for good or bad. Ruth had a wonderful relationship with her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth modeled loyalty to the highest degree. Have you ever been betrayed by a person close to you? Can you name a few people who are loyal to you?

3. God Almighty. Have you ever met someone who always had a sour outlook on life? That person spewed criticism and negativity. Naomi pulled back the curtain of her life. She felt like the Lord was against her. Have you ever felt like the Lord was against you? The breaks of life always landed in the laps of other people. How do you relate with God when life looks unfair?           

We pray this new sermon series will help you relate with God, handle the stresses of family relationships, and navigate the many decisions of life. 

You're welcome to worship with us in-person or online. We're seeing the Lord change lives for His glory and their growth. 

We look forward to meeting you or hearing from you soon. Have a blessed weekend. We pray to see you on Sunday. 

View all of the Family Matters Study Guides at fbct.org/familymatters.


Family Matters: Bo Knows
Ruth 2:14-23

How many of you remember Bo Jackson? In his day, Bo played many sports at a high level. Bo was also famous because of television ads that said, "Bo knows." Bo knew seemed to know something about everything. 

In Ruth 2, Boaz stepped into the biblical narrative. He was a man of character, power, honesty, kindness, and wealth. As you'll see in God's story, Boaz played a major role in redemptive history. 

What does Boaz teach readers about the Lord and living for Him? 

1. God Wants Us to Walk Faithfully. It's powerful to encourage someone. Has anyone ever encouraged you about your walk with the Lord? What happens when you walk with God? At this very moment, I invite you to pray and ask the Lord if you're walking with Him as He desires. In everyday terms, is your walk with God full-time or part-time? 

2. God Wants Us to Work Diligently. Are you happy and content with your vocation? What is the atmosphere of your workplace? Is it healthy or toxic? Ruth experienced God's grace and favor in the fields. Boaz was a gracious and thoughtful boss. He was a giver. How has God's generosity changed your life? Are you generous in your walk with God and with other people? 

3. God Wants Us to Wait Patiently. Is waiting easy or hard for you? Many people in the world live for "instant gratification." God allowed Ruth to experience a season of waiting. It was for her good and growth. Why does God often lead you to wait? As you reflect back on your life, remember a time God lead you to wait. What did He teach you? 

The book of Ruth is about the work of God in the lives of people. We'd love to hear how God is at work in your life. Please feel free to share with us. If you're in a small group, take the time to share what God is doing in your life. 

We're praying for you this week. We're excited to worship with you in-person or online. 

Have a blessed week. We'll see you on Sunday!    

View all of the Family Matters Study Guides at fbct.org/familymatters.  


Family Matters: All Dressed Up and Somewhere to Go
Ruth 3:1-5

Have you ever heard the phrase, "All dressed up and nowhere to go?" The meaning behind that phrase is that a person is prepared for something that isn't going to happen. In this week's biblical story, Ruth was dressed up, and she had somewhere to go. 

Ruth 3 is a difficult passage in the Bible. Did Naomi give Ruth good advice? Was Ruth being too forward as a lady? Many people feel that Ruth's approach to Boaz was a little weird. How would you have advised Ruth to approach him? 

How do the teachings of Ruth 3 relate to life in 2023? 

1. Relationships Map the Way. Relationships matter! It matters to God whom you date, whom you marry, and whom you call friends. The season of waiting is about to end for Ruth. How many intimate friends do you have? Take a moment and describe what those friendships mean to you. Naomi challenged Ruth to pursue Boaz. Who is challenging you to pursue the Lord Jesus? 

2. Decisions Influence the Journey. Are you enjoying life? Are you living the abundant life Jesus promised (John 10:10)? Ruth had someplace to go, but did she enjoy the journey? Ruth positioned herself at Boaz's feet. In no way was Ruth's action an immoral gesture. When was the last time you sat at the Lord's feet (Luke 10:38-42)? What did He say to you? 

3. Grace Changes the Destination. How would you describe grace to another person? Share how God's grace has changed your life. Ruth needed a redeemer. Boaz was the kinsman-redeemer that she needed. Jesus is your Redeemer! Tell briefly what the cross of the Lord Jesus means to you. Share your salvation story in two minutes. Is Jesus the hero of your story?    

We hope you'll study Ruth 3 and grow in your walk with the Lord. 

We invite you to worship with us on Sunday. You can do so in-person or online. Thank you for connecting with us at FBC Clarksville. We're praying for our ministry to glorify Jesus and change lives!

Have a blessed rest of your week!

View all of the Family Matters Study Guides at fbct.org/familymatters.  


Family Matters: We're Going To The Chapel
Ruth 4:1-6

Please take a moment and read or quote John 3:16. God loves you, and He gave His only Son for you. That statement reveals God's generosity. The story of Ruth is about love and redemption. In the biblical story, the day has arrived for Ruth and Boaz to join their lives together in marriage. 

If you're married, take a moment and share memories about your wedding day. Were you nervous? Who performed your ceremony? What were your first thoughts when you saw one another on your wedding day? 

What lessons about marriage and life do you learn from Boaz and Ruth? 

1. Learn How to Communicate. Healthy relationships demand healthy communication. Do you know how to communicate with God? Listening to God is foundational in the Christian life. Discuss two or three actions that have matured your prayer life. Do you know how to communicate with your spouse? How do you handle conflicts, money, or decisions?  

2. Make Solid Financial Choices. What's the greatest challenge in your marriage? If you said money, you're not alone. Boaz knew how to make solid financial choices. If you're going to handle money God's way, you'll need to start and stop many behaviors. Take a moment and talk about mistakes that you've made in money management. Share how you've handled money well.

3. Leave Behind a Godly Legacy. When your physical life ends, what will you leave behind? You may answer that question by saying, "I plan to leave behind money and possessions." Have you ever thought about leaving behind a godly legacy? Boaz and Ruth left behind a powerful testimony of faith, surrender, and trust in the Lord. Talk about how you can leave behind a godly legacy.     

This Sunday ends our sermon series on Ruth. How has God used these sermons in your life, marriage, or family? We'd love to hear your stories. 

We invite you to join us in worship this weekend. If possible, we'd love to see you in-person. Our worship gathering begins at 10:30 am on Sunday. If you worship with us online, we'd love to hear from you. Where are you watching from? How is God using our broadcast ministry in your walk with Him?

Have a blessed rest of your week. May we make much of Jesus this weekend? 

View all of the Family Matters Study Guides at fbct.org/familymatters.