As we pull back the curtain into Heaven, worship is taking place (Revelation 4). As we glance down the dusty roads of Samaria, Jesus declared that the Father was seeking worshipers (John 4). True worshipers worship the Father in spirit and truth. We hope you'll join us in-person or online for our pastor's sermon series entitled, "Spirit and Truth." He'll talk about how to praise the Lord, what's the correct posture in worship, what extravagant worship looks like, and what it means to give the Lord your best. As a believer in Jesus, and since you'll worship forever in Heaven, we hope you'll learn about worship now and practice for eternity.


Spirit and Truth: When My Purpose is to Praise God   
Psalm 150

It’s common for people to ask, “What happened in church today?” Have you ever asked, “What happened in Heaven today?” According to God’s Word, worship is taking place in Heaven. Our God is worthy to be worshipped.

How do you define worship? You need to know that the word “worship” is a verb. It’s what you do. God is calling you to praise Him.

What does Psalm 150 teach about worship? How do you praise the Lord?

1. The Where of Praise and Worship. Is worship limited to a church building? Can you worship the Lord on a day other than Sunday? The Psalmist talked about God’s sanctuary and His mighty heavens. How do those places influence the way we praise the Lord?       

2. The Why of Praise and Worship. Why do we praise the Lord? The Psalmist clarifies the why of praise and worship. You praise God for His mighty deeds and according to His excellent greatness. Why do you worship the Lord personally? Why do you worship the Lord with God’s people corporately?

3. The How of Praise and Worship. How do you praise the Lord? Are musical instruments appropriate in worship? Is it okay for believers to dance? (You don’t want to miss Sunday’s worship gathering now for sure.) The Psalmist talked about worshipping God with instruments and expression.

4. The Who of Praise and Worship. Is worship limited to believers in the Lord? Many people worship possessions and people. There’s only One worthy of worship. He’s the Lord God Almighty! Many people today struggle with idol worship. How does God want to change and grow your participation in worship?

It’s impossible to worship the Lord and stay the same.

We hope you’ll worship with us this Sunday. This is the first message in our pastor’s sermon series, “Spirit and Truth.” Since we’re going to worship in Heaven, we need to practice now. We welcome you to join us in-person or online.

Have a great rest of your week. We look forward to adoring the Lord together this weekend.

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Spirit and Truth: When My Passion is to Please God
John 4:19-24

We hear often about wars and rumors of war. Let's continue to pray for the many men and women who serve our country. 

In the 70s and 80s, the Southern Baptist Convention was involved in another battle. It was a battle over the Bible. Is God's Word true? Decisions were made that solidified our Baptist heritage as being "people of the Book." We firmly stand on God's inerrant truth! 

Believers and churches have also been engaged in another battle for decades. It's a battle over worship. Many people have labeled this battle as a "worship war." What is the preferred style of worship? Why do God's people disagree and divide over worship styles?   

As a way to prepare you for this week's message, we'd love for you to answer this question. What does God's Word say about worship?     

1. Refuse to Limit the Location of Worship. Jesus met a Samaritan woman. He talked with her personally. It was a fascinating conversation. In the course of their conversation, the topic of worship came up. How do you define worship? Have you ever limited worship to a location or time? If so, how?        

2. Commit to Understand the Privilege of Worship. Life in America comes with many privileges. As of now, we enjoy the freedom of worship. Jesus taught the Samaritan woman about the type of worshipers the Father seeks. How is worship a lifestyle for you? How do you worship the Father in spirit and truth?

3. Strive to Maintain the Heart of Worship. Life gets out of balance at times. Jesus served the Samaritan woman by helping her maintain the heart of worship. Have you ever been in a "worship rut?" If so, what did you do to break free? How do you know if you've worshiped the Lord in spirit and truth? 

We're praying for you and your worship participation this week. God has called you to be a participant, not a spectator. 

If we can pray for you or share Jesus with this, please reach out to us. We'd love to serve you. 

We'll see you this weekend either in-person or online.  

View all of the Spirit and Truth Sermon Series Study Guides at


Spirit and Truth: When My Prayer is to Obey God
Genesis 22:1-8

Tests are common in life. Doctors order tests to discover health issues in the lives of their patients. Teachers give tests to evaluate the progress of their students. Government officials require tests from anyone driving an automobile. 

What do you do when God tests your faithfulness? God called Abraham to offer his only son on an altar of sacrifice. Would Abraham obey or disobey? Why would God ask for Abraham's only son? You'll see many correlations between the lives of Isaac and Jesus. 

Worship isn't only about singing songs. Worship is about giving God your best. What is it costing you to worship the true and living God? 

1. Prepare to Answer Many Difficult Questions. Life brings many tough questions. Satan wants to destroy your faith; God wants to develop your faith. Are you following God's leadership? What is He asking you to give? Are you trusting God with your life and possessions? 

2. Learn to Face Several Unique Challenges. Life is filled with challenges. As Abraham obeyed God's voice, his faith was stretched. Have you surrendered your all to the Lord? What do you do when Heaven is silent? Is your worship involvement more than one hour a week? Are you trusting God's promises? 

3. Expect to Experience Various Teachable Moments. Life offers many platforms to teach transformational lessons. Are you sitting regularly at the feet of Jesus? As you live the Christian life before other people, you should expect to answer many questions and realize that your actions matter. Are you teachable? 

The story of Abraham and Isaac is filled with insights into biblical worship. God is seeking worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth. 

We hope you'll worship with us this weekend in-person or online. As you'll discover, it's impossible to worship God and stay the same.         

We're praying for you! 

View all of the Spirit and Truth Sermon Series Study Guides at


Spirit and Truth: When My Plan is to Trust God
2 Chronicles 20:1-13

What personal battles are you facing? How many of you are facing a tough season in life and don't know what to do?

If this is your story, you identify with a leader in the Bible named Jehoshaphat. He faced vicious enemies and didn't know what to do. However, he testified that his eyes, and the eyes of his people, were on the Lord. In your personal battles and uncertain days, are your eyes on the Lord?

What do you do when you don't know what to do in life?

1. Seek God's Help. When life is hard and you don't know what to do, you have many options. You can whine, walkaway, worry, or worship. Jehoshaphat and his people worshiped the Lord. He knew how to talk with God. Do you know how to worship the Lord in spirit and truth? Do you know how to talk with the Lord?

2. Understand God's Perspective. As you face personal battles and uncertain days, you need to see them from God's perspective. Jehoshaphat saw his battles and enemies from God's outlook. He knew how to worship God when life was tough. Do you know how to worship God when your back is against a wall? How many of you today need to turn your eyes upon Jesus?

3. Trust God's Promises. The Bible is filled with thousands of promises. As you know, God is faithful to every promise. He is trustworthy. When you seek God's help, what are you doing? When you see life from God's perspective, what are you doing? When you trust God's promises, what are you doing? You're worshiping the Lord. How do you need to worship God right now?

If you're facing personal battles and uncertain days, we appeal for you to turn your eyes and heart to the Lord and worship Him.

We pray you'll join us in worship this weekend. We believe our worship gatherings change lives because it's impossible to experience and encounter the true and living God and stay the same.

We're praying for you this weekend!

God bless!

View all of the Spirit and Truth Sermon Series Study Guides at


Spirit and Truth: When My Posture is to Approach God
Luke 18:9-14

How many of you have bad posture? You don't sit in a chair properly. You position yourself in a slumped position. As a result, you have many aches and pains in life.

Posture is important in worship. It's biblical, as you adore the Lord, to clap your hands, raise your arms, or bow your knees. Is God pleased with your expression in worship?

Why do you attend church? You may give several answers to that question. It's imperative that you come to God on His terms, not your terms.

1. Hear God's Warning. Warnings save lives. Storm sirens alert people of dangerous weather. God warns people about approaching Him with the wrong attitude. Jesus talked about two men who approached Him...a Pharisee and a Tax Collector. Do you identify with the Pharisee or the Tax Collector? Why?

2. Confess God's Conviction. As you approach God, are you real, honest, and personal? It's easy to come to God and pretend, cover-up, or wear a mask. The Tax Collector revealed his deepest feelings and needs to the Lord. How is the Holy Spirit working in your life? Do you see yourself as God sees you?

3. Experience God's Grace. Have you ever experienced God's grace? How has God changed your life? How is He growing you now? The Tax Collector, even though he was hated by people, was loved by the Lord. God's amazing grace changed his life. Are you in need of God's grace at this very moment?

God invites you to come to Him just as you are. However, He loves you too much to leave you that way.

We appeal for you to surrender your life to Jesus now. If we can serve you, please reach out to us. We'd love to help you know Jesus and experience His amazing grace.

We're excited about worship this weekend. We hope you'll join us in-person or online.

View all of the Spirit and Truth Sermon Series Study Guides at