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Growing Up: Look Up When Life is Down
Colossians 1:1-2

Who helped you grow up? Who are you helping grow up?

Paul wrote, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the book of Colossians while in prison. Life was down, but Paul was looking up. God used Paul to help His people grow up.

What happens when Jesus is Lord of your life? When He's Lord, everything changes. Attending services or giving 10% isn't enough. You don't desire to be a celebrity; you pray to be a servant.

1. We Expect Life to Change. Jesus changed Paul's life. Following his conversion experience, Paul served as an apostle. An apostle is one who is sent. How is Jesus changing your life? Where is the Lord sending you?

2. We Live Out God's Will. Paul was an apostle because of God's will. A frequent question from people relates to God's will. Do you know God's will for your life? How does God reveal His will to people?

3. We Understand the Many Blessings. A great hymn of the faith is "Count Your Many Blessings." Paul talked about grace and peace. How has God's grace changed your life? How are you experiencing God's peace?

As Pastor Ronny begins preaching through the book of Colossians, we hope you'll join us in-person or online for every message, It's our prayer that this sermon series will help you grow up in Christ.

If you have questions, email us at


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Growing Up: What Does a Healthy Church Look Like?
Colossians 1:3-14

What does a healthy marriage look like? What about a healthy family? Companies pay consulting firms big dollars to evaluate health and productivity. What does a healthy church look like?

Paul celebrated the health of the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae. Local churches today can learn a great deal from this New Testament fellowship.

1. What are people saying about the church? People talk about the church...either good or bad. What are people saying about our church? Are people talking about our facilities, programs, past, or faith?

2. How does the church pray for one another? Healthy churches know how to listen and pray. How are you praying for our church family? Are you praying for people's physical needs, spiritual maturity, or a combination of both?

3. Is the church surrendered to the main thing? It's easy to drift off course. Marriages, families, and churches often lose focus. Are we passionate about the message? Are we committed to rescuing people?

It's imperative for the Lord's church to strive for health. A healthy church is a growing church.

We pray you'll join us this Sunday as we discover from God's Word what a healthy church looks like.

If you have questions, email us at


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Growing Up: Who Is This Jesus?
Colossians 1:15-23

Questions are common in life. Where do you shop for groceries? When did you move here? How did you find a new doctor? Why did you buy a house in that neighborhood?

Spiritual questions are common in life, too. How did you learn to pray? What translation of the Bible do you use? Why do you go to First Baptist Church Clarksville? What's needed to experience a "fresh encounter" with the Lord?

If a person came up to you and asked, "Who is this Jesus," how would you answer his or her question? Paul wanted the believers at Colossae to know Jesus deeply and intimately.

In this week's message, Pastor Ronny plans to answer the question, "Who is this Jesus?"

1. Jesus is the Creator. Your life isn't a mistake or a waste. Jesus created you. Therefore, it's imperative to understand who He is. As Jesus reveals Himself, our response should always be to worship Him. What do you know about Jesus? How are you worshipping Him?

2. Jesus is the Sustainer. Your life doesn't have to fall apart. The church doesn't have to decline and die. Jesus sustains us. As God's Word teaches, Jesus understands, cares, and leads. Have you experienced the Lord's comfort? Are you living free? Who is the head of the church?

3. Jesus is the Savior. Once you discover who Jesus is, the next question is, "What are you going to do with HIm?" Jesus lived and died so you could experience a new life; He calls the church to proclaim the gospel: and He invites you to make a personal decision. What are you going to do with Jesus today?

We appeal for you to trust Him, embrace Him, and share Him. If we can help you make a spiritual decision, please reach out to us today. We're passionate about worshipping God, loving people, sharing Jesus, and making disciples.

We're excited to worship with you this weekend as we learn from God's Word who is this Jesus!

If you have questions, email us at

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Growing Up: Committed or Not Committed
Colossians 1:24-2:5

Are you committed or not committed? How do you answer that question in relation to your marriage, your career, or your church? Let's face it, commitment is hard for many people.

Paul was committed to Jesus and to His church. He was "all in." If our church is going to be healthy and effective, leaders and members must be committed.

What do we know about the church?

1. The Church is a Body. Jesus is the Head of His church, and He designed His church to change the world. What misconceptions exist about the church? Is the church more than a building? Is every member of the church important?

2. The Church is a Body Made Up of Servants. Jesus was a servant. Paul, from a prison cell, served the Lord and His church. What does it take to grow a church? Why has the Lord placed people (and you) in His church?

3. The Church is a Body Made Up of Servants Who Know What's Expected. Jesus leads His church. Is the church reaching people? Is accountability noticeable in the church? Is the church helping believers mature in Christ?

4. The Church is a Body Made Up of Servants Who Know What's Expected and Who are Committed. Jesus gave His life for us. Are you obeying the Lord? Are you encouraging other believers? Are you committed to His church?

We're excited to worship with you this week in person or online. It's our prayer that the Lord will speak into your life, and your commitment to Him and His church will reach another level.

If we can pray for you or help you, please contact us. We're ready to serve the Lord and you.

If you have questions, email us at

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Growing Up: Be Awake, Not Asleep
Colossians 2:6-23

Are many believers asleep? Are many churches asleep? God has called His people to be awake, not asleep.

In Paul's world, and still, in our world, false teachers said they knew secrets about the spiritual life. If you followed their teachings, your eyes would be opened.

What do you know about the Christian life?

1. The Christian Life isn't about Casual Commitment. Why are many marriages struggling? Why are many churches declining? It's a commitment issue. What happens when Jesus is your Lord? Is your spiritual life like tumbleweed or an oak tree?

2. The Christian Life is about Right Beliefs. It matters to God how you live, and it matters to God what you believe. What do you believe about Jesus? How is a person forgiven and right with God? Is baptism a big deal in the Christian life? How does the church grow?

3. The Christian Life is about God's Warnings. Many people are in trouble because they didn't listen to God's warnings. As God's Word teaches, "What you sow, you'll also reap" (Gal. 6:7-8). Are you spending time daily in God's Word? Are you worshipping the only One who is worthy to be worshipped?

We hope you'll join us in person or online this Sunday. Our pastor and pastoral team stand ready to serve the Lord and you. If we can help you in the Christian life, please reach out to us.

We pray to see you this weekend!

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Growing Up: How Do I Look?
Colossians 3:1-11

Standing in front of a mirror is a common daily practice for most of us. We're observing how we look. It's normal, too, that we ask people close to us, "How do I look?"

When was the last time you and I ask God, "How do I look?" God's Word is a mirror. The Bible shows us how we look. That can be convicting and humbling for sure. It's also transforming.

As we stand in front of God's mirror, what do we need to ask?

1. Are We Faithfully Focused? Focus is a big deal in life. Many things and people struggle because of focus. Are your eyes on the Lord? Do you know that you'll spend eternity in Heaven? Who or what is influencing your life and walk?

2. Are We Completely Committed? Would you agree that our world is a mess? We need God's help! Are you obeying God's commands? How are you sharing God's truth? Do you welcome or resist God's change?

3. Are We Rightly Related? God created us to be relational. We need other people in our lives. We have a common problem. We've all sinned (Rom. 3:23). Have you asked the Lord to forgive you? Are you pursuing relational unity?

When was the last time you stood in front of God's mirror and asked, "Lord, how do I look?"

We're excited to worship with you this weekend in-person or online. As God shows you His ways, we're here to serve Him and you.

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Growing Up: Does the Way Church Members Dress Affect the Church? 
Colossians 3:12-17

What comes to mind when you hear the word "church?" If you're looking to connect with a church, what should you look for in a local congregation?

Does the way church members dress affect the church?

Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, made it clear that God's people needed to remove certain things and put on other things.

1. It Matters How Church Members Dress. Paul wanted believers at Colossae to know who they were in Christ. Do you remember when you were saved? Are you growing in your faith? Are you confident that God loves you? Paul listed many behaviors that God's people needed to put on. What happens among the church body when members dress God's way?

2. It Blesses When Church Members Serve. Paul explained what the church should be doing. Are you living with the peace of Christ? Are you spending time in God's Word every day? Is your worship pleasing to the Lord? Paul stated that the name of Jesus matters. Speaking and singing His name is powerful! What happens among the body when church members serve?

We hope you'll join us in worship this weekend. If possible, we'd love for you to gather with us in person. If that's not possible, we welcome you to join us online. Even online, you can sing to the Lord, listen to God's Word, and give tithes and offerings.

We look forward to making much of Jesus this weekend!

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Growing Up: How to Keep Your Family from Breaking Down
Colossians 3:18-21

The focus of this weekend's message is how to keep your family from breaking down. Many of you need to be honest and say, "My family is in trouble. My family has already broken down." Why are many families in danger today?

As Paul states, the real test of the Christian faith is how we relate to other people, especially family members.

1. Wives, Follow the Leadership of Your Husbands. The word "submit" is hard for many people to say or hear. What does God not mean by the word, and what does He mean? Is it easy or hard for you to submit?

2. Husbands, Display Sacrificial Love to Your Wives. In talking to husbands, Paul used the Greek word "agape" for love. It's the love found in John 3:16. Husbands, is your marriage a priority? How do you show love to your wives?

3. Children, Respect the Authority of Your Parents. God designed you to live under authority. However, a crisis of authority exists today. Are you living under God's authority? Children, are you living under the authority of your parents?

4. Parents, Model Healthy Behaviors for Your Children. One of the greatest things you can do for your children is model for them a loving marriage. How do you treat your kids? Is your leadership in the family healthy or unhealthy?

We hope you'll join us in-person or online this weekend. It's our desire to share God's Word and protect families from breaking down.

As you have opportunities, always invite other people to join us for worship. God wants to use you to serve and reach other families.

May we make much of Jesus this weekend!

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Growing Up: Can You Hear Me Now?
Colossians 4:2-4

This weekend, First Baptist Clarksville celebrates 190 years of gospel ministry. Let's praise the Lord for His faithfulness!

Does prayer make a difference? Does God answer all prayers? What does the 190-year history of our church say about prayer?

1. Understand Why Prayer Matters. The last thing our enemy wants God's people to do is to pray. Effective praying is about talking and listening. What happens when believers pray God's way?

2. Learn How to Pray. Prayer means doing business with God and doing battle with the devil. How much time did you invest last week talking to God? Have you ever asked the Lord to teach you how to pray?

3. Pray for Specific Requests. One reason many people struggle in prayer is that they pray general prayers, not specific prayers. Whom are you praying for by name? How are you praying for the Lord to use you?

We hope you'll join us in-person and celebrate with us this weekend. Connect Groups start at 9:00 am and our worship gathering starts at 10:30 am. If you worship with us online, we thank you for joining us. If we can serve you, please reach out to us by email or on one of our social media platforms.

May we see the Lord do great things this historical weekend at First Baptist Clarksville!


Growing Up: You’re Hired! 
Colossians 3:22-4:1

Do you enjoy your work? Are you tired of your job? Do you feel that you're making a difference in your job? What are you getting out of your job besides money?

Paul talked about a believer's behavior in the workplace. Your relationship with Jesus should make a difference even in your career/vocation.

1. Protect Your Attitude. Whatever you do for a living, please know that your work matters to God. In relation to your vocation, how do you answer the following questions? Are you taking your job seriously? Are you living your faith consistently? Are you serving the Lord willingly?

2. Give Your Best. The Bible has much to say about work. God's people should be the best employees and employers on the planet. What is your vocational vision? What example are you setting in your workplace? Do you work with an awareness that you're working for the Lord?

3. Understand Your Pay. You'll be held accountable for what you do or don't do on the job. Your pay isn't always money. You may be laying up treasures in Heaven. Are you trusting God to meet your needs? What are your goals in the workplace? What rewards do you anticipate from your job

4. Evaluate Your Treatment. Paul talked about employers. Employers are servants, too. If you're an employer, you need to treat your employees fair because you're under God's authority in Heaven. What is your witness among your employees? What are your expectations in the workplace?

We pray you'll join us in-person or online for this timely message. As God's Word teaches, your vocation/career matters to God.

We look forward to worshipping with you this weekend.


Growing Up: How Do We Treat People Outside the Church?
Colossians 4:5-6

We'll never forget September 11, 2001. That day changed our world and our lives. During recovery efforts, after that tragic day, two intersecting beams, in the form of a cross, were found. Questions circulated about what to do with the cross. What are we doing with the cross today?

How do we treat people outside the church?

1. Our Church's Call. It takes unselfish people to grow God's church. The church must look outward, not inward. Is selfishness a problem in the church? Do we think about people outside the church? Do you see spiritual evidence that you're growing in Jesus Christ?

2. Our Church's Conduct. Many people outside the church have suspicions and reservations about the church. If you're going to relate to outsiders, you'll need godly wisdom, and you'll need to make a divine investment. Are you serving other people? Are you engaging outsiders? Are you living consistently?

3. Our Church's Conversations. To reach people outside the church, our walk and talk must be consistent. What people see in us determines what people hear from us. Let's build bridges with people, not barriers. Are your words gracious and salty? Are you prepared to answer people's questions?

We're thrilled that you join us each week in worship at FBC Clarksville. Your presence, your giving, and your response bless us more than you may know.

We'd love to hear how Jesus is changing your life. Feel free to call us, email us, or comment on one of our social media platforms. As we hear from you, we'll praise the Lord for using our church to change lives.

View all of the "Growing Up" Sermon Study Guides at


Growing Up: Finishing Strong!
Colossians 4:7-18

Do you want to finish strong? The Bible is filled with stories of people who finished strong and weak. Let's be honest. Finishing strong isn't easy. However, if a person fixes his or her eyes on Jesus, finishing strong is guaranteed.

How did Paul finish the letter to the Colossians? He named eleven ordinary individuals. Those men and women made a kingdom difference in Paul's life.

1. Follow God's Leadership. God continues to call, mold, and gift people. Do you need to be saved? Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? Are you living for Jesus or for the world? How are you serving Jesus? If you're going to finish strong, you need to follow God's leadership.

2. Value Ministry Partners. Paul invested his life in other ministry leaders. Are you developing other leaders? Are you reaching people who need Jesus? How do you handle disappointments? Have you embraced God's vision? If you're going to finish strong, you need to value ministry partners.

As you think about crossing the finish line of life, don't cross that line with disappointments or regrets. Finish strong!

We pray you'll join us in-person or online for the last sermon in our pastor's series, "Growing Up."

Please contact us if we can pray for you or help you in your walk with the Lord. It's our passion for you to know and follow Jesus!

View all of the "Growing Up" Sermon Study Guides at