Advent: Love
John 3
Guest Preacher: Shane Pruitt, Next Generation Leader, NAMB

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Advent: Hope
Matthew 1:18-25

Is your life hurting? Do you live with hope or no hope? 

If you ever watch a Hallmark movie, you know that drama always happens. Life is filled with drama. A loved one passes away. Your doctor uses the word cancer. Your workplace is filled with tension and disunity. Your church takes one step forward and two steps backward. Hope is always a need in life. 

There are at least three kinds of hope. (1) Wishful hope. (2) Expectant hope. (3) Anchored hope. Take time in your group and talk about the three forms of hope.      Which one is based on God's Word? 

What happens when people put their hope in politics, a sports team, or in the economy? How does life change when Jesus is your hope? 

1. Hope: The Foundation is God's Activity. The foundation of your house matters. Buildings collapse because of faulty foundations. Jesus talked about building your life on the rock or the sand (Matthew 7:24-27). Jesus is the Solid Rock! In the Christmas story (Matthew 1:18-25), you see Jesus's birth and the movement of the Holy Spirit. Is your hope built on a solid foundation?  

2. Hope: The Drama is God's Plan. The Christmas story is filled with drama and suspense. Joseph must have had many questions and sleepless nights. Drama in life doesn't mean God is asleep or busy. He uses drama to conform you to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28). Explain a time when God used a painful time in life for your spiritual growth.  

3. Hope: The Whisper is God's Voice. Is God still speaking today? If so, in what ways does He communicate His message? Take time to read 1 Kings 19. It's the story of Elijah. He was at a low point in life. How did God speak to him? If hope is needed in your life, you need to hear God's voice. How intimate are you living with Him? To hear His whisper, you need to be living close.   

4. Hope: The Comfort is God's Presence. A powerful message of Christmas is, "God is with us!" Do you grasp that truth? That personal truth changes everything. As a believer in Jesus Christ, if your world is falling apart, Jesus is with you (Psalm 23:4; Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5). Take a few moments and read those verses. Are you aware of God's presence and comfort? 

Christmas isn't easy for many people. As you focus on Jesus, you can have hope in this Advent season. 

We invite you to worship with us on Sunday. We'd love to see you in person. If that's not possible, we welcome you to connect with us online. 

May the Lord bless you and your family! We love you! 

Merry Christmas!  

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Advent: Joy
Philippians 2:5-11

Joy is a small word that has significant meaning. Is your life filled with joy? Is your spiritual walk overflowing with joy? Jesus promised His followers abundant lives (John 10:10). An abundant life isn't an easy life. However, it's a joy-filled life. 

If you're going to live with joy, it's often said, you need to focus on J.O.Y. JesusOthersYourself. Is Jesus the priority of your life? Are you putting the needs of other people before your own? Are you taking care of yourself and giving your life margin?  

Christmas is often filled with exhaustion, stress, and worry. How can you have joy this Christmas? From Philippines 2:5-11, God's Word gives you several practical steps to experience joy this Advent season.    

1. Approach Christmas with a Servant's Attitude. Selfishness is a problem these days. Did Jesus live a selfish or unselfish life? Talk about that question in your group. Jesus identified Himself as a servant. He came to serve, not be served. If you study Jesus's life, you'll see how a servant lives. Joy comes when you seek to live as Jesus lived. Are you living life with a servant's attitude?  

2. Enjoy Christmas with a Relaxed Grip. How tight are you holding the stuff of this life? Many people are experts at clutching power, positions, and possessions. It's tough to let go at times. Jesus came to this earth with a relaxed grip. In your group, take time now to answer these two questions. (1) Who is Jesus? (2) What's the message of the manger? 

3. Celebrate Christmas with a Surrendered Life. Obeying Jesus brings joy. As you probably know, obedience is tough. You'll face tough assignments. You'll deal with cranky people. Always remember, obedience is worth the costs. You'll face painful seasons. Jesus died on the cross. Was that painful for Him? Joy comes when you embrace sacrificial love. What does sacrificial love look like?

If you apply the biblical principles of today's message, you'll be pointed in the direction of joy. Life's too short to carry the weight of stress, worry, and anger. If you come to Jesus, He'll give you rest and joy (Matthew 11:28). That's an invitation worthy of acceptance.   

We hope you'll worship with us this week in-person or online. The Christmas season is wonderful. What a great time to gather with a church family and adore the Lord together! 

You're always welcome at FBC Clarksville. 

We pray to see you on Sunday! 

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Advent: Peace
Isaiah 9:6-7

What is your favorite Christmas carol? You may have said, "Silent Night, O Holy Night, It Came Upon A Midnight Clear, or Go Tell It On The Mountain." How many times have you heard the carol this month (or the past few months)? Christmas music appears earlier and earlier every year. 

A line in "Silent Night" says, "Sleep in heavenly peace." Jesus is the Prince of Peace. How do you sleep in today's world? It's hard to sleep some nights. Peace seems to evaporate like the morning frost. How do you get up and go to bed with peace? 

Peace is a significant word this Advent season. Take a few moments and discuss or write down times when you had peace and times when peace was missing. 

Identify peacekillers in your life. Your enemy wants to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He loves to steal and kill peace. What areas of life do you need peace? Have you seen this phrase, "No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace?" The Christmas story reveals that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. You can have peace in life because Jesus is alive. 

Think about these three areas of peace:

1. Experience Peace with God. Dr. Billy Graham produced a gospel tract many years ago entitled, "Steps to Peace with God." Talk about how a person can have peace with God. Peace with God is possible because of the gospel. Can you explain the gospel? Do you have peace with God? Have you embraced Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? 

2. Find Peace with Yourself. What does the Great Commandment say (Matthew 22:37-39)? Do you love yourself? This love isn't narcissistic or self-centered. It's a healthy form of self-love. Do you have personal peace? Do you see yourself the way God sees you? God loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son for you (John 3:16). That kind of love leads to peace. 

3. Seek Peace with Other People. Do you have any strained relationships in your life? You likely have relationships that are tense, strained, or divided.  The absence of peace in relationships affects you physically, mentally, and spiritually. How do you restore peace with other people? Take time to discuss what has worked or not worked in your relationships. 

How do you sleep in heavenly peace? 

We hope you'll join us on Christmas Eve for worship. Our morning service starts at 10:30 am in the Grace Worship Center, and our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service starts at 5:00 pm in the same space. What a joy to adore the Lord together on Christmas Eve!    

From the pastor, staff, and members at FBC Clarksville, Merry Christmas to you and your family! 

We love you! 

Isaiah 9:6-7

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