JUNE 26, 2022:

You Asked For It: Forgiveness
Ephesians 4:31-32

What comes to mind when you hear the word, forgiveness? Is it easy or hard for you to forgive people who've hurt or wounded you? That's not an easy question to answer. 

For many people, it even becomes more personal. Is it easy or hard for you to forgive yourself? Many people carry around unnecessary baggage and weight because they can't release (forgive) themselves. 

Please know this truth, Jesus went to a cross and shed His blood so you could know Him and live free. Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior? Are you living free in Him (John 8:32, 36)?

As you asked for it, what does the Bible say about forgiveness?    

1. How does God want us to relate with people? Paul was clear that believers are to build up, not tear down. He challenged God's people to put away all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice. How do you relate with people who've hurt or wounded you? Can you name anyone by name whom you've not forgiven (released)? 

2. How does God relate to us? Many people love the old hymn, "Amazing Grace." God's grace is amazing! His grace saves you, equips you, and sustains you. Jesus shed His blood so you could experience forgiveness (Hebrews 9:22). If you've received God's grace, are you giving grace to other people? If it's hard for you to extend grace, why is that so? 

3. How does God equip us to forgive people? Can you quote John 3:16? No matter your past or your current reality in life, God loves you! As a result of His love, He equips you to do what He calls you to do. If He calls you to teach a Bible study class, share the gospel, or forgive another person, He'll equip you to do so. Are you obeying God's leadership? 

As you prepare for worship this Sunday, we invite you to ponder these questions again. Do you need to receive God's forgiveness in Jesus Christ? Do you need to forgive another person? Do you need to forgive yourself? 

We hope you'll join us for the first sermon in our pastor's new sermon series. We're praying for you as we deal with a relevant, sensitive topic this weekend.

Thank you for connecting with us. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. 


View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.   

JULY 3, 2022:

You Asked For It: Casual Christianity
Romans 12:1-2

In our country, we have thousands of churches and millions of members. Why do you suppose that we're not making the moral and spiritual impact that we could or should be making? Why is it that on Sunday mornings many churches have more empty pews/seats than full? Why do many pastors beg church members to attend, give, or serve? Why are many of God's people uninformed about what the Bible teaches?Is casual Christianity an issue in our day? Paul called God's people to be "all in." In Romans 12, who is God asking His people to be, and what He is asking them to do?

1. Ask God's People to Listen. Paul made a personal appeal to believers. He wanted them to listen. Are you aware that God still speaks? Do you know how to listen to Him? God's primary way of speaking to people today is through His Word, the Bible? Are you reading the Bible every day?

2. Help God's People to Remember. Paul talked about "the mercies of God." He was asking believers to remember the attributes and activity of God. Do you remember the moment the Lord Jesus saved you? Do you remember times He blessed you beyond what you asked for or imagined?

3. Lead God's People to Worship. Biblical worship is more than what happens on Sunday mornings. Paul talked about "your spiritual worship." Worship is more than a style of music or about a special building. Worship is about God's revelation and our response. Is God pleased with your participation in worship?

4. Call God's People to Surrender. Giving, and not just money, is prominent in worship. Jesus gave His life for you! Have you given the Lord Jesus your life, your time, your possessions, and your future? The Bible is clear that partial obedience is disobedience. What do you need to surrender to the Lord?

We're praying for everyone who worships with us this weekend. We're excited to see folks in-person, and we're thankful to have people from around the world worship with us online.

You asked for it. Therefore, we'll see you soon as we look at the relevant topic of casual Christianity.

As the Lord speaks to you, please let us know. We'd love to help you know the Lord and walk with Him. Blessings!

View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.

JULY 10, 2022:

You Asked For It: The Holy Spirit
Romans 8:5-11

What do you know about the Holy Spirit? How is He active in your life? Is He using you to make much of Jesus?  

Many people are clueless about the person and purpose of the Holy Spirit. If you're going to live an abundant and effective Christian life, you must rely on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. There's no substitute or shortcut.   

1. Who is the Holy Spirit? When God's servants were filled with the Holy Spirit, they were never the same. His leaders, as a result of the Holy Spirit's power, served the Lord with courage, freedom, and victory. You must know that the Holy Spirit is a person, and He is at work. How is the Spirit at work in your life? 

2. How Does the Holy Spirit Work? God's Word offers clear insights into how the Holy Spirit works. He is a teacher; He convicts of sin; He guides in decision-making; He glorifies the Son. Do you have a teachable spirit? When was the last time you were convicted of your sin? How is the Holy Spirit directing your life? 

3. What Does the Holy Spirit Desire? Your flesh has desires. The Holy Spirit has desires, too. Are you living as He desires? As you know, you can't live the Christian life on your own. You need the Holy Spirit at work in your life. What areas of your life do you need to surrender to the Spirit?

Sermons on the Holy Spirit are rare. Therefore, we pray that you'll join us this weekend for this insightful message.  

We desire for you to live a fruitful and victorious spiritual life. We're asking the Lord to use this weekend's worship gathering in your walk with Him. 

Thank you for connecting with us at FBC Clarksville either in-person or online. We're praying for you. We look forward to seeing you this weekend.  

Please let us know how we can pray for and serve you. Blessings!   

View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.

JULY 17, 2022:

You Asked For It: Eternal Security
Romans 8:35-39

You asked for it. Therefore, what does the Bible say about eternal security? 

What do you know about eternal assurance in Christ? Can a believer in Jesus Christ be saved one day and lost the next day? 

Paul talked about God's love and a believer's security in Him. He said that "nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 8:39)."   

What do you need to believe and how do you need to behave in regards to eternal security? 

1. Learn to Ask Questions. Have you ever questioned God's love for you? You ask, "How could God love me? Look at the mess I've made in life." It's wise in the Christian life to learn to ask questions. Jesus asked many questions of His followers and of His critics. In regards to eternal security, what questions do you need to ask? 

2. Personalize what God Says. At the heart of worship are God's revelation and our response. Does God still speak today? He does! His primary way of speaking is through His Word. It's imperative in the Christian life to know biblical truth and expect spiritual adversity. What are your faith and obedience costing you? How are you listening to God's voice? 

3. Undergo a Faith Check-Up. When was the last time you saw a medical doctor for a check-up? When was the last time you had a spiritual check-up? A beneficial practice is to position yourself before the Lord and allow Him to search your heart (Psalm 139:23-24). You need to know with certainty that you're saved and born-again. When did you turn from your sin and trust Jesus? 

We pray that you'll join us in-person or online for this important biblical message. We want you to know that you're saved and that you have eternal security. 

If we can help you in your spiritual walk, please contact us. Our highest joy is to glorify the Lord and for you to know Jesus as your Savior and Lord. 

We're praying for you! 


View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.

JULY 24, 2022:

You Asked For It: Spiritual Warfare
1 Peter 5:8-11

It's always appropriate to say "thank you" to those who serve our country in the armed forces, both past and present soldiers. Our national freedom is never free. Our country is one of the greatest in the world because of the sacrifice of many men and women. Therefore, "Thank you!" 

The Bible reveals another form of warfare, that being spiritual. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you don't live on a playground; you live on a battlefield. You have an enemy who wants to destroy your life, marriage, family, and church (John 10:10). 

How can you be victorious on a spiritual battlefield?     

1. Consider the Enemy's Ways. You need to know who the enemy is and how he works. How does Satan oppose God, and how does he tempt believers? The Bible has much to say about our adversary. Can you list five facts from the Bible about the devil? If so, list them now. If not, spend time in God's Word. 

2. Discover God's Strategic Plan. As children of God. we must rejoice. We have "victory in Jesus!" Our adversary is defeated. His end is certain. Jesus is victorious because of His death and resurrection. What steps are needed in your life to live a victorious Christian life?

3. Trust God's Unshakable Promises. God is faithful. His mercies are new every morning. As you open His Word, you're looking into God's face, and He has made thousands of promises to you. Unlike many people in your life, He'll never break a single promise. Can you name at least five of His promises?

Spiritual warfare is a topic that you asked for. Therefore, we hope you'll join us in-person or online for this timely message. 

Thank you for allowing us to speak into your life. That's a high calling from the Lord. 

If we can pray for you, please let us know how. We're honored to serve the Lord and you. 

We looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.

JULY 31, 2022:

You Asked For It: Persecution
2 Timothy 3:10-15

When is the last time you heard a sermon about persecution? It's possible that your answer to the question is never. It's a subject (and a reality) that many of God's people experience around the world on a daily basis.    

As you think about the last days, or Jesus' promised return, Paul stated that many people wouldn't embrace sound doctrine.  

How did persecution affect the early church? What kind of persecution are believers around the world facing? Are American churches ready for persecution? Are you prepared for persecution? 

1. Learn from Other Disciples. The church is called to make disciples. Paul lived the Christian life before other people. His faith in Jesus Christ was personal, but not private. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you're a learner and follower. What do you need to learn from other believers? 

2. Expect Times of Persecution. What do you expect in the Christian life? The apostles knew what to expect. Faithfulness, devotion, and surrender to Jesus meant persecution. What does the Bible reveal about persecution? Have you experienced persecution in your life? If so, how did you respond?

3. Remain Acquainted with Truth. If you're going to be ready to overcome persecution, you can't ignore God's truth. How much time are you investing in God's Word? If you're not in the Word on a regular basis, you need to adjust your schedule. What does persecution look like in the days to come?

You asked for it. Therefore, we hope you'll join us on Sunday for this important message about persecution.  

We're thankful for the many people who worship with us in-person and online. We're humbled to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ with you week after week. 

If we can pray for you or serve you, please feel free to contact us. 

May the Lord find His children faithful in these challenging times! 

View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.

AUGUST 7, 2022:

You Asked For It: Jesus’ Second Coming
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Have you ever played the game hide-and-seek? At one point, one person in the game says, "Ready or not, here I come." What do you know about the second coming of Jesus Christ? As God's Word teaches, Jesus is coming again one day. 

Jesus' first coming was as a suffering servant. He lived a perfect, sinless life. He died a horrific death on a cross. He was buried in a borrowed tomb. However, on the third day, in glorious praise to God, Jesus walked out of the grave. The Son of God and Savior of the world is alive! 

What do you need to know about Jesus' second coming? 

1. Establish a Solid Foundation. If you're building a house, the foundation matters. If you're going to live an abundant, effective Christian life, you need to make sure you're building on the "Solid Rock." Jesus is the "Rock of Ages." What does the Bible teach about Jesus' promised return? 

2. Look at Current Events. Have you received a package and the label reads, "Handle with care?" God's Word and current events need to be handled with care. As for Jesus' second coming, what is the proof, evidence, or signs? You're encouraged to read 2 Timothy 3:1-5. How do those verses relate to life today? 

3. Offer a Personal Challenge. As you live in the last days, and as you anticipate Jesus' second coming, what should you do? Jesus' promised return must influence the way you live and what you say. Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior? Are you sharing Jesus with other people? 

We pray you'll join us this Sunday for this message. As a church, we desire for you to know Jesus as your Savior and live for Him as your Lord. We want you to be ready when Jesus comes again. 

If we can help you prepare for Jesus' return, please contact us. We'd love to serve you. 

Have a blessed rest of your week. We hope to worship with you this weekend.

View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.

AUGUST 14, 2022:

You Asked For It: Prayer and Fasting 
Matthew 26:36-46

Have you ever asked God to teach you how to pray (Luke 11:1)? Have you ever spent time fasting as a spiritual discipline? 

God's Word has much to say about prayer and fasting. Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane praying. He was troubled and sorrowful, and He was asking for His Father's will to be done. 

This message is about preparing God's people for a seven-day period of prayer and fasting. As our church moves forward in Great Commission ministry, we must make sure that ministry decisions are made with the heart and mind of Jesus. You'll hear more this weekend from our pastor about the seven-day call to prayer and fasting.   

1. Seek Times of Solitude. The Bible teaches a lot about solitude. Jesus loved being alone with the Father. Do you need to calendar a day of solitude? 

2. Surrender to God's Will. A frequent question in ministry relates to God's will. Are you living in the center of God's will? How do you discover God's will? 

3. Expect Seasons of Temptation. Jesus faced temptation from the enemy. Is temptation a sin? Does God tempt people? Are you in His Word?   

4. Hunger for Biblical Fellowship. Jesus served with other people. Is the church necessary? Do you have people near you who have your back?  

5. Prepare for Fierce Opposition. It's painful to be betrayed. Jesus understood the injuries of betrayal. How do you respond to opposition and betrayal? 

As we pray for this weekend's worship gathering, we hope you'll join us in-person or online. God has a Word for us about prayer and fasting. 

Please feel free to contact us with your spiritual questions or ministry needs. We count it an honor to be on a spiritual journey with you.

View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.

AUGUST 21, 2022:

You Asked For It: Gospel Conversations  
Acts 8:26-40

Many people have fears in life...snakes, spiders, heights, or public speaking. It's a fact, too, that many believers have a fear of personal evangelism. Why are gospel conversations so terrifying for God's people? We have the greatest news in human history...Jesus Christ!  

How do you turn an everyday conversation into a gospel conversation? When was the last time you led another person to Jesus? When was the last time you tried? 

1. Our Lives Matter to God. Your life is valuable to the Lord. He wants to use you. Philip was a "regular guy" with a passion for the Lord's work. God spoke to Philip, and he obeyed. Are you listening to God's voice? How are you obeying God's leadership?      

2. Our Obedience Matters to God. Your obedience is an act of worship. Philip was obedient to the Lord. He was living by faith, not by sight. God's spiritual goal for you isn't to be comfortable. He wants to stretch you and grow you. How is the Lord stretching your faith? How are you seeing God at work in your life? 

3. Our Message Matters to God. Your message must be about Jesus. Philip met a lost man, joined him in his chariot, and shared Jesus with him. He had an everyday conversation, used the Bible, and shared Jesus. What must happen for you to have regular gospel conversations with people? 

Do you remember the person who shared Jesus with you? If you'll ask God, He'll open doors for you to engage people in gospel conversations. 

We hope you'll join us in worship this weekend. We'd love to see you in-person. However, if that's not possible, we always welcome you to worship with us online.            

Have a blessed rest of your week. We look forward to connecting with you this weekend. 

View all of the You Asked For It Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/youaskedforit.