What's Necessary to Reach Clarksville?

Mark 2:1-12

It's a new year! What is God calling you to do in 2022? 2021 was an amazing year for His church. What did you see God do in your life and church last year?

Is Clarksville a better place because of First Baptist Church? If our church ceased to exist, would anyone notice or care? God has called and is calling you and me to reach our city.

What's necessary to reach Clarksville?

1. Develop Convictions. The house was packed. It was standing room only. Jesus was in the house. What convictions do you have in life? How did Jesus serve? Clarksville needs God's Word!

2. Focus Outward. Four men were outward-focused. A man needed help, and they knew that Jesus was the answer. Do we remember what it's like to be lost and desperate? Do you understand how amazing grace really is?

3. Serve Together. Each of the four men took a corner. Those men served together. It takes all of us to reach Clarksville. How are you involved in ministry? What's the ultimate goal of your service?

4. Overcome Obstacles. The four men faced a major obstacle. The house was packed. Those men were overcomers. Are we determined to reach our city and bring people to Jesus? What obstacles do we have to overcome?

5. Glorify God. Jesus changed a man's life. People in the house were amazed, and they glorified God. When was the last time you stood amazed in Jesus' presence? As we gather in Jesus' name, do we expect lives to change?

We hope you'll join us in worship on the first Sunday of 2022. It's our prayer to reach our city with the good news of Jesus Christ.