I’m Thankful For…Jesus
Matthew 4:23-25

What are you thankful for? That's an important question. Take time in your group and share your answers. Thanksgiving isn't reserved for one Thursday in November. Saved people are thankful people. 

Is Jesus your Savior, Lord, Healer, Provider, and Best Friend? If you're saved, lift your voice and thank Jesus for saving you and forgiving you. If He's healed and provided for you, thank Him.   

Jesus's ministry in and around the Galilee region changed lives. The gospel was spreading. Jesus entered many synagogues and ministered. He taught God's Word, He preached Good News, and He healed sick people. How would you describe your ministry? Are you seeing any spiritual fruit?     

How can you be thankful for Jesus? 

1. Love Jesus. What does it mean to love Jesus? You love Jesus by possessing the right beliefs. Jesus is God's Son. He's the Savior of the world. Jesus paid your sin debt in full. He's coming again. You love Jesus by surrendering your life to Him. Have you given Him total control of your life? You love Jesus by obeying Him (John 14:15). What is Jesus asking you to do? 

2. Fear Jesus. What does it mean to fear Jesus? To fear Jesus means to stand in awe of Him. It means to bow before Him. As you fear the Lord, always remember, that He is holy, sovereign, and worthy. Are you giving the Lord your best in life? Giving Him the leftovers of your life isn't fearing Him. Jesus gave you His best. He was crucified for you. Fear Jesus by giving Him your all. 

3. Serve Jesus. What does it mean to serve Jesus? Jesus saved you and left you here to serve Him. He has a divine purpose for your life. He calls the redeemed to ministry positions. Those positions may be volunteer or vocational. Is God calling you? If you're sensing a call from God, take the time to talk with your pastor. He can help you discern God's call and discover your ministry.

As we inch closer to Thanksgiving Day, our pastor's sermon series is designed to equip you to be thankful. If you're to seek God's kingdom first (Matthew 6:33), then it's wise to thank Jesus first. 

We hope you'll join us on Sunday for the first sermon in the new series. May Jesus raise up thankful people! 

FBC Clarksville is thankful for Jesus and for the many people who worship with us in-person and online. 

Have a blessed week. We hope to see you on Sunday. 

View all of the “I’m Thankful For…” study guides at


I’m Thankful For…Family
Colossians 3:18-21

The enemy is on the loose. He desires to devour lives, marriages, families, and churches. What is his strategy? He tempts, deceives, divides, and destroys. How is the enemy coming against you and your family? 

How would you describe your family? Many families, connected and disconnected from a local church, are hurting. Dysfunction is all too common for families. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Share your answers with the other people in your group. 

Why are many families struggling? What does God's Word say about the family? 

1. Wives, Follow the Leadership of Your Husbands. To the husbands, are you thankful for your wives? Are you leading your families? What does God mean when He says, "Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord?" That is a controversial statement for many people. Many misconceptions exist about the word submit. Are you submitting your life to Jesus?

2. Husbands, Love Your Wives as Jesus Loved the Church. Do you know what agape love means? It's a John 3:16 love. You sacrifice for your wives. Jesus gave His life for the church. How do you love your wives the way Jesus loves His church? A healthy family doesn't come easily. You have to work hard and crucify selfishness. How can you make your family a priority? 

3. Children, Respect the Authority of Your Parents. Living under authority isn't bad. It actually protects you. What does it mean to live under God's authority? Parents, are your children living under your authority? Do your kids know that they matter to you? Crime rates in our cities indicate that a crisis of authority exists. Parents, how are you leading your families?  

4. Parents, Remain Diligent about Raising Healthy Children. Parents, how are you raising your kids? What are you teaching them? How do you discipline them? Are you training them to know Jesus, His Word, and His will? You have a kingdom responsibility. What do your kids believe about Jesus, the Bible, the church, or the devil? Your kids need a biblical foundation and worldview.

This message is timely. We hope you'll join us in worship this weekend. 

FBC Clarksville is thankful for you. As we often say, "We love you."  

Please let us know how we can serve you and pray for you. Have a blessed rest of your week. 

Grace and Peace!          

View all of the “I’m Thankful For…” study guides at         


I’m Thankful For…Purpose
Matthew 28:16-20

What's your purpose in life? What's your church's purpose? Churches come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. However, every church has the same mission and purpose. God's people are to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). That's the Great Commission. Is your church a Great Commission church? 

What never changes in life? The weather changes. The economy changes. The rhythm of life changes. As much as you resist change, it's unstoppable. Life is always changing. In your group, can you list a few things that never change? Take time to discuss your answers.

This is Mission Sunday at FBC Clarksville. The various ministries of the church will be together. God's people will celebrate His purpose...the Great Commission. 

I. Listen as Jesus Extends His Invitation. Jesus invited fishermen to come and follow Him (Matthew 4:18-22). Jesus called a tax collector to come down from a tree (Luke 19:1-10). Jesus never hesitated to invite people to make a spiritual decision. How is Jesus inviting you? Do you need to be saved? Is He calling you to vocational ministry? What is Jesus saying to you? 

II. Obey as Jesus Explains His Instructions. Jesus was a teacher. He taught people how to follow and serve Him. As He taught, the goal was obedience. What is Jesus teaching you? Are you obeying Him? Jesus is calling His church to take the Good News to the nations. Explain how you see your church obeying or disobeying Jesus's instruction. Does your church have a global vision? 

III. Rejoice as Jesus Ensures His Involvement. Jesus is faithful. He never breaks a promise. Jesus said that He'd always be with you and your church. That truth should bring you joy and peace. As you live on mission for Jesus, are you aware of His presence and involvement? Have you ever tried to do ministry on your own strength? Talk about how you see Jesus involved at your church. 

Revelation 7:9 says that Heaven will be diverse. His Great Commission will be fulfilled. That's exciting! 

Our Hispanic and Korean Ministries will join us in worship this week. Sunday will be a reflection of Heaven. We hope you'll join us in-person or online. 

He's given His church a global, kingdom purpose. Let's take the gospel to the world and make disciples of all nations.

We hope to see you on Sunday.

View all of the “I’m Thankful For…” study guides at         


I’m Thankful For…Church
2 Thessalonians 1:3-4

What do you know about the Lord's church? Jesus gave His life for the church. He promised that Satan wouldn't overcome His bride (Matthew 16:18). God is using local churches to change the world. How is the Lord using your local church? 

Is your church making disciples of all nations? Is your church united? Is your church in love with Jesus? As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you need the Lord's church. Is the church a building or a body? Talk about your convictions about the church. 

Why are you thankful for the church? If you're in a group, take a piece of paper and list the reasons you're thankful for the church. Being committed to the church isn't optional for disciples. You need God's people in your life. 

1. Give Thanks: When. Paul said that you're to always give thanks for God's people. Giving thanks for the church is about conviction and priority. Many of you ask "when" questions. "When will I get married? When will we have a baby? When should I retire?" When should you give thanks for the church? Always! Pause in your group and give thanks for your church. 

2. Give Thanks: Why. You probably ask many "why" questions. "Why can't I get a break? Why am I facing a storm in life? Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?" Why did Paul thank God for the church? He rejoiced over the people's faith and love. Is your faith in Jesus growing? Is your love increasing for God's church, lost people, and biblical truth?

3. Give Thanks: Where. Paul thanked God for His church in other churches and in conversations with other people. "Where" questions are common today, too. "Where is a safe place? Where did our money go? Where is the Lord at work?" If you're in a Bible study group, talk about places in your life where you can give a witness about your church. 

The church is the Lord's bride. You need to speak about His church, using enduring words. The church is strong. The church is essential. The church is relevant. The church is seeing lives changed. 

If you're not connected to a local church, please accept our invitation to attend FBC Clarksville. We welcome you! Our passion is to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples. 

We hope you'll join us in-person or online this weekend. 

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family! 

View all of the “I’m Thankful For…” study guides at