Malachi: A Fresh Word

Malachi 1:1-5

As parents, how are you praying for your kids? Take a moment and share your answers with your study group. It's powerful when parents pray for their kids to know Jesus, grow in Him, obey His call, and serve Him.  

Do you ever find that your Bible study, prayer life, or worship involvement is dry and routine? You seem to be going through the motions. If so, the book of Malachi is for you. God's people needed a fresh encounter with Him. When was the last time you stood in awe of God's greatness and majesty? Do you need a fresh encounter with the Lord, too?   

Take a moment and read Malachi 1:1-5. It's worshipful to read God's Word with other people. 

Malachi was the last word from God for 400 years. In today's world, noise is commonplace. Silence is painful for many people. Can you imagine God being silent for that many years? What is the meaning of an "oracle?" 

1. Observe the Difference Between Religion and Relationship. There are many religions in the world. A person can be religious and be lost. If that person died, he or she would spend eternity separated from God. A central message of the Bible is about a relationship. God reveals Himself, and people respond. Share details about your relationship with the Lord. 

2. Understand the Difference Between Faithfulness and Unfaithfulness. God revealed that actions have consequences. If you're faithful, God will bless you. If you're unfaithful, God will discipline you. What does God mean when He talks about Jacob and Esau? God extended grace to His people. Talk about the meaning and experience of grace. Why is God's grace amazing? 

3. Personalize the Difference Between Remorse and Repentance. If genuine revival is to come, repentance is needed, not remorse, What's the difference between remorse and repentance? Share an experience when you repented of a sin. How did the Holy Spirit convict you? Did you repent immediately, or did you resist at first? Repentance is a heart issue. Do you need to repent now?

May the Lord use this sermon series to speak to you from His prophet, Malachi! 

As summer winds down and school starts back, now is a great time to connect with a local church. If you live in the Clarksville area, you're welcome to worship with us in person. We have Bible studies and worship services for all ages and in various languages...English, Spanish, and Korean. There's a place for you at FBC Clarksville. 

If you live outside of Middle Tennessee, you're welcome to worship with us online. If you contact us, we'd love to help you find a local church in your area.

We're praying for you. 

Have a blessed rest of your week. We hope to see you on Sunday.  

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MALACHI: A costly shutdown

Malachi 1:6-14

How many of you remember the Covid shutdown? It affected people physically, financially, relationally, mentally, and spiritually. Those were strange and stressful days. How did the Covid shutdown affect you? Did it cost you in certain ways? 

When it comes to Jesus and your walk with Him, are you "all in" or "playing games?" The prophet Malachi had a Word from the Lord about being "all in." Healthy churches have members who are devoted in their attendance, gifts, and service. As you think about and pray for your church, do you see people who are "all in?" 

Take a moment and read Malachi 1:6-14. 

1. Exhort Your Leaders. If you go see a doctor, it's common for his or her staff to check your weight, blood pressure, and temperature. As you think about your workplace or church, what's the temperature of leaders? Are they cold, lukewarm, or hot? In Malachi, people were disobedient because their leaders were disobedient. Now is a good time for your group to pray for your leaders. 

2. Evaluate Your Worship. God blessed His people. What was their response to His grace and love? It was worthless worship. Biblical worship is about worth-ship. Why do you worship God? In your group, talk about and worship the Lord because of His attributes and activity. Who is God? How do you describe Him to another person? What do you see God doing in your life, family, or church?

3. Examine Your Offerings. God is gracious and generous. He loves you (John 3:16). Malachi spoke a Word to the people about their offerings. Are you giving God your best, what you have left over, or what you don't need? God desires and deserves your best. Giving is an act of worship. Is God pleased with your heart to give? Are you a cheerful giver? Thank the Lord for His gifts to you. 

4. Elevate Your Fear. Many things in life go together. Take a moment and share some of those things. This should be creative and fun. God's name and His Word are inseparable. The people of Israel no longer feared God. Do you fear the Lord? What does it mean to fear Him? When was the last time you stood in awe of God's greatness and glory? He is worthy to be adored and feared. 

As you study God's Word and worship Him, may He change your life! 

As you finish this week's study, take time to reflect and pray. 

  • Pray for your leaders 

  • Worship the Lord in spirit and truth 

  • Give the Lord your best

  • Stand in awe of Him 

We hope to worship with you this weekend. 

View all of the "Malachi" Sermon Series Study Guides at



Malachi 2:1-9

As you begin your study this week, take a moment and read Malachi 2:1-9. You're not likely to cover this section of Scripture in VBS or during student camp. However, the Lord calls His servants to preach and teach "the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27).  

Performance reviews are common in workplaces. "Where did you meet expectations? Where did you not meet expectations? Where did you exceed expectations? What needs to change in the coming days, weeks, or months?" It's one thing to be evaluated by a supervisor. What's it like to be evaluated by the Lord God Almighty? 

That's what's happening to spiritual leaders in Malachi 2. 

1. The Communication of Personal Feedback. Having a boss displeased with your performance is one thing. Having God displeased with your leadership is another thing. Leaders weren't listening to God or honoring (glorifying) His name. Do you know how to listen to God? What hinders you from hearing God's voice? What's one of the greatest spiritual lessons you've learned? 

2. The Expectations of Spiritual Leaders. If you're a spiritual leader, here are four expectations: (1) Walking with God is foundational. (2) Proclaiming the Bible is essential. (3) Serving in ministry is beautiful. (4). Dealing with criticism is predictable. Leaders in Malachi's day were a mess, meaning they thought ministry was about them and their sinful desires. Discuss the four statements. 

3. The Discernment of God's People. Leaders in Malachi's day hurt people. It's a fact in life and ministry that "hurt people hurt people." These leaders taught bad theology, and that never ends well, and they showed partiality. How have you seen pastors and church leaders hurt people? Have you ever been hurt by a spiritual leader? How did you handle the pain of that experience?    

As you wrap up your study, it would be fruitful to pray for your pastor, staff ministry team, and lay leaders who serve in your church. Serving in ministry comes with high expectations and increased demands. Your leaders need your prayers, encouragement, and support.

Pray for the following:

  • Devotion 

  • Intimacy

  • Protection

  • Fruitfulness

  • Perseverance 

May the Lord bless His people in Bible study and worship this weekend! 

View all of the "Malachi" Sermon Series Study Guides at



Malachi 2:10-16

Take a few minutes and name the famous people whom you've met. Who were they? Where did you meet them? What was it like to meet them? If you could still meet a famous person, who would that person be? 

Malachi shared a personal word. He wanted God's people to think about their master and their mates. Those are two foundational relationships in life. How did you come to know Jesus as your Savior? Take time to share your stories. If you're married, how did you and your spouse meet? Pause for a moment and relive those special days.  

1. A Word about Knowing God. What you think about God affects the way you treat another person. Those two spiritual realities are inseparable. Here are two titles for God that your group can discuss. What does it mean to say God is your Creator? How does it influence your life to say God is your Father? You're fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). God loves you (John 3:16). 

2. A Word about Finding Love. Take a moment and talk about what "profanity" means. Is profanity something a person can say and do? Profanity doesn't fit who you are in Christ. As a believer, you're always dependent on God's wisdom. What does God say about finding love and marrying the right person? What dating tips would you give to couples? How do you find God's will for marriage? 

3. A Word about Honoring Marriage. What are the leading causes of conflict and divorce in marriages? Share your answers and thoughts. How can couples prepare for the marriage relationship, not just the wedding day? How can couples build on the rock, not on the sand? As you know, a healthy marriage encounters storms. How have you weathered storms in your marriage?  

Divorce is common in our culture. Are there biblical grounds for divorce? Take time and share your thoughts and convictions. It's critical to answer that question from a biblical perspective. Share Bible verses as you discuss your answers. 

As you conclude your time together, pray for couples in your church. The enemy loves to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He loves to destroy what God has joined together (Mark 10:9). We must fight for godly marriages.  

We're praying for our worship gatherings this weekend! 

View all of the "Malachi" Sermon Series Study Guides at


Dr. Randy Davis, Executive Director, Tennessee Baptist Convention




MALACHI: Going Deep: A Sermon Seldom Shared  

Malachi 2:17-3:5

A common question people ask is, "What is God's will for my life?" To know God's will means you know how to hear His voice. How does God speak in our day? Give an example of a time when you desired to know God's will and you heard Him speak. The Father wants you to know His Word, His will, and His ways. 

A question God's people asked in Malachi related to God's fairness. Was God a God of justice? 

This week's sermon deals with subjects seldom shared. Is God fair? Is Jesus coming again? How does the Lord work? Who will be judged? Take a moment now and discuss these four questions. 

1. A Question about God's Fairness. Is God fair? This question has been pondered by many biblical personalities and modern people (read Psalm 73). You may have said, "God, my world fell apart. Why didn't you do something?" If you're a parent, have you had a child accuse you of being unfair? If so, how did you feel? How did you respond? God's people accused Him of being unfair.  

2. A Statement about Our Savior's Return. When did you last hear a sermon about the return of Jesus? He came for the first time as a suffering servant. He'll come the next time as King of kings and Lord of lords. Discuss in your group selected Bible verses that teach Jesus' return. How does Jesus' return influence the way you live and serve? Do you live and serve with purpose and urgency? 

3. A Message about Our Lord's Work. If you've been betrayed, mistreated, or wounded, what are you asking God to do? How do you see God at work in your life? Many years ago, people embraced the message that said, "Find out where God is at work and join Him." Where do you see God at work? As God works, He cleanses and refines. Is God developing and working in and through you?

As you finish this week's study, take time to answer the following four questions: 

1. How do you help someone understand God's fairness? 

2. Why do many people (even believers) never consider the return of Jesus Christ?  

3. Where do you see clear evidence of God's activity (in your life, church, or community)?

4. What does God's Word teach about a future judgment for believers and nonbelievers? 

We're praying for you and Sunday's worship gathering. May we worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples!

View all of the "Malachi" Sermon Series Study Guides at



Malachi 3:6-12

Words are often hard to hear. "You're loved one passed away. Your position is being eliminated. You didn't make the team. You have cancer." What hard words have you heard in your life? Do you still struggle when you think about those words? In your study group, discuss your answers with openness and transparency. Your group is a safe place of prayer and support. 

God doesn't tickle people's ears. He speaks the truth in love. God used Malachi to reveal His burdens for the people of Israel. God's people pursued false gods, experienced broken fellowship with Him, abandoned their trust in Him, and deserved His divine judgment. God's grace is evident in Malachi. He called His people to return to Him. Do you love God? Is He calling you to return to Him? 

What biblical truths are found in this week's text? 

1. The Call is to Trust. Are you trusting God? You probably answered yes to that question. How are you trusting Him? Malachi wanted the Israelites to know that they were no longer trusting God, and he possessed evidence to prove it. You can trust God because He loves you and because you're secure in Him. In your group, talk about God's love and God's security. 

2. The Charge is to Turn. Do you believe you're living close to the Lord or far from Him? What does the word repentance mean? When have you seen repentance practiced? Share a time when God convicted you to repent. God invites frequently His people to repent. As a result of His grace, He calls His people to return to Him. Is repentance needed in your life, marriage, or church?

3. The Command is to Tithe. What does the Bible teach about tithing? Did tithing exist before the Law of Moses? Is tithing still relevant today? Money is a sensitive subject. What does it mean to "rob God?" It's estimated that less than 3% of believers tithe today. Is your church ahead or behind in budgeted giving? What does it mean to be a generous, sacrificial giver?

Before you pray in your study group, discuss these three questions: 

1. Are you trusting God? 

2. Do you need to repent? 

3. Are you a generous, sacrificial giver? 

We're praying for our time together this weekend. May we see evidence of a mighty move of God, a Heaven-sent revival! 

God loves you, and we do too! 

View all of the "Malachi" Sermon Series Study Guides at



Malachi 3:13-18

Thank the Lord for the local church! 

Thousands of churches exist in Tennessee. As you know, churches may be large or small, or they can be weak or strong. Take a few moments and discuss your church. Is your church large or small? Is your faith family weak or strong? What characteristics describe a strong, healthy church? 

Malachi has a strong message for God's people. God wanted His people to speak the right words, serve the right Father, and worship the right Lord. 

This week's message is about the church...God's people. What matters to your church? What is your church known for in the community? How is God using your church to make a kingdom difference?

1. You Need to Speak Words Carefully. Words can build people up or tear them down. The people of Israel spoke harsh, arrogant words to God. As a believer, you need to be careful how you speak to God and other people. Do you select your words carefully? Share a time when you said the right words to God and other people, and share when you said the wrong words to them. 

2. You Need to Serve Jesus Joyfully. God wanted His people to serve Him for His glory, not for their gain. How long have you been serving Jesus? Take time to share the many ways how God is using you to serve Him and build His church. A healthy church enlists, equips, and empowers people to serve. Why do you believe many of God's people never serve? 

3. You Need to Worship God Passionately. What does it mean to worship God? How does the average church member define and describe worship? God said many of His people feared Him, spoke with one another, and esteemed His name. Does your church worship the Lord in spirit and truth? Talk about your worship and your worship with your church family. Is God pleased?

The enemy is coming after believers and churches (John 10:10). He wants to discourage, divide, deceive, and destroy. How are you and your church overcoming the enemy? It's wise to discuss spiritual warfare and how to be victorious in Jesus Christ. 

As you finish your study this week, take time to pray these five requests: 

1. Pray for your pastor and ministry team.

2. Pray for your church's unity and health. 

3. Pray for your church's ministry to the world.

4. Pray for your church's commitment to enlisting and equipping people to serve.

5. Pray for your church to glorify and please the Lord.    

We're praying for a great weekend of Bible study and worship. We hope you'll join us on Sunday. 

View all of the "Malachi" Sermon Series Study Guides at



Malachi 4:1-6

You live in a noisy world. Are you comfortable or uncomfortable with silence? You may have experienced before God's silence. If so, how did you feel and respond? God's silence doesn't equal His inactivity. He often works behind the scenes. Share a time when Heaven seemed silent to you. What did God teach you during that season? How did that time in life change you? 

Malachi ended his prophetic Word, and God was silent for hundreds of years. Even though there was no new revelation, God remained active and at work. What do you see God doing around your life, marriage, family, church, community, nation, or world? 

1. God Settles Accounts. The people of Israel were hard against God. God's people questioned His love and fairness. The Bible teaches the presence of two judgments. One judgment is for believers, and the other judgment is for nonbelievers. Talk about the two judgments. One day Jesus is coming again. Are you spiritually ready for His return? If so, rejoice. If not, repent. 

2. God Uses People. God used Malachi to speak His truth. How is God using you? As you look back over your life, can you name people whom God used to shape your walk with Him? Take a few moments and share their names. Give details about how they impacted your life and spiritual development. Have you ever told them how the Lord used them in your life? Take the time to do so. 

3. God Reveals Truth. How many Bibles do you own? God's primary way of speaking to you is through His Word. Malachi stressed the importance of God's revealed truth, His Word. Why are many lives, marriages, families, and churches falling apart? Why do many believers never open their Bibles? What does your time in God's Word look like? It's wise to learn from one another. 

4. God Makes Promises. God has made thousands of promises. He's faithful to every single one of them. Share the difference between unconditional and conditional promises in the Bible. As you can, give biblical examples of each category. What promises has God used to comfort you, challenge you, or correct you? God's Word never fails nor returns void (Isaiah 55:10-11).  

5. God Reconciles Families. Malachi talked about God turning the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. Do you see evidence of this happening in our day? How would you describe your relationship with your dad? If your father is still living, what needs to continue or change in your relationship with him? Is your family united or broken?                              

As the Malachi sermon series ends, take a few moments and answer the following questions:

1. What did you learn from Malachi? 

2. What spiritual truth did God show you about your walk with Him? 

3. Did the Holy Spirit convict you about an area of disobedience?

4. Are you aware and confident that God loves you?   

5. How do you need to pray for your spiritual leaders and church?

We'd love to hear from you. Please let us know how God is working in your life. 

We're praying for an amazing weekend of worship and Bible study. We hope you'll join us. 

View all of the "Malachi" Sermon Series Study Guides at