Here Comes the Bride: A Look at the Groom
Revelation 1:1-20

The wedding song starts, the doors open, and the bride enters the room. The groom is often choking back tears, and he's excited to see his future wife. It's a day to celebrate biblical marriage, personal love, and God's glory. What do you remember about your wedding day?  

The church is described as Jesus's bride. One day, Jesus the Groom is coming back for His bride. Is the church ready? Are God's people watching for His return? Take time to talk about the second coming of Jesus. You can share your thoughts about HIs return. You can discuss why many people live oblivious to the biblical truth that Jesus could come again at any moment. 

John was on an island called Patmos. He experienced the Lord Jesus in a powerful way. In fact, John, when he saw Jesus, fell on his face before the Lord (Rev. 1:17). Talk about what worship is like for you, personal and corporate. Is your participation in worship pleasing to God? 

1. Experience Jesus in the Scriptures. "The revelation of Jesus Christ" is God's Word (Rev. 1:1). The Book of Revelation isn't the revelation of John. It's the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John. God's Word isn't optional for a growing believer. God forbid that His church would be a mile-wide and an inch-deep. Do you read and study God's Word every day? If so or if not, why?  

2. Declare Jesus as the Savior. John's relationship with Jesus was the "real thing." The enemy is a trickster. He wants to contaminate your relationship with Jesus. Please know that Jesus gave His life for you. He paid your sin debt in full. Therefore, you can live intimately with Him. Describe your relationship with Jesus. Is it casual or intimate? Is your heart for Jesus getting bigger or smaller? 

3. Serve Jesus in the Spirit. John talked about being in the Spirit four times (Rev. 1:10, 4:2, 17:3, and 21:10). He declared himself as a servant. Are you a servant or a consumer? Share your answer to that question. Why did Jesus save you, gift you, and leave you here? How are you serving Jesus in your local church? Your church needs you to serve. 

This is the first message in the new sermon series entitled, "Here Comes the Bride." Our pastor will preach about Jesus, the Groom this Sunday, and after this message, he'll preach on the seven churches in Revelation. God has a Word for you and us in this sermon series. 

We hope you'll worship with us in-person if possible. We're always thankful for the many people who worship with us each week online from across the country and around the world. We're blessed by you! 

Please let us know how we can pray for you. If you make a spiritual decision while watching a worship broadcast, we'd love to hear from you. 

Have a blessed rest of your week!    

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Here Comes the Bride: The Abandoning Church
Revelation 2:1-7

It's beautiful to see people fall in love. On the other hand, it's painful to watch people fall out of love. Marriages fall apart. Friends decide to go their separate ways. Churches experience division and split. Share any stories of seeing people fall out of love. What did you take away from seeing that happen?  

It's even possible for people to fall out of love with Jesus. This reality happens to individual believers and to churches. The church in Ephesus was a strong, vibrant church. At one time, they confessed their undying love for the Lord (Ephesians 6:24). As time passed, Jesus spoke a hard, personal word to them. He said, "You have abandoned the love you had at first" (Revelation 2:4). That's painful to hear. Have you ever seen a church fall out of love with Jesus? If so, what caused that to happen? 

What biblical truths do we see in the church in Ephesus that relate to us today? 

1. Jesus Knows Us Completely. Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. The church in Ephesus looked healthy and strong. Their church calendar was packed. On the outside, the church was a model faith family. However, Jesus saw beyond their activities. How would you describe your church to another person? How would Jesus describe your church? 

2. Jesus Loves Us Unconditionally. The church in Ephesus had issues on the inside. Their affection (love) for Jesus was missing. The church lost focus. Jesus's words were hard. However, He loved the church. What issues do you see inside your church? Has your church lost focus? Is the main thing no longer the main thing? Please know, Jesus loves you and your church.

3. Jesus Calls Us Tenderly. Even though the church in Ephesus abandoned her First Love, Jesus wasn't finished with them. He gave His people directives to repent and love Him again. What is Jesus saying to your church? You must slow down and not rush to answer this question. You need to hear the Lord's voice. If you're alone or in a group, now is the time to pray and listen.  

As you finish this week's study guide, answer the following three questions. (1) Do you and your church want to be involved in kingdom advancement? This isn't playing church. This is making Jesus known around the world. (2) Have you fallen out of love with Jesus? You can do ministry for Jesus without intimacy with Him. When you fall out of love with Jesus, everything changes. (3) Do you need to repent today? Repentance is for lost people, for believers, and for churches. If you hear the Lord calling you, don't turn away. Obey His leadership and run to Him. 

We hope you'll worship with us in-person on Sunday. We'd love to see you. If you're unable to do so, please join us online. We'd like to know where you watch from in the States or from around the world.  

We're praying for you! 

Thank you for connecting with FBC Clarksville!        

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Here Comes the Bride: The Suffering Church
Revelation 2:8-11

Many believers around the world experience suffering. These individuals aren't criminals or evil people. Loving Jesus comes with a cost in their part of the world. What is it costing you to love and follow Jesus? Have you ever suffered for your faith in Jesus Christ? Take a few moments and discuss your answers to those questions. 

The church in Smyrna was rich. That doesn't mean they had lots of money. Is your church rich? A church can be financially poor and spiritually rich. It's possible for a church to be financially rich and spiritually poor. As you think about your church, had you rather be financially rich or spiritually rich? Why did you answer the way you did? 

What lessons do you learn from the church in Smyrna? 

1. Believe Jesus Understands. Jesus knew suffering firsthand (Heb. 4:15). He experienced rejection, humiliation, and crucifixion. Jesus had people turn their backs on Him and walk away. You must never forget the basics of Christianity. Suffering isn't abnormal for God's people. It comes with naming the name of Jesus. What do you say to suffering people? Why does your church exist? 

2. Understand Jesus Knows. How do you stop the gospel from spreading around the world? How do you limit a church's call for kingdom advancement? If you persecute believers and the church, many people believe, the devil wins. That's a lie from the enemy. As for John on the island of Patmos, the church in Smyrna, and believers around the world, God uses suffering for His glory. 

3. Know Jesus Leads. How do you handle spiritual warfare? How do you deal with difficult people? Jesus taught the church in Smyrna how to be faithful during tough days. Security is found in the Lord. How is Jesus leading you? How is He leading your church? As you follow Jesus's leadership, don't expect an easy path. Suffering is often a classroom for spiritual growth and maturity, 

If you and your church are going to live for Jesus, make Him known around the world, and face spiritual suffering, you need to study the church in Smyrna. God's Word is milk and meat for God's people. As a church, we believe in the authority, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Bible. 

If we can serve you, please reach out to us. We're praying for you as we worship the Lord Jesus this weekend in-person and online.     

We're thankful for you at FBC Clarksville. Blessings!

View all of the Here Comes The Bride Study Guides at

september 3, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Here Comes the Bride: The Compromising Church
Revelation 2:12-17 

Is compromise right or wrong? That's a tough question to answer because it's contextual in many ways. If you're going to have a healthy marriage and family, compromise is a must. You can't always have your way. You'll need to eat at someone else's favorite restaurant. You'll need to fulfill another person's bucket list vacation. Compromise, at least in this context, puts the wishes of another person before your own. Share times when you compromised for the health of your marriage and family.     

On the other hand, compromise can be wrong and costly. As Paul said, "Whatever you sow, you'll also reap. If you sow to the flesh, you'll reap destruction. If you sow to the Spirit, you'll reap eternal life" (Galatians 6:7-8). Compromising your convictions comes with a cost. Many people sacrifice their future for the pleasure of the moment. It's a result of compromise. The devil tempts us to live lives of compromise. "No one will ever know. It's just one time. Everyone is doing it." He's the father of lies, too! Talk about times when you compromised and what it cost you.    

Ephesus was the abandoning church. Smyrna was the suffering church. Pergamum was the compromising church. Jesus had a stern word for them because they compromised their convictions. What is Jesus saying to you and to your church? Is compromise happening in your life or in your church? 

1. Practice Faithfulness in Tough Places. Pergamum was a tough place. God often places His servants in tough places and gives them hard assignments. How can you remain faithful in tough places? What's your response when God calls you to a hard assignment? You'll need to spend time in God's Word and live for His approval, not for people's applause.    

2. Learn to Detect False Teachers. False teachers existed in Bible days. It's possible for false teachers to show up in today's church. Dogs are often trained to sniff out bombs, drugs, or fruit. If dogs can be trained to protect people, God's people need to be trained to detect false teachers, How can churches train God's people? What steps can your church take to prevent false teachers? 

3. Listen to What Jesus Says. Is Jesus still speaking? If so, how? His primary means of speaking today is through His Word. He also uses prayer, the Holy Spirit, life circumstances, and other people. What did Jesus say to the church in Pergamum? Take a few moments and answer that question. What is Jesus saying to your church? Listening to Jesus protects you from compromise. 

Have you ever compromised your faith? Can you recall a time when you stood for truth and refused to compromise your convictions? How is your church standing for truth and resisting the temptation to compromise? 

We hope you'll worship with us this weekend. If possible, we'd love to see you in-person. If that's not an option, we're excited for you to join us online. What a blessing to esteem Jesus together! 

Have a blessed rest of your week. We love you at FBC Clarksville. 


View all of the Here Comes The Bride Study Guides at 

september 10, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Here Comes the Bride: The Imploding Church
Revelation 2:18-29

Have you seen a building implode? Experts place explosives in strategic places. The area around the building is secured. At the right moment, a signal is given, explosives are ignited, and the building comes tumbling down. Dust fills the air. A new development will soon emerge from that vacant space. 

Have you seen a marriage implode? What about a family being ripped apart? Have you witnessed a company collapse? Have you been in a church that imploded? The building wasn't destroyed. However, the fellowship, and relationships inside the church family, were divided and damaged.     

Jesus spoke a powerful Word to the church in Thyatira. What was the church's primary struggle? The church imploded. Jesus gave the church a personal challenge and invitation. What is Jesus inviting you to do? 

What explosives does the enemy use to try and implode the Lord's church? 

1. Follow Jesus Closely. Our church's vision is to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples. The enemy doesn't want God's people to live intimate and close to Jesus. God uses people. However, churches must exalt Jesus and encourage His servants. The church gets in trouble when personalities are placed on a pedestal. How is your church exalting Jesus? 

2. Look Forward Courageously. Many churches are in trouble because their focus is on the past, not the present or the future. The enemy loves to see God's people live in the past. What year is it in your church? It's possible for the calendar to say 2023, only for your church to function like it's 1975. What does the Lord think of your church? What's your church known for in the community?

3. Select Leaders Carefully. Churches make many decisions. Those decisions relate to style, programs, and personnel. Churches make decisions about leaders, too. The enemy loves to see churches place the wrong people in leadership positions. The church in Thyatira had a leadership problem. How does your church select leaders? What do you do with a disruptive leader? 

4. Examine Teachings Consistently. Is your church serious about the Bible? Do members come to Bible studies and worship gatherings with their Bibles? The enemy loves to see saved people misuse God's Word. It's dangerous to ignore or mishandle God's Word. How is your church equipping the next generation to know biblical truth and stand for their faith? 

The Lord doesn't want your church to implode. He wants your church to be healthy, immovable, and strong. 

We hope you'll worship with us this weekend. This is a timely message in the sermon series, "Here Comes the Bride." 

Thank you for worshiping with us. Thank you for studying God's Word. Thank you for giving your life and resources to support God's work.     

We're praying for you. We look forward to seeing you this weekend in worship.  


View all of the Here Comes The Bride Study Guides at 

september 17, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Here Comes the Bride: The Dying Church
Revelation 3:1-6

How many churches have you been a member of? Take a few moments and talk about those churches. As you name the churches, what were their strengths and weaknesses? How did you see God at work in those churches? 

Jesus revealed His Word to the church in Sardis. It was a tough message. The church looked alive. Church growth experts would have said the church had people, possessions, and programs. From all appearances, the church in Sardis was healthy and strong.  

Everything changed when Jesus spoke. He said the church had a reputation of being alive, but they were actually dead. What causes a church to die? It's painful to see a church (a gathering of God's people) turn out the lights, lock the doors, and die. That decision affects the glory of God. More and more churches need to be revitalized or replanted. 

What biblical principles do we learn for the church in Sardis? 

1. Listen as Jesus States the Problem. He asked the church in Sardis to take off their masks. The people needed to face reality. Why are many churches declining, dying, and disappearing? Many churches are pretending and unwilling to face reality. As you think about your church, are God's people and you facing reality or denying reality? What is your church's reputation in the community? 

2. Obey as Jesus Shares the Potential. The church in Sardis was dead. However, Jesus didn't write them off. He has the authority and power to take something that's dead and bring it to life again. Jesus's tomb is empty, and He is alive! Jesus asked the church in Sardis to take five actions. Look in God's Word and list the five actions. Do they relate to your church? 

3. Hear as Jesus Speaks the Promises. Jesus spoke three promises to the church in Sardis. God's Word is filled with thousands of promises. Pause for a few moments and remember three to five promises from the Bible. Why are these promises important to you? As you remember your church, what promises do you need to pray over your faith family? God is faithful to every promise. 

As you finish your time of study, take time now to pray for the following people and situations. (1) Pray for dead marriages. (2) Pray for dead churches. (3 Pray for dead dreams. As noted earlier, Jesus has defeated death and the grave. He can resurrect dead marriages, dead churches, and dead dreams, That's worth shouting! 

We're praying for you as Sunday comes. As the Lord leads, we hope you'll worship with us in-person or online. 

We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every Sunday at FBC Clarksville, and that changes everything! 


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september 24, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Here Comes the Bride: The Obeying Church
Revelation 3:7-13

Do you know Jesus Christ personally? What is your faith in Jesus costing you? If you're looking for an easy life, with little to no challenges, then walking with Jesus will be hard for you. Jesus asks His followers to die to self and follow Him (Luke 9:23). The Christian life isn't an easy life; it's an abundant life (John 10:10).

The seven letters to the seven churches indicate that Jesus loves churches. He knew them; He loved them; and He spoke truth to them. Explain to your group how you love the Lord's church. How has your church made a difference in your life and walk with Jesus? The church in Philadelphia was small. However, they were alive, effective, and obedient.      

What characteristics describe an obedient church?  

1. Faithful People. If you're a child, student, or adult, the Lord has placed you in His church for a reason. What can you do to help your church be an obedient church? God hasn't called His people to play church; He's called His people to be His church. Where do you see faithfulness in your church? 

2. Biblical Knowledge. Jesus revealed Himself to every church. He wanted the church in Philadelphia to know Him and how He worked. Read God's Word together and share how Jesus revealed Himself to the church in Philadelphia. What practical steps can you take to grow and mature in biblical knowledge?

3. Spiritual Dependence. Jesus knew everything about the church. The church had an incredible opportunity, and they walked through an open door. God's people knew how to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples. Why does God close doors? What's your response when doors close?

4. Radical Surrender. Jesus made many promises to the church in Philadelphia. He called His people to surrender their all to Him. What does it mean to surrender all to Jesus? Believers sing the hymn, "I Surrender All." However, do they know what it means? Are you living a surrendered life? 

As God's people gather this weekend, we invite you to join us. Involvement in His church matters. Our church desires to help people from all walks of life to know Jesus, follow Jesus, serve Jesus, and share Jesus. 

Thank you for connecting with us. We hope to see you soon.    


View all of the Here Comes The Bride Study Guides at 

october 1, 2023 STUDY GUIDE:

Here Comes the Bride: The Nauseating Church
Revelation 3:14-22

Feeling nauseated is awful. What causes you to feel this way? You may answer that question by saying certain foods, theme park rides, or seeing someone else get sick. 

Let me ask you a question that you may have never considered. What makes the Lord nauseated? In Revelation 3, Jesus said the church in Laodicea made him sick. May your church bring Him glory and pleasure, not make Him throw up. 

As for the church in Laodicea, instead of the church influencing the culture, the culture influenced the church. Jesus didn't have a single positive word for the church in Laodicea. If Jesus wrote your church a letter, what would He say?

What do you need to learn from the Lord's letter to the church in Laodicea? 

1. Hear the Church's Head. In Revelation 3, you're not hearing the words of a church consultant or denominational leader. Jesus, the Head of the church, spoke to the messenger and to the church body. The church in Laodicea was in spiritual trouble. Is your church alive, dead, or in trouble? Take time and be honest about the spiritual health of your church.

2. Evaluate the Church's Health. What did Jesus say to the church? Read Revelation 3 and list what Jesus said to the Laodicean believers. Jesus said the church was lukewarm. What did He mean by that statement? Have you been lukewarm in your walk with the Lord? Have you made the Lord sick? Are you living dependent or independent of the Lord? 

3. Understand the Church's Hope. Jesus wasn't finished with the church in Laodicea. He sought to give them advice. When the Lord speaks, you need to listen. How does the Lord speak in our day? Does your church have a hunger and thirst for the Lord, a desire for God's Word, a burden for lost people, a passion for spiritual growth, and a need for God's power?

4. Turn the Church's Handle. Jesus invited the church in Laodicea to make a spiritual decision. How do many people use Revelation 3:20 out of context? Is it possible to do church without Jesus? The church in Laodicea had lost its power source, and they didn't even miss Him. How do you see the presence and power of the Lord on display in your life and church?    

Is Jesus inside or outside your life? Is He inside or outside your church? If Jesus is outside, hear His knock, open the door, and invite Him in. 

We're praying for a great weekend of worship. We welcome you to join us in-person or online. Our prayer is for you to see Jesus! Thank you for being connected at FBC Clarksville.  

Have a blessed rest of your week!              

 View all of the Here Comes The Bride Study Guides at