April 2, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Heaven: What Should We Expect?
Revelation 22:1-6

What comes to mind when you hear the word, Heaven? For believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, Heaven isn't leaving home; it's going home. 

If you talk with enough people, or if you attend enough funerals, you'll discover that many ideas about Heaven are unbiblical and misleading. Heaven isn't boring. And please know, in Heaven, you're not going to sit on clouds, play the harp, and eat angel food cake. Heaven is about worship, fellowship, and service. 

What should believers expect in Heaven? 

1. A Holy City. John described the New Jerusalem as a Holy City. Is Nashville a holy city? Is Clarksville a holy city? Talk about what makes the New Jerusalem a Holy City. Heaven will be filled with glorious celebration. List four or five things that will be celebrated in Heaven. 

2. A Beautiful Place. John revealed the beauty of Heaven in Revelation. What's the most beautiful place you've ever seen? Jesus is preparing Heaven for His followers (John 14:1-4). As the Bible teaches, Heaven is a perfect place. No sin. No crime. No death. No crying. Share why you believe Heaven will be beautiful.  

3. A Safe Environment. Many people live in fear due to evil and violence. In many ways, and even with police officers and safety teams, workplaces, schools, churches, and streets are no longer safe. Why do you believe Heaven will be a safe place? Discuss why life in Heaven will be different than life now. 

4. A Relational Savior. Imagine seeing Jesus' face! John said that His servants will see His face and worship Him (Revelation 22:3-4). Jesus told His followers that they'd be with Him (John 14:1-4). How is your relationship with Jesus now? Is the Lord showing areas of your relationship with Him that need to change?  

5. A Diverse People. Diversity will be evident in Heaven. The Great Commission says that God's people need to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Heaven will be filled with people from every nation, tribe, people, and language (Revelation 7:9). Does the church look like Heaven? 

Are you confident that you'll spend eternity in Heaven? If you're meeting in a small group, share your personal testimonies with one another. If you don't have the assurance of going to Heaven, please contact us here at FBC Clarksville. We'd love to share with you the greatest news in history, the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

We hope to worship with you this weekend either in-person or online. May the Lord use this sermon series to prepare us for eternity in Heaven! 

We're praying for you! 

View all of the Heaven Study Guides at fbct.org/heaven.

April 9, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Heaven: How Do We Go There?
John 14:1-6

GPS systems have changed the way we travel. There are no more cumbersome maps. How many of you remember using a road atlas? As many of you would say, those were the "good ole days!"

How does a person go to Heaven? You'd think the answer is simple. However, in our day, you'll hear many answers to that biblical question. Many people believe that living a good life is enough to get you there, doing religious deeds will allow you to enter Heaven, or affiliating with a church secures your place in glory. 

As you think about that question, please take a moment and read John 14:1-6 and Acts 4:12. What do those Scriptures reveal about how a person goes to Heaven? If possible, write or discuss your thoughts.    

i. Handle Emptiness Correctly. Do you know what it's like to be empty? If so, how did you deal with your emptiness? In Luke 19, we meet Zacchaeus, a rich man. He had everything the world offered, yet he was empty. The world tries to convince us that positions, power, and possessions will fill our emptiness. Take a moment and share how Jesus does what the world cannot do. 

2. Spell Salvation Carefully. Do you remember having pop spelling tests in school? You had to spell words carefully. How do you spell salvation? Let's agree that we can spell the word correctly, yet we need to spell the word carefully. Many people spell salvation by what we do, by what we don't do, or by what He has done. What has Jesus done for our salvation? 

3. Trust Christ Personally. If another person asked you how to go to Heaven, would you be able to answer him or her from God's Word? It's imperative that we have more gospel conversations with people. People need to trust Jesus. Talk about your recent gospel conversations. How did God use your witness? What would you say differently the next time you share Jesus with someone?

Take time now and talk about what keeps people from trusting Jesus Christ. Is love for this world a stumbling block? Is pride a spiritual barrier? What's the danger of procrastination when it comes to trusting Jesus? 

How does a person go to Heaven? Please take your Bible and read the following Bible verses. What do they teach about knowing Jesus and going to Heaven? 

John 3:16

Romans 3:23

Romans 5:8

Romans 6:23

Romans 10:9-10

Romans 10:13

1 John 5:13  

We pray you'll join us for worship on Resurrection Sunday. Our in-person worship gathering starts at 10:30 am. You can join us online at the same time, too.

Let's celebrate the good news that Jesus has defeated death and the grave. He is alive!  

If we can help you in your walk with the Lord and know that you're going to Heaven, please reach out to us. We'd love to serve Jesus and you.    

View all of the Heaven Study Guides at fbct.org/heaven.

April 16, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Heaven: What Will We Be Missing?
Revelation 21:1-4

It could be items in your house, details of a relationship, or chemistry on a team, but you realize one day that something is missing. As you think about Heaven, it's common to think about what will be there. However, have you ever considered what will be missing in Heaven? 

Let's take a few moments and answer that question. 

1. Sea. John said, "The sea was no more." Most people love to see or swim in the sea. Why do you think the sea will be missing in Heaven?    

2. Relational Distance. Are you living close to the Lord? In Heaven, you'll live close and intimate with Him. There are no prodigal children in Heaven. 

3. Secondhand Knowledge. Many people depend on other people for spiritual understanding. Discuss with one another what it'll be like to learn from Jesus.    

4. Tears. In Heaven, you'll no longer wipe away tears from your eyes or the eyes of loved ones. What do you think it'll be like to no longer shed tears?  

5. Death. Can you imagine life without death? In Heaven, you'll no longer need or see funeral homes, caskets, or cemeteries. Talk about this reality together. 

6. Mourning/Crying. People cry at weddings and funerals. Sadness (and depression) will be missing in Heaven. Why is mental illness increasing today?

7. Pain. Pain is common in life (physical, mental, relational, spiritual). What do you think it'll be like to no longer face pain in life? You'll live pain-free in Heaven.

8. Sin/Satan. It's time to shout! In glory, you'll no longer battle temptation or spiritual warfare. Who is missing from the first and last chapters of the Bible?

9. Temple/Church Buildings. As for worship in Heaven, you'll no longer need a temple or a church building. Discuss what worship will be like in Heaven. 

10. Certain People. Does everyone go to Heaven? What happens to people who die without Jesus? Evangelism isn't optional for God's people. 

Do you have the assurance that you'll spend eternity in Heaven? If so, take time now and thank Jesus for your salvation and forgiveness. If you don't know for sure, please contact us and allow us to share with you how to go to Heaven. 

We look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday. You can join us in-person or online. Our vision at FBC Clarksville is to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples. 

We're praying for you! 

View all of the Heaven Study Guides at fbct.org/heaven.

April 23, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Heaven: What Will We Do?
Revelation 19:6-10

You're planning a vacation to Florida. You've tried to think of every detail. The moment comes when you share the vacation news with your kids, and they ask, "What are we going to do in Florida?" As you think about Heaven, a common question is, "What will I do there?" 

God saved you and left you here for a reason. He wants you to focus on the unseen in life, not just the seen. Take a few moments and talk about how to focus on the unseen. Companies spend billions of dollars every year tempting people to focus on what's seen. How have you overcome that constant temptation? 

What will God's people do in Heaven?         

1. Worship God. Worship is a verb. It's what God's people do. How is worship different than entertainment? Talk about how personal and corporate worship can be God-centered, Spirit-led, and Word-driven. What needs to change in your approach to worship that prepares you for worship in Heaven? 

2. Serve Jesus. Experts state that many people dislike or hate their jobs. Heaven is about worship and service. Discuss how you serve the Lord Jesus in your personal life and in His church. Why is it hard for many churches to find people to serve? Are many churches facing an involvement/volunteer crisis?

3. Enjoy Relationships. You'll not live in isolation in Heaven. God created His people for community. How have relationships in God's church made a difference in your life? Talk about the spiritual dangers of forsaking the gathering of God's people (Hebrews 10:25). 

4. Receive Rewards. Scripture teaches the reality of two judgments. First, the "Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). Second, "The Judgment Seat of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:10-14; 2 Corinthians 5:10). Talk about the spiritual differences between these two judgments.

5. Surrender Everything. Are you living the Christian life with open hands or tight fists? Talk about what believers will do with rewards in Heaven. Will they surrender them or boast about them? Many churches still sing, "I Surrender All." What do you need to surrender now to the Lord? 

As you ponder what you'll do in Heaven, how do you need to practice now? God saved you and left you here to get ready for eternity in Heaven. 

We hope to see you on Sunday. Please remember, you can worship with us in-person or online. We look forward to seeing you or hearing from you soon. 

View all of the Heaven Study Guides at fbct.org/heaven.

April 30, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Heaven: What Questions Still Remain?
Revelation 4:1-11

Do you have a teachable spirit in life? At the core of discipleship is a teachable heart. In this sermon series on Heaven, we've answered the following questions: What should we expect? How do we go there? What will be missing? What will we do? In this final sermon, we'll answer the question, "What Questions Still remain?

How do you answer the following questions? (1) Will we eat food in Heaven? (2) Will our pets be in Heaven? (3) Will we be able to play golf, watch football, or shop in Heaven? (4) Will we be able to use technology in Heaven? Those are interesting questions to discuss.     

As we think about Heaven, what other questions still remain? 

1. Is it possible to know that we're going to Heaven? When asked about going to Heaven, it's common for people to say, "I hope so. I think so. Maybe it will work out in the end." God's Word is clear that you can know that you're going to Heaven (1 John 5:13). Take time to discuss what spiritual assurance means to you. 

2. Will we know one another in Heaven? What do you believe God's Word teaches about this question? In the next few minutes, read and discuss the following Bible verses: 1 Corinthians 13:12; Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:2; 

2 Corinthians 5:8; and Revelation 22:4. You can rejoice that Heaven is going to be beyond what your mind can comprehend.     

3. What took place in Heaven today? What happened in your life today? What do you believe happened in Heaven today? The Bible reveals that worship is taking place, fellowship is being enjoyed, and service is happening now. Think about how many people died today. Thousands of people die every day around the world. How many of them went to Heaven today? 

4. Do you have a guaranteed reservation in Heaven? Considering eternity, this life is brief. If you're flying on an airplane or staying in a hotel, you want to make sure you have a guaranteed reservation. Do you know that you'll spend eternity in Heaven? It's a fact that many people in our lives aren't sure that they'll go to Heaven. Who in your life needs to hear the gospel from you? 

Thank you for your participation in this sermon series on Heaven. We pray the Lord has used His Word to comfort you and grow your faith. 

If you're still unsure about where you'll spend eternity, please reach out to us. We'd love to serve you and share how you can know the Lord and live with the assurance and peace of going to Heaven. 

We pray to worship with you on Sunday! 

View all of the Heaven Study Guides at fbct.org/heaven.