JANUARY 9, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Do I Really Have to Eat This?
James 1:1-4, 12

As a kid, what did you refuse to eat? Your mother said it was good for you. Nevertheless, you couldn't stomach that dish on the table.

What do you know about James? His life and ministry made a kingdom difference. How is the Lord using you? James teaches us about the "nuts and bolts" of the Christian life.

1. Embrace Power. James served with power because he confessed to being a "servant." What does it mean to live as a servant? Are you serving the Lord and others, or are you expecting them to serve you?

2. Expect Problems. James was brutally honest. He said that believers in Jesus needed to expect problems. What problems are you facing in the Christian life? How are you responding to those problems?

3. Exemplify Patience. James said that trials of life aren't a waste. God is doing a special work in your life. Can you discuss times when you handled problems the wrong way? What did you learn from those times?

4. Express Praise. God doesn't want His children to live spiritual lives as infants. He'll do whatever it takes to grow you spiritually, even if it means sending you through the fire. How are you praising the Lord? Describe how the Lord is using you.

We hope you'll join us in worship either in-person or online. If you attend in-person, please stop at one of our Connect Centers. We'd love to meet you and give you a special gift. If you worship online, please send us a personal message and hit the share button. We'd love to hear from you.

We're excited to worship with you in 2022!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.


JANUARY 23, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: What Really Matters in Life
James 1:5-11

How many of you need wisdom from God? What's the difference between wisdom and knowledge?

What causes you to discover what really matters in life? As you know, God uses His Word, prayer, His Spirit, other people, and life circumstances to get our attention. What is God saying to you in this season of your life?

1. Decide Differently. James helped people who needed God's wisdom. It's a fact that you need God's wisdom, too. What do you know about God? Is He generous or stingy? What decisions do you need to make in the next day, week, or month? Are you asking God for wisdom?

2. Trust Totally. James spoke about practical, everyday issues. God invites His children to pray. The invitation is to pray without ceasing. What hinders your prayer life? Can you list three or four biblical answers? What strengthens your prayer life? Can you name three or four biblical realities?

3. Walk Wisely. James called believers, those rich and poor, to walk wisely in the faith. James wanted people to think about life after death. In the chaos of life, you need to walk wisely. You need to live as God says. Are you looking at life through the eyes of the world or God? How do you learn to walk wisely in life?

4. Accumulate Abundantly. James' teachings relate closely with Jesus' teachings, especially the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). We all have the same amount of time each day. What are you doing with your time? As you inventory your life, are you accumulating the world's stuff or God's wisdom?

This message is timely. As you make decisions in life, may you ask for and apply God's wisdom! God the Father is generous, even with wisdom.

We hope you'll join us in worship this week. We're praying for you!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

JANUARY 30, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: How Do I Respond to Temptation?
James 1:13-18

If you've ever traveled in the mountains during winter, you know the dangers and warnings about avalanches. You need to pay attention to your location and the conditions around you. Like avalanches, the problems of life generally have small beginnings (one drink, one look, one conversation, etc.). 

James gives insight into temptation. How do you respond to temptation? The enemy desires to destroy and ruin your life, your witness, your character, your marriage, your family, and your church. Temptation isn't something to take lightly. 

1. Expect Periods of Temptation. James said, not "if" you're tempted, but "when" you're tempted. What do you expect to happen in life? What temptations are you currently facing? How have you prepared for the enemy's attacks?   

2. Expose the Pain of Tolerance. God's Word is filled with illustrations of individuals, families, churches, and nations that crumbled because they flirted with temptation and tolerated sin. What are you flirting with in life? How are you tolerating sin?   

3. Embrace the Person of Truth. James made it clear that you can't handle temptation on your own strength. When did you turn to Jesus as your Savior? How is your time in the Word? Who is asking you hard questions? 

What do temptations should you expect to face? You need to guard your time with the Father, refuse to compromise the seriousness of sin, don't get ahead of God's leadership, live life with spiritual sensitivity, deal with seasons of spiritual disobedience, and learn to practice John 3:30. 

We're praying for you this week. We hope you'll worship with us in-person or online. Our Father is worthy of worship, and He's called us to worship Him together (Hebrews 10:25).  

Have a blessed weekend!  

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.       

FEBRUARY 6, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: How Do I Relate to Difficult People?
James 1:19-21

At some point in life, you'll encounter difficult people. Are there difficult people in your workplace, in your church, or in your family? Are you a difficult person to another person?

James, as the Holy Spirit led, opened his heart and pen to believers. The church had difficult people. People tried to flaunt wealth and exercise power. Certain people were excluded from the church's fellowship. Cliques damage the church's unity. Favoritism was an issue for God's people. It's a fact, in all areas of life, hurt people hurt people.

How do you relate to difficult people?

1. Listen Closely. James called God's people "to be quick to listen." Is it easy or hard for you to listen? It's imperative to listen to other people and to hear God's counsel. What does it require to listen to difficult people? How are you listening to God's Word?

2. Speak Carefully. James knew the power of the tongue. He asked people "to be slow to speak." What are the benefits of speaking your words carefully? Did you ever hear the words on the playground, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words never hurt me?" As you know, that's a lie! Ill-spoken words damage and wound people.

3. Behave Consistently. James cautioned God's people about anger. He challenged followers of Jesus "to be slow to anger." We live in an angry culture. People display anger behind closed doors and in public places. We've seen incidences recently of rage on airplanes and on highways. What are the dangers of excessive anger? What helps you control your anger?

4. Surrender Completely. James asked God's people "to put away" certain actions. Are you living a surrendered life? It's beautiful to see people surrender their lives to the Lord. As you evaluate your life, have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ? Can you share your conversion story in three minutes? Are you following the Lord's leadership? Have you experienced the Lord's discipline?

5. Receive Continuously. James called God's people "to receive God's truth." God's Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). His Word never returns void (Isaiah 55:10-11). It's impossible to be in God's Word, with a heart for Jesus, and stay the same. How does God's Word help you relate with difficult people? Is it possible for difficult people to change?

As we come to the first Sunday of February, we'd love for you to worship with us in-person or online. What a blessing each week it is to make much of Jesus and connect with you!

Please let us know how we can pray for and serve you!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

FEBRUARY 13, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: How Do I Respond to God’s Word?
James 1:20-25

How many Bibles do you own? The Bible is the best-selling book every year. What difference is the Bible making in your life? Time in God's Word, with a heart and passion for Jesus, will change your life.

James was broken over the fact that many believers were hearing the Word without doing anything about it. As a result, God's servant gave a serious challenge. Believers need to be hearers and doers of the Word.

1. A Necessary Response is Proclaimed. James stated that believers need to learn and live the truth. God's Word always calls for a response. How would you describe your time in God's Word? Is it consistent or sporadic? What roadblocks exist that hinder you from hearing God speak through His Word?

2. A Negative Reaction is Possible. James illustrated that God's Word is a mirror and a foundation. As you look at your life, are you building your life on the rock or the sand? Is it enough to be able to quote chapters and verses in the Bible? Can you identify an area of life that you need to do what God says?

3. A Natural Result is Promised. James declared the power of God's Word. As a testimony to God's goodness, He desires to bless His children and His church. If someone asked you to describe your time in God's Word, what would you say? What are the spiritual benefits of being in God's Word?

We're thankful for your heart to hear and study God's Word. We'd love for you to join us in one of our Connect Groups on Sundays and Wednesdays. You'll hear God's Word from our excellent teachers. And, as we always say, we're blessed to have you join us in worship either in-person or online.

May the Lord reveal His truth and you respond in obedience!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

FEBRUARY 20, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: How Do I Respond to the Needs of Others?
James 1:26-27

Needs are everywhere! How do you respond to the needs of others? You'll rub shoulders with many people needing help in marriage, in finances, in relationships, and in ministry. Please don't turn your head and look the other way. Allow God to use you to find a need and meet it or see a hurt and heal it.

James called God's people to be involved in the lives of other people. Being the hands and feet of Jesus is a special calling. How do you respond to the needs of others?

1. Be Careful with What You Say. James knew about the power of the tongue. Spoken words can build up or tear down. How have you been wounded by the words of other people? How have you been uplifted by people's words? Do you T.H.I.N.K. before you speak?

2. Be Consistent with How You Serve. James called God's people to be involved in the lives of orphans and widows. Are you aware of the needs of other people? Is God using you? When was the last time you met the need of an orphan or widow? What a blessing to serve the Lord Jesus and other people!

3. Be Consistent with How You Stand. James cautioned God's people about their Christian witness. The world wants to pollute and spoil your witness. Are you aware of the enemy's schemes? Is pride a weakness for you? Are you enduring personal pain because you let your guard down?

There are many hindrances to meeting the needs of others. This week's message will equip you to know what they are and how to overcome them.

We're praying for you! We can't wait for you to worship with us in-person or online this weekend!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

FEBRUARY 27, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: The Haves and Have Nots
James 2:1-13

We live in a world of extremes. Political. Lifestyle. Emotion. Spiritual.

God has called His church to serve in a world of extremes. When have you seen favoritism in life? Have you ever witnessed favoritism in the church?

What was James' focus? The church was behaving like the world. To get the right focus, God designed His church to influence the world, not for the world to influence the church.

1. The Possibility for Sunday Favoritism. James was an incredible preacher. He pointed out how the haves and have nots were treated. Does the Lord look at outward appearance or at the heart? God has called the church to see people as He sees them. How can the church overcome the temptation of favoritism?

2. The Power of the Savior's Favor. James taught how favoritism was wrong. He also shared insights on how to deal with this sin. Can you share your conversion story? You weren't changed because of good works or personal merit. Is it dangerous for church leaders to live with their heads in the sand?

3. The Peace of Spiritual Freedom. James said that God's people didn't have to be enslaved to sinful behaviors. Jesus promised spiritual freedom (John 8:32, 36). Are you living free in the Christian life? How have you received grace? Is it easy or hard for you to give grace?

If you're lacking freedom in the Christian life, we encourage you to worship with us and allow God's Word to minister to you. We encourage you to invite others to worship with us in-person or online.

May the Lord set you free this weekend for His glory!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

MARCH 13, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: After Salvation, Then What?
James 2:14-26

Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? If so, are you living for Him?

If not, please know that He loves you (John 3:16). You've sinned and come short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). Jesus surrendered His life, died on a cross, was buried in a tomb, and raised from the dead on Resurrection morning (Romans 5:8). Jesus is alive! If you call on His name, you will be saved (Romans 10:13).

If we can help you know Jesus as your personal Savior, please reach out to us. It would be our honor and joy to help you turn from your sin and place your faith in Jesus Christ for the first time.

What does James say about faith and works?

1. The Evidence of Faith. Before a grand jury convicts a person of a crime, they spend a considerable amount of time looking at the evidence. Does your life show your faith? How are you serving and meeting the needs of other people? May many people see the evidence of your personal relationship with Jesus!

2. The Emptiness of Faith. What do you believe about God? James made it clear that even demons believe in God. You can believe there's a God and die lost. You can say that Jesus is the only way to Heaven and not know Him. Have you turned from your sin and trusted Jesus as your Savior?

3. The Excitement of Faith. Living a life of faith is exciting. It's thrilling to obey the personal leadership of God. James gave two illustrations of faith and obedience: Abraham and Rahab. What is exciting about your faith in the Lord? How is your faith making a difference in your sphere of influence?

4. The Evaluation of Faith. James asked people to consider the realities of life and death. James taught that faith without works is dead. Here are several personal evaluative questions for you to consider: Are you saved? Are you living a thankful life? Are you hungry for the Lord and His ways?

We hope you'll join us in-person or online for this timely message.

If we can pray for you, please reach out to us and share your requests with us. We're honored to serve you in ministry.

We look forward to worshiping with you this weekend.

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

MARCH 20, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Have You Thought It Through?
James 3:1

Have you thought it through? That's a relevant question. As you make decisions, you need to consider the consequences. If you eat junk food at every meal, what happens to your health? If you keep God's Word closed, what does this mean for your spiritual life? If you succumb to an inappropriate relationship, what damage will it do to your character and witness?

James promised, "If you teach God's Word, you will be judged more strictly." He didn't discourage people from teaching. James disclosed to them what was expected and promised. Do you desire to teach Scripture?

1. The Concern of Teaching. Teaching positions were available in the church, and people wanted to fill those positions. James taught that care should be taken when selecting teachers. Have you ever faced unbiblical teachings? Why should church leaders not allow certain individuals to teach classes?

2. The Call of Teaching. James was called of God. Teachers who are called of God know the seriousness of teaching. Who is God calling you to be? What is God calling you to do? Can you name a Bible teacher who clearly teaches because of God's call?

3. The Consequence of Teaching. James wanted the congregation to know that the standard for teachers is higher. What standards does God expect for teachers? You, like every child of God, will stand before the Lord and give an account of your life. What will the Lord say to you on that day?

As a church, we thank God for our teachers. We understand the seriousness of meeting with one person or standing before a group of people and teaching God's Word. Therefore, we invite you to participate in one of our many Connect Groups. You'll study God's Word and build healthy relationships.

We pray you'll join us in-person or online for worship this weekend. It's inspiring to see God at work in your life.

Have a blessed weekend. We'll see you on Sunday!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

MARCH 27, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Investigators Have Reached a Conclusion
James 3:2-12

Words are powerful! Your words can build up or tear down. Your speech can heal or wound. Your tongue is a fire.

James talked about the power of the tongue. It's small compared to other parts of the body. However, it affects people in so many ways. When have you used your tongue to praise the Lord and bless others? When have you used your tongue to curse the Lord and hurt others?

1. The Tongue's Influence. James was a humble servant. He knew that he needed God's grace. We have something in common. We all have sinned (Romans 3:23). We're desperate for God's forgiveness. As you study God's Word, what do horses, ships, and a forest have in common?

2. The Tongue's Infection. James talked about how the tongue infects people. How many of you are struggling in your adult years because you heard hurtful words as a young person? What do you know about the poison of the tongue? The tongue is a fire. What are the effects of a fire?

3. The Tongue's Insincerity. James noted that the tongue makes great boasts. One minute you can praise the Lord, and the next minute you can speak harmful and destructive words. How do you show the tongue's insincerity? Do you struggle with gossip, lying, complaining, anger, profanity, or inconsistency?

Controlling the tongue begins with a change of heart (Matthew 15:18).

We hope you'll join us in-person or online for this timely message.

Thank you for connecting with the worship and preaching ministry at FBC Clarksville.

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

APRIL 3, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: You’re Wise Beyond Your Years
James 3:13-18

If you could ask for anything in life and receive it, what would be at the top of your list? Answers would run the spectrum, I'm sure. Solomon could've asked for anything. God gave him a blank check. He asked God for wisdom.

You're going to live by wisdom. You'll live by the wisdom of the world or by the wisdom of God. Which one is dominant in your life now? James desired for God's people to live with His wisdom, not by the foolishness of the world.

1. Live the Good Life. James isn't talking about salvation. You're not saved by living the good life. Jesus is the only way to be saved (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). As you consider God's wisdom, what are the benefits of living the good life? How has God's wisdom made a difference in your life?

2. Learn the Great Lesson. James was a teacher. He exposed God's people to practical truths. As James revealed, the church wasn't perfect. Do you see health or disease in churches today? When was the last time you confessed sin before the Lord? Why is confession seldom heard in churches today?

3. Love the Gracious Lord. James rejoiced in the gracious hand of the Lord. God's mercies are new every morning. His faithfulness is constant. Would you know God's wisdom if you saw it? Have you asked the Lord to give you His wisdom? Many times in life, we don't have because we never ask (James 4:2).

You're invited to join us for Bible study in one of our many Connect Groups. You'll hear practical Bible teaching, and you'll build relationships with wonderful people. We have classes available in-person and online.

You're always welcome to connect with us in worship. Our passion is to worship the Lord in spirit and truth. You can join us in-person or online at 10:30 am on Sundays.

Thank you for taking the time to connect with us this week. We're praying for you!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

APRIL 10, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Experiencing Victory from the War Within
James 4:1-3

War is a current reality. Turn on the evening news, and you'll see graphic images from the battlefield. Innocent lives are lost or wounded. Buildings are destroyed. Lives are displaced. Let's thank the Lord for the many men and women who have served and are serving our country.

Warfare isn't limited to nations. Many individuals are facing an internal war. These people lack peace, contentment, and joy. As James writes, it's possible for churches to be at war, too. Have you ever been in a divided church? People argued over issues with no eternal significance. If so, did you help the church experience reconciliation? If not, did you leave the church?

1. Discover Your Priorities. James talked about the war within. God's people faced quarrels and fights. It's painful to see God's people divided and at odds with one another. What are your priorities in life? What do you do when you realize conflict exists in the church?

2. Develop Your Power. James shared that the church lacked spiritual power. Why were God's people not praying? Why didn't they come before the Lord and present their requests to Him? In no way was James teaching a "name it and claim it" theology. What keeps you from praying and asking the Lord for help?

3. Disclose Your Problems. James revealed another problem related to prayer. People prayed with wrong motives. There are many hindrances to prayer. What have been "stumbling blocks" to your prayer life? Can you name a time when your prayer requests were self-centered, not God-centered?

As the old hymn declares, we have "Victory in Jesus!" You can win the war from within.

We hope you'll join us in worship on Sunday. We're praying for you!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

APRIL 24, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Choose Your Friends Wisely
James 4:4-6

How many decisions have you made today? You've made calculated decisions today about what you'd eat, wear, and do. Who are your closest friends? How did you choose them? I appeal for you to read 1 Corinthians 15:33 about the importance of relationships.

Friends can build you up or tear you down. Your closest relationships can draw you to the Lord or pull you away from Him.

How do you choose your friends wisely?

1. A Foolish Decision. James talked about friendship with the world. It's a foolish decision to become friends with the world and an enemy with God. You may be aware of the pain from sexual adultery. However, what happens when a believer commits spiritual adultery? What are the consequences?

2. A Forsaken Devotion. James knew that God's people had forsaken their devotion to Him. When your devotion to the Lord becomes inconsistent, you're heading (drifting) towards trouble. What causes a person to commit spiritual adultery? What can protect you from committing this sin?

3. A Favorable Declaration. James gave God's people hope. As the Holy Spirit led, he brought up the subject of grace. Grace should put a smile on your face. James stated that God opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. Are you a humble person? How have you experienced God's grace?

We hope you'll worship with us this weekend. We'd love to see you in-person with us. However, if that's physically not possible, we're excited to have you join us online.

We're praying for you. Our desire is to see you worship the Lord in spirit and truth. As you can, please let us know how we can pray and serve you.


View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

MAY 1, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Successful Christian Living
James 4:7-10

Bookstores contain countless books on how to be successful. How can you live a successful Christian life? What does that question even mean?

James served a church that needed to experience healing with the Lord and with one another. When was the last time you were broken over personal sin? When was the last time you were broken over the sins of other people?

James gave clear insights on how to live a successful Christian life.

1. The Eternal. James talked about submitting yourself to the Lord. He even discussed resisting the devil. These two imperatives carry eternal implications. Do you think more about the eternal or the temporal? How do you submit your life to the Lord? How do you resist the devil?

2. The Enemy. Successful Christian living is a battlefield. While there's joy in knowing Jesus, the journey isn't always easy. If you're going to resist the devil, you can't do so on your own, and you need Jesus to be the Lord of your life. What personal actions do you need to take to resist the devil?

3. The Ego. Pride isn't what God desires for His children. In fact, pride will destroy your life and the lives of other people. James called believers to humble themselves before the Lord. As you evaluate your life, are you prideful or humble? What indicates that you've humbled yourself before the Lord?

4. The Enjoyment. The Bible is filled with promises. How many of God's promises can you name? Many people have the idea that living the Christian life is boring and legalistic. Are you enjoying your spiritual walk with the Lord? Are you living the abundant life that Jesus promises (John 10:10)?

We hope you'll worship with us in-person or online this Sunday. The Lord is changing lives at FBC Clarksville. We're available to help you live a successful Christian life.

We hope to see you this weekend!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

MAY 8, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Learning to Speak Wisely
James 4:11-12

When an airplane crashes, there's always a cause. When a family breaks down, there's always a reason. When a church splits, there's always an instigator. Do you know how to speak wisely? Failing to speak wisely is a leading cause of many of our problems.

James spoke about the tongue in every chapter. He knew its influence and power. How can you learn to speak wisely?

1. Be Slow to Speak. It's true that many people speak too fast and too much. You need to be slow to speak. What's going on in the lives of people around you? Are you listening to their concerns and fears?

2. Be Sensitive to Situations. Are you sensitive to people around you? James called God's people to be current and sensitive to situations. What's the enemy doing around you? How do you value human life? Do you ever laugh at sin?

3. Be a Student of Scripture. How often do you read and study God's Word? Questions about truth are common today. Are you prepared to speak God's truth about worship, the church, salvation, Jesus' return, or the afterlife

4. Be Surrendered to the Savior. James stated that only one Judge existed. What do you know about repentance? We know that evil will not have the last word. What does it look like for individuals, families, and the nation to repent?

As you worship with us this weekend, we'd love to see you or hear from you. As the Holy Spirit leads, you can respond in the invitation or on one of our viewing platforms. We'd love to help you know Jesus and follow Him.

We're praying for you this weekend!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

MAY 15, 2022:

Be Careful about Making Plans
James 4:13-17

Summer is near. Schools are almost out. Vacation season is upon us. What are your plans for the next few months? Have you sought the Lord about your plans?

Many people are relentless planners. These people plan for marriage, retirement, vacations, graduations, business deals, and important meetings. How many of you plan for your meals and grocery lists? Even with the best of plans, you must be flexible and expect the unexpected.

James taught that God's people need to be careful in making plans.

1. The Busyness of Life. James isn't against planning. He taught that it's wrong to make plans without seeking God's leadership. Are you making plans for your future? Have you sought the Lord's direction and guidance about them? Are you living life without ever thinking about God?

2. The Brevity of Life. James wanted God's people to get a grip on life. When you compare life to eternity, life is brief and short. Don't be deceived into thinking that you have lots of time left in life. What spiritual decisions do you need to make now?

3. The Boastings of Life. James spoke to people who tried to separate the sacred from the secular. God's people need to be careful in boasting about themselves. James made a comment about the Lord's will. How do you discover God's will? Are you living out God's will for your life?

4. The Brokenness of Life. James taught that it's a sin to do wrong, and it's a sin to miss an opportunity to do good. How many open doors has God given you, only for you to walk away from them? When is the last time you confessed a sin? What causes you to miss doing God's will?

This message is timely in today's world. We hope you'll join us in-person or online. We encourage you to invite other people to join us in worship, too.

May the Lord bless you as you're careful in making plans! We're praying for you at FBC Clarksville.

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

MAY 22, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Facing A Financial Crisis
James 5:1-6

Have you ever faced a financial crisis? These are uncertain days financially. Inflation is high. The stock market is unpredictable. Gas prices are at an all-time price point. Your retirement account has probably dropped significantly. 

James spoke to people who had plenty of money. Those individuals were rich by the standards of the world. It's amazing to see many people sacrifice their health, families, and spiritual intimacy to get more stuff and climb the ladder of success. 

What does the Bible say about the world's understanding of money?    

1. Money: The Solution to My Problems. How many people believe that if they had more money their problems would be over? James, as the Holy Spirit led, answered the question differently than the world. Do you believe that if you had more money your relationships would be stronger and your life happier? 

2. Money: The Source of My Security. How many individuals, families, and churches are basing their security on money? James taught that real security in life doesn't come from financial wealth. Is your security in the Lord or on money? How can you find your eternal security in your Master, Jesus Christ? 

3. Money: The Snare of My Enemy. Jesus was tempted by the adversary. One point of Jesus' temptation was about the stuff of this world. Jesus overcame the enemy's lies by using the Word! Are you near a financial crisis? Can you identify how generosity is present in your Christian walk? 

Sunday's message will conclude with six steps on how to avoid a financial crisis. You don't want to miss this timely message in our Nuts and Bolts sermon series.

We love and care about you at FBC Clarksville. We welcome you to worship with us in-person or online. 

Have a blessed weekend! May you experience Jesus' grace and love!

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

MAY 29, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Learning One of Life’s Hardest Lessons
James 5:7-12

Do you have a teachable spirit? What is God teaching you these days? One of life's hardest lessons is learning how to be patient...how to wait on the Lord. 

Have you ever asked the Lord for patience? What are the spiritual advantages of being patient? 

1. Be Patient in Sowing. It makes a difference in what we believe. In a world of many voices, are you digesting God's truth? James talked about a farmer. What do you know about farming? Are you sowing gospel seeds? Are you anticipating a harvest? James challenged God's people to be patient in sowing. 

2. Be Patient in Speaking. Do you have a hard time being patient with the Lord? Do you struggle to be patient with other people? Impatience with God often leads to impatience with God's people. What happens when you're impatient? James asked God's people to be patient in speaking.      

3. Be Patient in Surviving. If you could ask God any question, what would you ask? James talked about the Old Testament personality of Job. Job knew what it was like to suffer and wait upon the Lord. What are the results of being patient? James taught God's people to be patient in surviving.    

We're praying that you'll worship with us in-person or online. Worshipping the Lord God Almighty changes lives, including your life. 

If we can serve you in your walk with Jesus, please reach out to us. We'd love to help you know the Lord, love Him, and follow Him. 

We're praying for you at FBC Clarksville!  

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

JUNE 5, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: What Should I Do?
James 5:13-16

How do you handle suffering? What do you do when you're happy (cheerful)? Are you a good patient when you're sick? 

James spoke to life issues that you understand. Every person on the planet faces suffering, happiness, and sickness. Here's the difference. People respond to those realities in vastly different ways. 

James wanted God's people to approach life with a spiritual, biblical worldview. 

1. Steps in Survival. How can you survive life? How do you handle troubles? James wanted God's people to pray for strength and a teachable spirit. When you're suffering, it's wise to pray. When you're happy (cheerful), it's appropriate to praise the Lord. What are the basics of praise? 

2. Support in Sickness. What should you do if you're sick? James revealed that believers get sick. Sickness may or may not be the result of sin. Today's text teaches that God's people need one another. If you're sick, you need godly people around you. Have you ever asked the elders (pastors) to pray for you?

3. Success in Service. Is your life making a kingdom difference? How are you serving the Lord? James wrote about the spiritual importance of relationships and repentance. Many Baptists become uncomfortable with the topics of healing, anointing, or confessing. Are you eager to see God work in your life? 

We're humbled for you to worship with us in-person or online. Our prayer is to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples. We desire to get the gospel to as many people as possible. 

FBC Clarksville is seeking to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. 

We're prayerful and excited to worship with you this weekend! 

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.

JUNE 19, 2022:

Nuts and Bolts: Ground Zero, A Rescue Effort
James 5:17-20

Following 9/11, "Ground Zero" became a common term. Rescue efforts took place around the clock. Rescuers looked for survivors and recovered the bodies of the deceased. This allowed families to experience joy or closure.

Why does the church exist? Depending on whom you ask, you'll receive different answers to the question. James taught that God's people needed to be engaged in a rescue effort. Sinners need to be rescued. How are you involved in rescuing people who are away from the Lord? 

1. A Holy Desire. Do you have godly desires? Is your prayer life strong and vibrant? James talked about God's servant, Elijah. What do you know about him? In your personal life, what are you asking God to do? "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4). 

2. A Hurtful Departure. If you talk with pastors, many of them say that seeing people deny the truth and leave the church is hard. Why is it that many people walk away from the truth and the church? Have you ever been tempted to step away from biblical truth and God's people? 

3. A Healthy Decision. For James, a healthy decision is to get involved in a rescue effort. As people slip out the church's back door, God's people must try to rescue them. You need to know that rescuing people who are away from the Lord and His church isn't easy. Are you willing to be involved at "Ground Zero?"    

Who needs to be rescued in your life? 

We hope you worship with us this weekend. You can join us in-person or online. It's powerful to gather with other people and worship the Lord. 

Have a blessed rest of your week. We pray to see you on Sunday. 

Grace and Peace!  

View all of the Nuts and Bolts Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/nutsandbolts.