Every person in life is nearing the finish line. How do you want to finish? You don't want to come to the finish line with regrets. You want to finish your race faithful and strong. In this sermon series, our pastor will talk about "The Finish Line" and what it takes to finish well. He'll teach about "purpose" from Esther, "service" from four fishermen, "surrender" from Isaiah, and "forgiveness" from Joseph. People who finish well in life know their purpose, serve Jesus Christ, surrender their lives to God's call, and practice the biblical command of forgiveness. We hope you'll join us for each one of these timely messages in the series, "The Finish Line."      


The Finish Line: Esther
Esther 4:12-17

Do you agree or disagree with this statement, "Life is filled with problems?" As problems surface in life, many people ask these questions, "Why does God seem distant and silent when I pray? Where is God in relation to what I'm facing in life? Why do people far from God seem to have life easier than people close to God?" Take time to discuss those questions.    

Have you ever heard the phrase, "For such a time as this?" What does this biblical phrase mean? 

Two books in the Bible are named after women. Can you name the two books? What do you know about the life and ministry of Esther?

1. Key Points. What are the key points in Esther? How does this book relate to your life? The Bible reveals that God is in control, He often works behind the scenes, and He orchestrates the lives of people. Take a moment and share a testimony about the personal activity of God in your life. When did you see Him controlling your life, working behind the scenes, or orchestrating your life?  

2. Main Characters. To grasp a biblical story, it's helpful to know the characters and their personalities. Who are the primary characters in Esther? As a way to help you identify the names of people, take the time to talk about the lives of King Ahasuerus, Queen Vashti, Haman, Mordecai, and Esther. Who is the main character in Esther? 

3. Life Lessons. What life lessons do you learn from the book and the life of Esther? In studying the Bible, it's helpful to ask three questions: (1) What does this verse mean in its original context? (2) How does this verse relate to my life? (3) What does God want me to do from this verse? Take time to discuss those three questions from the perspective of Esther.         

If you're going to finish well in life, the book of Esther is important. Esther lived "for such a time as this." Are you living life the same way? 

We hope you'll join us in worship this Sunday. We love seeing you and hearing from you!    

Please know these truths: Jesus loves you. He gave His life for you. You've sinned against Him. You can know Him in a personal way. If you need to be saved and experience His forgiveness. we'd love to serve you. Please contact us and allow us to share the gospel with you. 

We're praying for you! 

View all of The Finish Line Study Guides at fbct.org/finishline.


The Finish Line: Here I Am! Send Me
Isaiah 6:1-8

When you finish your race in life, do you believe you'll hear God say, "Well done, good and faithful servant?" As you know, it matters to God how you live. 

It's possible to come to the finish line with love for the Lord, with healthy relationships, and with financial integrity. On the other hand, if you waste your days, you can come to the finish line with bitterness toward God, with broken relationships, and with financial irresponsibility. 

As you consider the life and ministry of Isaiah, what lessons do you learn from him that equip you to finish well (Isaiah 6:1-8)? 

1. Hunger to See God. What are you hungry for in life? Your answer may revolve around food, or you may confess that you're hungry for truth and righteousness. Isaiah's life "hit a wall" when King Uzziah died. Life became uncertain. To God's glory, Isaiah found himself in the temple of the Lord. He saw the Lord. Discuss places and ways that allow you to see the Lord.

2. Agree to Confess Sin. How is your vision? Do you wear glasses or contacts? Eyesight is important in life. How is your spiritual vision? Do you see what God sees? Isaiah saw God and His holiness. If that wasn't enough, he saw his sin and the sins of his people. Isaiah confessed his sin before the Lord God Almighty. Take time to discuss God's holiness and personal confession. 

3. Pray to Experience Forgiveness. Is forgiveness possible? Is forgiveness easy? Isaiah saw the Lord, confessed his sin, and experienced God's forgiveness. Forgiveness is possible because Jesus shed His blood (Hebrews 9:27). Take time to reflect on Jesus' death, God's grace, and spiritual freedom. Have your sins been forgiven, and are you living free in Jesus? 

4. Decide to Surrender All. God is calling boys and girls and men and women to know Him, follow Him, and serve Him. Explain times when you've heard God's call and obeyed Him. Isaiah placed his "yes" on the table. He surrendered his all to the Lord's call. Isaiah's ministry assignment wasn't easy. If God calls you to a tough assignment, are you eager to obey Him? Discuss your answer.

Thank you for worshiping with us this weekend. We're excited to see you either in-person or online. 

May you see the Lord, confess your sin, experience His forgiveness, and obey His call! 

View all of The Finish Line Study Guides at fbct.org/finishline.


The Finish Line: Follow Me
Matthew 4:18-22

Many Bible verses are easy to quote but hard to practice (Matthew 5:44; Philippians 2:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Is forgiveness easy or hard for you? This week's message is about forgiveness. If you're going to finish well, you need a spirit of forgiveness in your life. May you not come to the finish line with a heart filled with unforgiveness!  

Joseph lived an incredible life. He was good-looking. The Lord's hand was on him. Joseph faced favoritism from his father and bitterness from his brothers. He endured temptation, false allegations, and adversity. Joseph understood power, and he had his evil brothers in the palm of his hand at one point. Did he seek revenge or extend forgiveness? Joseph forgave his brothers.        

What does God's Word teach about forgiveness? 

1. Forgiveness is Dear to God's Heart. Joseph was hurt by his brothers. Can you discuss ways other people have hurt you? Are you able to confess times when you hurt another person or people? God's heart is filled with forgiveness. Take a few moments and talk about what God's forgiveness means to you. It's okay to shed tears and rejoice over God's goodness and grace! 

2. Forgiveness is Offered for God's Glory. In 1999, Matt Redman wrote a worship song entitled, "The Heart of Worship." Worship is all about God. Let me say this, forgiveness is all about God, too. Genesis 50:20 is Romans 8:28 of the Old Testament. Describe a time when you forgave another person instead of getting even. As you forgive other people, your obedience glories God. 

3. Forgiveness is Commanded in God's Word. Obligation is a strong word. However, it's a biblical word. Believers are obligated to share the gospel (Romans 1:14). According to Ephesians 4:32, are we obligated to forgive? How do you answer that question? Take time to talk about the dangers of unforgiveness. Share, too, how to overcome a spirit of unforgiveness.

Have you received the Lord's forgiveness in Jesus Christ? Share your story. Are you quick to forgive other people? Are you able to forgive yourself? If you're in a group, talk about ways the Lord has set you free. May the Lord move in your midst! 

We're praying for you. We hope you'll join us in worship on Sunday. 

If we can pray for you or serve you, please contact us. We desire to see people in love with Jesus and living abundant, free lives. 

View all of The Finish Line Study Guides at fbct.org/finishline.


The Finish Line: God Meant It for Good
Genesis 50:15-21

Kyle Idleman wrote a bestseller several years ago about being a fan or a follower of Jesus. Are you a fan or a follower of Him? Spend the next few minutes discussing your answer and perspective. 

Jesus saved you and left you here for a reason. He wants to use your life for His glory. You have a divine purpose in this life. What sins do many people commit when it comes to following Jesus? Have you walked ahead or behind His leadership? Have you felt unworthy to follow Jesus and serve Him? Have you given excuses why the Lord could never use you? 

In this sermon, you'll learn many biblical principles about following Jesus.

1. Draw Closely to Jesus's Presence. Jesus spent time with fishermen and tax collectors. He invited those men to know and follow Him. Are you living close to Him? If so, what is helping you to live near Him? If you're not as close to Jesus as He desires, take the time now to confess your sin and draw near to Him. 

2. Listen Aggressively to Jesus's Call. Jesus called fishermen to come and follow Him. How would you describe being a follower of Jesus to another person? Is it easy, comfortable, cheap, or popular? Jesus continues to call people today. How is the Lord calling you? Is He calling you to salvation, discipleship, or ministry? Is He calling you to obey Him in baptism, join the fellowship of a local church, or forgive someone who hurt you?       

3. Respond Immediately to Jesus's Invitation. The fishermen heard Jesus's call and obeyed Him immediately. Those men left their families, careers, and possessions to follow the Lord. What is it costing you to follow Jesus? Take a few moments and reflect on what you've surrendered to follow Jesus. Is Jesus pleased with your commitment? 

What is Jesus asking you to do today? 

We hope you'll worship with us this weekend. We invite you to join us in-person if possible. If you're not able to do so, please worship with us online. We're a church that's committed to worshiping God, loving people, sharing Jesus, and making disciples.                   

We'd love to hear from you. Please let us know how we can pray for you and how the Lord is changing your life.

View all of The Finish Line Study Guides at fbct.org/finishline.