October 15, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Four-Letter Words: Call
1 Corinthians 1:1-9

How many sermons have you heard on God's call? Think about these two questions: (1) Who is God calling you to be? (2) What is God calling you to do? 

As you open God's Word, take the time to read the stories of God's call to Abraham, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, and Paul. In order for you to follow God's call, you'll need to hear His voice, listen to wise counsel, obey His leadership, and trust Him to provide. 

1. A Call to Faith. Take a few moments and share or write down what you remember about your salvation. God's people should never get over being saved. Thank the Lord for saving you.

2. A Call to Family. Do you need God's family? Is the church optional? What misconceptions do many people have about the church? Read and discuss these Scripture verses: Matthew 16:18; Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Corinthians 12:24-26.

3. A Call to Follow. Are you a leader? Are you a follower? Great leaders are great followers. To follow Jesus, be devoted to Him, invest time in the spiritual disciplines, listen to wise counsel, and trust Him to place you in the right place.

4. A Call to Fish. If you love Jesus, and you care about what He cares about, the devil is going to fight you. Your enemy doesn't want you talking with the Lord, nor does he want you talking about the Lord. Do you love Jesus? 

5. A Call to Forgive. Do you need to confess and ask the Lord for forgiveness? Do you need to forgive another person? Do you need to ask someone to forgive you? Discuss these verses: 1 Corinthians 1:18; Ephesians 4:32.         

6. A Call to Fulfill. God is still calling people to the gospel ministry. He wants to use you and your platform to advance the gospel and His kingdom. How do you know if God is calling you? Talk about God's call with your group or a pastor. 

7. A Call to Finish. It's important to start well. And as you might imagine, it's critical to finish well. For those in vocational ministry, God expects His servants to serve well and finish well. Share a story of someone who finished well. 

We hope you'll join us for the three sermons in this sermon series. 

If you have any questions about FBC Clarksville, we'd love to hear from you. We're eager to serve the Lord and you. 

We hope to worship with you on Sunday! 

View all of the Four-Letter Words Study Guides at fbct.org/fourletterwords.

October 22, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Four-Letter Words: Sift
Luke 22:31-34

Do you know Jesus Christ? When did you turn from your sin and trust Jesus as your Savior? How are you growing in Christ? Are you willing for God to use whatever He desires to grow you as a disciple? Those questions are personal and relevant. 

If God uses Bible studies and ministry experiences to grow us, we generally prefer those methods. However, what if God chooses to use suffering to mature us? What is our response then? Peter heard the Lord's call and obeyed. He was known as one of Jesus's intimate followers. To grow Peter's faith and develop his courage, the Lord allowed His servant to suffer and be sifted. Are you willing to suffer and be sifted in order to grow and be used? 

1. The Enemy is Still Working. The enemy desired to defeat Peter's life and witness. The Lord used the word "sift" with Peter. What does this word mean? How does the devil carry out his wicked schemes? Is our adversary still sifting people today? Take time in your group to discuss how the enemy works. You can use God's Word, or you can share your own spiritual battles. 

2. The Lord is Still Praying. Who or what are you praying for these days? Are you praying for people who need Jesus, for people who need healing, or for people who need direction? Jesus prayed for Peter. That's an incredible truth! What do you know about Jesus's prayer life? Who or what did He pray for? Spend time talking about these questions with your group.  

3. The Disciple is Still Growing. Jesus informed Peter that the enemy wouldn't be victorious. Peter would be strengthened and then he'd minister to other people. Peter was growing and maturing. How is the Lord growing you? As your group finishes this week's study guide, take time to discuss these questions. (i) Did Peter recover from his denial? (ii) What changed about Peter after being sifted?

If you want to grow in your faith and service, this message is a must for you. We encourage you to share this study guide with other people and invite them to worship with you this weekend. The Lord is speaking and changing lives at FBC Clarksville! 

We're praying for you! We hope to see you in-person or online! 

View all of the Four-Letter Words Study Guides at fbct.org/fourletterwords.

October 29, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Four-Letter Words: Lead
John 6:1-13

What does the Bible say about leadership? How do you know if you’re leading? What dangers do leaders face? The enemy will do everything he can to bring down godly men and women in leadership. As a leader, are you worth following?

As a basic definition, leadership is influence. You're influencing people. Many people have said for decades, "Everything rises and falls on leadership." Being a leader comes with serious responsibilities. The best place to learn leadership is at the feet of Jesus. He was a servant leader. 

Who is history's greatest leader? You may come up with many names. The world has been filled with great leaders. However, the greatest leader in history is Jesus. Jesus humbled Himself by taking on human flesh. He lived a perfect, sinless life. He served people. He sacrificed His life for the redemption of the world. He overcame death and the grave. He gave His followers a mission to change the world. How are you following Jesus and leading to fulfill His mission? 

Leaders are...

1. Visionary. "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). In your group, talk about what leaders do. How do they receive vision and share it?

2. Influencers. Leaders influence people. As a leader, how are you influencing people? Name two or three great leaders of influence. How do they lead? 

3. Readers. Are you a reader? Effective spiritual leaders read God's Word and other quality books and resources. What have you read recently?

4. Followers. Great leaders are great followers. What's required to be a great follower? If you want to be a great leader, then learn how to follow. 

5. Listeners. Jesus listened to people. Many people believe that leaders do all the talking. As a leader, whom are you listening to? 

6. Available. Great leaders are available for God to use. Are you available to be trained? Is your "yes" on the table? What is God calling you to do?    

7. Real. The world is filled with "fake." Leaders in the Bible were honest and real. When have you seen a leader model honesty and transparency?

We hope you'll join us on Sunday for worship. Our church loves Jesus and desires to make much of Him. 

Please let us know how we can serve you and pray for you. We'd love to hear how the Lord is at work in your life. Take a few moments and share with us.  

Have a blessed rest of your week. We pray to see you on Sunday.         

View all of the Four-Letter Words Study Guides at fbct.org/fourletterwords.