MAY 16 (WEEK 1):

Hereafter: Hell
Matthew 7:13-14

Preaching the "whole counsel of God" is needed in our day. As Pastor Ronny preaches a sermon series entitled, “Hereafter," he'll focus on Hell this week and Heaven the next week. Is Hell an actual place? What does the Bible teach about this eternal place? Many people have unbiblical views about the hereafter.

1. The reality of Hell. How does the Bible describe being separated from the Lord for all eternity? You're encouraged to study the following Bible verses about Hell: (a) Matthew 5:29-30, Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 25:46, and Luke 16:19-31. What realities about Hell do you see?

2. The road to Hell. How many people believe they'll die and spend eternity in Hell? Jesus talked about the road to Hell being heavily populated. What causes the road to be wide and easy? What does Satan not want you to know? Satan wants you to focus on the here and now, not the hereafter.

3. The rescue from Hell. You aren't rescued from Hell by good works or religious duties. Jesus Christ is the only one who rescues from Hell. Are you confident that you're on the right road? When is the last time you thanked Jesus for saving you? Are you burdened for people who are outside of Christ?

We want you to be equipped in God's Word. May the Lord use this two-part sermon series to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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MAY 23 (WEEK 2):

Hereafter: Heaven
Revelation 22:1-6

Is Heaven real because a little boy said so, or is Heaven real because Jesus and the Bible say so? You know the correct answer to those two questions. Jesus and the Bible reveal intimate details about the eternal dwelling of those who know Jesus Christ as Savior.

How does a person go to Heaven? Is it about good works, giving money, being religious, or trusting Jesus? There is one way to Heaven, and His name is Jesus (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). If you lack assurance of spending eternity in Heaven, please comment or contact us. Pastor Ronny and our pastoral team would love to help you experience new life in Jesus Christ.

What should people expect in Heaven?

1. A Holy City. Is Las Vegas a holy city? Is Clarksville a holy city? The New Jerusalem is holy because God is there, sin and Satan are absent, and God's eternal design will be carried out to perfection. What excites you and living forever in the Holy City?

2. A Safe Environment. Is any place safe anymore? Security detail is common in schools, churches, and malls. It's hard for people to feel safe. However, the Bible shouts about the safety and security of Heaven. What words come to your mind when you contemplate the absence of crime, hatred, and violence?

3. A Relational Savior. What are you looking forward to seeing in Heaven? You may say, "I long to see believing loved ones again; I want to see the streets of gold and the crystal clear water; or I want to meet Abraham, David, and Paul. What will it be like to see Jesus' face?

4. A Diverse People. Who will be in Heaven? Jesus commanded His followers to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20). Heaven is going to be diverse. God's global mandate will be fulfilled as promised. What will it be like to worship in Heaven with people from all over the world?

We know many details about Heaven from the Bible. However, about many aspects of Glory, we'll have to agree with MercyMe by singing, "I Can Only Imagine!"

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