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Jesus borrowed many things in life. He didn’t need these things long. Dive into the Word with us in the “Borrowed” Sermon Series as we look at 6 things Jesus borrowed!

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MARCH 28 (WEEK 1):

Borrowed: An Old Rugged Cross
Mark 5:25-34

Jesus borrowed many things in life. One of those items was an old rugged cross. The greatest act of love in human history is the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross. He gave his life for you and me. Jesus paid our sin debt in full.

In Mark 5:25-34, Jesus met an unnamed woman with serious issues in life. He changed her life. Twelve years of confusion and suffering finally came to an end. As you and I embrace the cross, we're changed, too.

1. The woman's illness defined her. She woke up every morning, facing the reality of pain and confusion. What defines you? Are you battling physical, financial, relational, or spiritual issues? What does Jesus' sacrifice mean to you?

2. The woman's resources were depleted. Her bank account was empty. Her hope was gone. Doubt consumed her mind. What daily temptations are you facing? How do you need to be honest with God? What truths do you need to hear?

3. The woman was delivered. She drew near to Jesus, and He healed and transformed her life. Her story and purpose changed. How does your life need to change? How can you draw near to Jesus and allow Him to deliver your life?

4. The woman became a disciple of Jesus. She learned and followed Him. If you've embraced the cross, knowing Jesus as your Savior, who is discipling you? Whom are you discipling? What happens when biblical discipleship takes place?

If you have questions, email us at


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Borrowed: A New Tomb 
John 19:41-42; Mark 16:1-8

What are you living for? A Nascar driver was once asked that question. What did he say? He said, "I'm living to win races. What else is there to live for?" As we gather this weekend and focus on the empty tomb, living for Jesus should be our priority. Jesus is alive!

1. What is life about on Easter weekend? Life is more than what the world says you need. The Bible teaches people to number their days (Psalm 90:12). What happens after death? What does the Bible teach about Heaven and Hell? How does Jesus' resurrection influence your decisions?

2. Why is Jesus a stranger to many people? Many people are clueless about Jesus' life, Jesus' teachings, and Jesus' victory. How does your family relate to Jesus? Is your focus in life on Jesus or the world? How is your church equipping you to know Jesus and follow Him?

3. What difference does Jesus' resurrection make in your life? God has a divine purpose behind the empty tomb. Jesus' resurrection means you can live an abundant life and have the assurance of Heaven. What overwhelms you in life? What causes you to feel hopeless? How have you fallen in life?

May Jesus' sinless life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection change you and the trajectory of your life! His borrowed tomb is empty!

If you have questions, email us at

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APRIL 11 (WEEK 3):

Borrowed: A Noble Animal 
Luke 19:28-41

Have you ever borrowed an item? Did you return it? Has anyone ever borrowed an item from you? Did he or she return it? Jesus borrowed many items. When He borrowed an item, He always returned it. In this week's message, Jesus borrowed a noble animal.

What does this story teach you about Jesus and how He relates to you?

1. Jesus is still calling people. He knows all things. Jesus modeled a humble life, too. The Gospels reveal Jesus calling people to come and follow Him. How is Jesus calling you? Is He calling you to be saved? Is He leading you to follow Him? Is He asking you to serve Him in ministry?

2. Jesus is still seeking worshipers. Is God pleased with the way you worship? Biblical worship isn't about you (or me); it's about Him! How do you know if you've truly worshiped Him? Obedience is an indicator of worship. What are you broken over? How do you need to obey Him?

3. Jesus is still opening eyes. Jesus saw the city of Jerusalem, and He cried over the city. What does the Lord want you to see? Can you see growth in your walk with Him? Do you see evidence of His grace? Do you see generosity in your life? Are you asking God to show you His glory?

If you have questions, email us at


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APRIL 18 (WEEK 4):

Borrowed: An Upper Room
John 13:1-5

Jesus gathered with His closest followers in a room known as the Upper Room. The feet of those in the room needed to be washed. However, no one volunteered. All of the sudden, Jesus rose from supper, took off His outer garments, picked up a towel, and prepared a basin of water. Jesus bent His knees and washed the dirty feet of His disciples. Jesus was a servant (Mark 10:45)!

1. It's critical to live wisely. Jesus understood His identity and His purpose. What determines your identity? Are you defined by your career or possessions? What is God's purpose for your life? God saved and left you here for a reason.

2. It's powerful to obey willingly. Jesus discovered proud hearts and dirty feet that day in the Upper Room. What is God calling you to do? What ministry opportunities do you see? God wants you to set an example of being a servant, not a consumer.

3. It's time to serve wholeheartedly. The hands of Jesus touched the crusty feet of His disciples. He loved His followers. As you follow Jesus, are you holding a towel or wearing a robe? What needs to change about the way you serve? Jesus saved and called you to be a servant.

May the Lord prepare you to serve as He did that day in the Upper Room!

If you have questions, email us at


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APRIL 25 (WEEK 5):

Borrowed: A Boy’s Lunch
John 6:1-13

Jesus found Himself in a massive crowd. People were hungry. Jesus saw their need and engaged His closest followers about ways to help the crowd. Those men saw the need, too. However, they gave several excuses why the need couldn't be met.

The story in John 13 (Jesus feeding the five thousand) brings up many questions about the Christian life. Am I expected to give Jesus my all? Can Jesus use me? Are we experts at giving excuses why something will not work? Are there age limits to being used by God? Are we seeing the Lord change people's lives? How is He changing our lives?

1. How do you improve your relationship with the Lord? Jesus was never in a hurry. He related well with people. As you think about your walk with the Lord, do you have a strategic plan? Do you have a special place? Are you giving the Lord the best time of your day?

2. Are you asking the Lord to show you His glory? Moses longed to see God's glory. Jesus saw the needs of people, and His heart was moved. Jesus had compassion for the crowd. Do you see the needs of people around you? Are you living the Christian life by faith or by sight?

3. Are you giving the Lord what you possess? Church members often sing, "I Surrender All, Wherever He Leads, I'll Follow, Take My Life, Lead Me, Lord." Do they sing these hymns with obedient hearts? What do you need to give to the Lord? Are you experiencing His generosity?

May the Lord's Word bear fruit in your life this weekend in worship!

If you have questions, email us at


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MAY 2 (WEEK 6):

Borrowed: A Fisherman’s Boat
Luke 5:1-11

How many of you have been fishing? Regardless of the size, how many of you have caught a fish? Do you enjoy fishing from the bank/shore, or do you prefer to push out into deep water and let down the nets? Jesus asked Simon Peter to push away from the shore and let down his nets in deep water.

1. Following Jesus Requires Preparation. Jesus called many fishermen to be His disciples. Why? What spiritual opportunities do you see around you? Are you willing to obey Jesus in small things? Do you have a teachable spirit?

2. Following Jesus Demands Flexibility. Jesus asked Simon Peter to release control of his life and possessions. Are you willing for Jesus to stretch you? Are you willing to do whatever Jesus asks? Have you ever underestimated Jesus' power?

3. Following Jesus Embraces Change. Jesus changed Simon Peter's life and calling. As you live life, is it all about you or Jesus? Do you know what really matters in life? Why do grandparents love to talk about their grandkids?

Jesus borrowed a fisherman's boat and changed lives. How does He want to change your life this weekend in worship?

If you have questions, email us at