I AM: The Bread of Life 

John 6:25-35

Do you like to eat bread? Is that even a fair question? Bread is a staple food item around the world. Take a moment and talk about your favorite kind of bread to eat. Why do you like it? How often do you eat it? How does eating bread affect your hunger and your weight?     

Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." Bread is about life. As you study the life of Jesus, He gave people life. Jesus raised people from the dead; He restored sight to the blind; He fed the hungry; and He rescued people out of darkness into light. There's life in Jesus! 

How is Jesus satisfying your soul?

1. Jesus Meets People at Their Point of Need. People in John 6 had needs. What needs do you have in life? List your current physical and spiritual needs. How are you seeking to meet those needs? Are your eyes on Jesus? God calls His people to worship Him in spirit and truth, to live by faith, not by sight, and to pray without ceasing. Jesus met the physical and spiritual needs of the crowd.  

2. Jesus Addresses People at Their Point of Confusion. God isn't the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). When confusion is present, the enemy is at work. What were people confused about in Jesus's day? What are people confused about in today's world? In John 6, many people walked away from Jesus. Have you ever lived a prodigal life? Why did you leave? Why did you come home?  

3. Jesus Invites People at Their Point of Lostness. Jesus dealt with people who were focused on their stomachs; He was focused on their souls. There's only one way to be saved and forgiven. Read John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. What's the clear message of salvation in those verses? Discuss the many ways Jesus invites people. Salvation? Discipleship? Evangelism? Repentance? Rest? 

You're invited to join us for every message in the sermon series on the seven "I AM" statements of Jesus. His Word changes lives! 

Thank you for worshipping with us at FBC Clarksville. We worship the Lord by praying, giving, singing, preaching, listening, studying, and obeying.

May the Lord bless you as you worship Him! 

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at  


I AM: The Light of the World 

John 8:12

Do you have any phobias in life? Are you fearful of snakes and spiders? Does it make you sick when you're asked to speak in public? Are you afraid of the dark? Take time in your group to talk about any of your phobias and fears.  

Jesus said, "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). The Pharisees were religious people, the churchgoers of the day. However, they couldn't stand Jesus. They wanted to kill Him. Why? It was because of His "I Am" statements. He claimed to be God. Discuss for a few minutes personal words about Jesus being "the bread of life" and "the light of the world." 

Read Genesis 1:1-5 in your group. Discuss what life is like without Jesus, the light of the world. Do you know your purpose in life? Is your life empty or full? What are you doing to fill the void in your life? Do you lack hope, peace, and assurance? When did Jesus save your soul and change your life? God's Word teaches that He created light, and it changed the earth into day and night. Jesus, as the light of the world, changes everything, too.     

As you read and study Jesus's statement in John 8:12, discuss in detail the following three principles. (1) The Setting. What is the significance of the Festival of Tabernacles (Feast of Booths)? (2) The Statement. Do you know who Jesus is? How would you explain Jesus's life and ministry to another person? (3) The Source. What does Matthew 5:14 mean? How does this text relate to the children's song, "This Little Light of Mine?" 

What difference does Jesus's revelation of Himself make for us? 

1. We Embrace a Biblical Worldview. We must see life and the world through the eyes of Jesus and the Bible. Light is about freedom. Darkness is about bondage. Read John 8:32, 36, and talk about how Jesus has set you free. How does Jesus being the light of the world influence how you live?

2. We Serve in a Strategic Time. We live in a dark place and time. Where do you see darkness increasing? Television? Driving? Lostness? How is your church pushing back spiritual darkness? Sharing the gospel isn't optional for believers. Are you praying for one person by name who needs to get saved? 

3. We Possess a Global Mission. Your church isn't a country club (for members only). Jesus has called you to take His light to the dark places of the world. How is your church getting the gospel to people in your city, state, nation, and world? Share stories of how your church is on mission for Jesus.

4. We Proclaim a Risen Savior. The Hero of the Bible is Jesus Christ. Is Jesus the Hero of your salvation story? As Palm Sunday approaches, share Jesus's story in your group. Talk about His life, death, burial, and resurrection. Rejoice that darkness doesn't win because Jesus defeated death and the grave. 

5. We Believe a Hallelujah Promise. If you're saved, you'll never be lost again. You live with spiritual assurance and eternal security. Your life is built on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ. Read Matthew 7:24-27 and discuss how your life cannot be shaken. Jesus is victorious over darkness and the devil. 

We hope you'll worship with us on Palm Sunday. If we can serve you or pray for you, please let us know. 

Have a blessed Holy Week!        

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at    


I AM: The Resurrection and the Life

John 11:38-44

Does the resurrection of Jesus Christ make any difference? Can Jesus help you in life? Does Jesus care about your life? 

Take time now and read 1 Corinthians 15. Does the resurrection of Jesus matter? If He's still dead and buried in a grave (a tomb), what should you do? As you know, Jesus isn't dead and still buried in a grave. He's alive! Therefore, give Him your life, and follow His call and leadership.       

Jesus revealed Himself by saying He was "the bread of life" and "the light of the world." He said to a grieving family, "I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:38-44). How did that statement (revelation) make a difference in the lives of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus? How does that truth make a difference in your life today? Pause in your group and discuss your answers.

As you celebrate the empty tomb, take time to apply the following three truths:  

1. Don't Be Surprised By Struggles. As a believer in Jesus, you will have struggles. Struggles in life don't mean that you've sinned, or God is punishing you. People who are intimate with Jesus struggle in life. Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. He spent time in their home (Luke 10:38-42). When struggles knock on your door, how do you need to respond?

2. Don't Be Disappointed By Delays. Delays are common in life...traffic delays or flight delays. God even seems to delay at times. What delays have you experienced with Jesus? How did you feel? How did you respond? Jesus heard the news about His friend. Rather than rushing to his side, Jesus waited. He delayed. When Jesus waits or delays in your life, what do you need to do? 

3. Don't Be Mortified By Mountains. What mountains are you facing in life right now (physical, relational, financial, mental, or spiritual)? Mountains overwhelm and scare people. Mary and Martha faced a sizeable mountain. How did Jesus comfort and minister to them? In your group, talk about Jesus's statement, "I am the resurrection and the life." What does that powerful truth mean to you at this moment? 

As we gather on Sunday, it's Easter, Resurrection Sunday. Jesus defeated death and the grave, and He's alive! That biblical fact changes everything! 

You have a personal invitation to join us in Bible study and worship on Sunday morning. If you're unable to be in-person, you're invited to join us online. People from all over the world gather with us that way. 

As God's people often say, "He is risen. He is risen indeed!" 

May you rejoice this weekend, knowing that the tomb is empty!                      

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at            


I AM: The Door

John 10:1-10

You're familiar with the word "door." How many different ways can you use the concept of a "door?" Take time in your group to share your answers. 

Have you ever walked in the wrong door? That experience can be embarrassing. 

The Bible teaches many lessons about doors. Jesus said, "I am the door" (John 10:9). What other verses can you recall that talk about a door? What did God say to Cain? As Noah built the ark, how many doors were to be built? What did God say to the church in Philadelphia? What did the Lord invite the church in Laodicea to do? 

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He used often the imagery of sheep. What did Jesus mean when He said to the sheep, "I am the door?" What does Jesus' statement mean to you?  

Here are three biblical principles:

1. The Door: Our Entrance into Heaven. Jesus spoke about many subjects (prayer, money, sin, etc.). In John 10, He's speaking about Heaven. In today's culture, Jesus' language is offensive. Among your group, take time now to discuss these three questions. How do you go to Heaven? What will you do in Heaven? What will you see in Heaven? Heaven is real, and Jesus is the door.

2. The Door: Our Invitation to Salvation. Invitations come in all shapes and sizes. You're invited to a wedding. An invitation comes your way to attend the Final Four. A buddy invites you to go fishing or hunting. From an eternal viewpoint, Jesus invites you to find salvation in Him. How is a person saved? After a person walks through "the Door of Salvation," what happens next? 

3. The Door: Our Promise of Life. Are you satisfied with your life? Jesus promised an abundant life (John 10:10). That's next level living. Are you enjoying the abundant life that Jesus promises? If so, describe this life to your group. If not, talk with your group about what's keeping you from this life. An abundant life doesn't mean that you'll never face adversities, trials, or storms.

As you finish this week's study, take a few moments and discuss the final three questions. 

  • When were you saved? 

  • Why do you have the assurance of being in Heaven?

  • How is the Lord changing your life and maturing your faith? 

Thank you for taking the time to study God's Word with us. You're always welcome to worship with us in-person or online.

Take a few moments in your group and thank Jesus for being "the bread of life, the light of the world, the resurrection and the life, and the door." 

Have a blessed rest of your week! 

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at


I AM: The Good Shepherd

John 10:10-18

As you begin this week's study, take a moment and read Psalm 23. In your group, answer the following three questions: (1) Can you say the Lord is your Shepherd? (2) Are you aware of the Lord's abiding presence? (3) What do you believe it'll be like to dwell in the house of the Lord forever? 

Jesus never identified Himself as a pastor, elder, or overseer. He revealed Himself as the Good Shepherd. Why do you believe Jesus used that descriptor? Are you one of His sheep? Why do you believe the Lord referred to His followers as sheep? Take five minutes in your group and share what you know about the attitudes, behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses of sheep. This should be an interesting conversation. 

What do you learn about Jesus being the Good Shepherd from John 10? 

1. The Good Shepherd: He Loves. Read and discuss John 15:13. How much do you love the Good Shepherd? How have you experienced Jesus' love? His love is unfailing and unconditional. Jesus' love never ends. You don't earn His love. Jesus loves you because you're fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Have someone in your group to pray and thank the Lord for His love. 

2. The Good Shepherd: He Sacrifices. Read and reflect on 1 Corinthians 1:18. Jesus possessed all power. What did He do with it? He died a substitutionary, voluntary death for all people (John 3:16). Would you sacrifice your life for one of your children? As you think about the cross of Jesus Christ, what theological words come to mind? Say a prayer, rejoicing for the victorious cross.           

3. The Good Shepherd: He Calls. Read and share insights about Revelation 7:9. How does this verse relate to the Great Commission and the Lord's call? Why do many pastors hesitate to give public invitations? Take a few moments to discuss how the Lord called Noah, Abraham, and Moses. What can you learn from them? Pause and say a prayer, thanking the Lord for His call. 

4. The Good Shepherd: He Protects. Read John 10:12. What's the difference between the Good Shepherd and a hired hand? The Good Shepherd will never abandon you. He'll never walk out of your life. When difficulties or dangers come, a hired hand might bail on you. How does the Good Shepherd protect you? Bow your heads together and thank the Lord for His constant protection. 

5. The Good Shepherd: He Leads. Read aloud John 10:10. What's your enemy seeking to do? Jesus promised more than a mediocre, depressed life. Jesus came to bless His sheep with abundant lives. Are you currently living the abundant life He promised? How does the Good Shepherd lead? Where is He leading you? Pause now and pray, reflecting on Jesus' graceful leadership. 

As you finish this week's study, share any final thoughts on being a sheep and following the Good Shepherd's leadership. 

Thank you for studying God's Word. May the Lord deepen and satisfy your hunger for biblical truth! 

Have a blessed rest of your weekend! You're invited to worship the Lord Jesus with us on Sunday. We have a seat for you, or you can connect with us online. 

We're praying for you! Blessings!     

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at


I AM: The Way, the Truth, and the Life

John 14:1-6

Have you noticed that life changes as you age? Describe how your life has changed over the last few years. As people get older, many of them love to stay at home. It's hard to drive at night. It's a hassle to fly anymore. It's expensive to eat out and stay in hotels. As the saying goes, "There's no place like home."

In John 14, Jesus talked about coming home. He used language about "mansions" and "being with Him." This life is crazy, stressful, and brief. However, being home with Jesus is eternal, forever. Can you imagine being in a place with no crime, brokenness, division, or death? Read Revelation 21:1-4. Do you long for home as Jesus describes? Do you know that you're going to be at home with Him one day? 

Take a few moments to talk about the lives of the disciples. What were these men like? Why does God desire to use common, ordinary people? How do you relate to their lives? Jesus had a personal word for those men and followers.  

1. The Way: We Must Follow. How does a person go to Heaven? Jesus declared that He is the way. Do you believe Jesus is the only way? Why do you believe or not believe that He is the only way? Read Proverbs 14:12. What do you believe that verse teaches? What do you say to someone (family member, neighbor, coworker, classmate, etc.) who believes there are multiple ways to Heaven? Are you prepared to engage that person in a gospel conversation? 

2. The Truth: We Must Believe. What do you believe about the rise or fall of interest rates? What do you believe the political environment will be like in November? What do you believe about the health and direction of your local church? What do you believe about Jesus? Jesus said He was the truth. Talk in your study group about truth. Are absolute truths found in God's Word? 

3. The Life: We Must Live. Jesus talked about eternal life and abundant life. Are you living with spiritual assurance? You're saved, and you'll never be lost again. Are you living an abundant life as Jesus promised? Your life is filled with joy, purpose, and victory. How does a person experience eternal and abundant life? Write down your answers to that question. Share them as a study group.

In the next few minutes, share ways to turn an everyday conversation into a gospel conversation. God calls you to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). How do you share the gospel with another person? 

We pray for you as you study God's Word and worship with us. We're rejoicing today that Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). 

We always love hearing from you as you study and worship with us. May the Lord change you and use you to reach other people for His glory!  

We hope to see you on Sunday.                                            

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at


Guest Preacher: Dr. Tim Dowdy, NAMB


I AM: The True Vine

John 15:1-11

Did you ever hear or tell a secret growing up? Secrets are shared on playgrounds like butter on popcorn. It happens all the time. 

Many people ask, "What's the secret to good BBQ sauce, a healthy marriage, a united family, financial independence, or a devoted walk with Jesus? A book that God has used to help believers and servants is entitled, "They Found the Secret." How many believers try to produce fruit on their own? What's the secret to living a Christian life? 

How would you answer this question: Do you love ministry more than you love Jesus? Take a few moments to read and discuss Revelation 2:1-7. What happened to the Church in Ephesus? What causes churches and believers today to abandon their First Love, Jesus Christ? Many of the Ivy League universities started as gospel training centers. Have those universities forsaken their original charter and mission? If so, what happened? 

Jesus said, "I am the the vine." His revelation indicates that a false vine must exist, too. How do you determine what's true from what's false? 

What biblical principles surface from John 15?

1. Expect to be Pruned. In John 15, Jesus taught a four-fold emphasis on fruit. Can you identify the four aspects of fruit? Why do you prune trees or shrubs? Why does God prune His followers? How does He prune them? In your Bible study group, take time now to discuss a time when God pruned you. Why do you believe He did so? How did He do it? What did you learn from the pruning?

2, Desire to be Fruitful. What's your favorite fruit to eat? Do you desire for God to use you? Pause for a moment and read Psalm 37:4. What did David mean by this verse? How do you seek to live this verse in your life? As you think about your church, what do you desire for God to do in your fellowship? How can you and your church family bear fruit? What would the fruit look like?     

3. Abide to be Intimate. What does the word "abide" mean? Jesus was a servant leader (John 13). He washed His disciples' feet. Jesus loved spending time with His followers. Are you living close to Jesus? What can help you abide, increasing your intimacy with Jesus? Take a piece of paper and list your answers. What needs to change in your life to abide and be intimate with the Lord? 

Jesus said He was the vine, and His Father was the vinedresser. That means you're the branch. What do you think all of this means? 

As John 15 reveals, apart from Jesus, you can do nothing. But, with Him, you can do all things. 

As you finish this study guide, take time now and pray for one another in your group. God moves when His people pray. 

Thank you for participating in this sermon series. We'd love to hear how the Lord has used His Word to change and deepen your walk with Him.

We're excited to worship with you this weekend. 

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at