Philemon 1:1-7

What do you have a passion for in life? Many people have a passion for food, bargains, travel, sports, or relationships. Do you have a passion for souls? 

Take a moment and read the short letter to Philemon. It's one chapter, and you can read it in a few minutes. What major themes is Paul dealing with in the letter? How do those themes relate to your life today? 

D.L. Moody, the great evangelist, lived his life with a passion for souls. It could be said that Billy Graham lived his life with the same passion. He traveled the world, holding massive crusades and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with millions of people. Can you name a person or two who lives his or her life with a passion for souls? Share why you listed the person or persons whom you did. What can you learn from him, her, or them? 

What are you asking God to do in your life? What are you asking God to do in your church? Have you ever asked the Lord to give you and your church a passion for souls? 

What's needed to have a passion for souls? 

1. A Passion for Souls: Relate Courageously. What's needed to live a successful Christian life? Take a moment and answer that question from the life of Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9). How are you relating to Jesus and other people? Are you willing to risk your life for Jesus and His call? Are you challenging other people to seek God's kingdom first (Matthew 6:33)? 

2. A Passion for Souls: Pray Specifically. Who are you praying for by name? How are you praying for your church? What are you praying for God to do in your life? How did Paul pray for Philemon, his family, and the church? It's important to pray for other people, but it's also imperative that you pray for yourself. Pause your study and pray for one another right now. 

3. A Passion for Souls: Build Intentionally. Are you a builder? In your relationships, are you better at building bridges or barriers? Paul was a bridge builder. He sought to restore and reconcile broken, damaged relationships. Do you have any relationships that need to be restored and reconciled? What actions do you need to take to open the door for that to happen?

When was the time you led another person to Jesus? When was the last time you tried? May you ask the Lord to give you a passion for souls! 

We invite you to worship with us in person on Sunday. It's worthwhile to gather with other people and adore the Lord. He created you to know Him, worship Him, and serve Him. The local church needs you. If you live out of town, out of state, or out of the country, we encourage you to find a local church in your area. 

We're praying for you at FBC Clarksville. Have a blessed rest of your week. 

View all of the "Philemon" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/philemon.


PHILEMON: TThe Cost of Discipleship

Philemon 1:8-25

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? What is it costing you to follow Him? Do you consider yourself a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ?   

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in his book, "The Cost of Discipleship" said, "When Jesus calls a person to follow Him, He calls a person to come and die." Talk about what that statement means in your study group. Please be reminded, that in places around the world, it's costing people their physical lives to know and follow Jesus. Are you willing to suffer and lose your life as a disciple of Jesus Christ?     

1. The Cost of Discipleship: Involves Relationships. Are your relationships helping you follow Jesus Christ? Relationships influence people, meaning they can build you up or tear you down, they can draw you near Jesus or pull you away from Him, or they can help you see life through God's lens or the world's eyes. It's impossible to separate New Testament discipleship from relationships. 

2. The Cost of Discipleship: Includes Discernment. As you think about your life, when have you grown the most spiritually? Share your answers with your group. It's not uncommon for someone to say that he or she grew the most when life was the hardest. Take a few minutes and talk about the life of Joseph. Was his life easy? Read and discuss Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28. 

3. The Cost of Discipleship: Invites Obedience. A consistent theme in the letter to Philemon is obedience. God desires for His people to obey Him. Are you obeying the Lord when it comes to growth, generosity, or forgiveness? Being a follower of Jesus will cost you! In your group, share personal thoughts about the costs you've paid to love Jesus and obey His leadership. 

As you wrap up this week's study, take time to pray and remember what it cost Jesus for your salvation. Jesus paid it all! He lived a perfect, sinless life. He died a sacrificial, painful death by crucifixion. He experienced a glorious resurrection. He's victorious over sin, death, and the grave! He loves you, and He gave His life for your sins.  

If you've never surrendered your life to Jesus as Savior, right now is a divine moment for you to do so (2 Corinthians 6:2). If you call on the name of the Lord, He'll save you (Romans 10:13). Jesus is the One who saves! 

There are people in your group who can serve you. We'd love for you to send us a message. Our ministry team would love to help you know the Lord and begin the discipleship journey. 

We pray to celebrate and worship with you this weekend! 

View all of the "Philemon" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/philemon.