Breaking Free: I’m Overwhelmed

Matthew 11:28-30

Life is stressful! If not handled correctly, a person can accumulate baggage in life. What does that look like? Relationships go bad. Poor choices mean painful consequences. Financial mismanagement leads to debt and bondage. Spiritual deserts have replaced flowing streams and green pastures. Can you relate?  

Are you carrying around unnecessary baggage? Can you name the bags that are causing you stress and pain? On this Mother's Day, are you overwhelmed as a mom? Research reveals that many parents, and especially mothers, are exhausted, fatigued, and overwhelmed. How can you let go of your baggage and live free as a mom or as a believer in Jesus? 

In your study group, take time to read and discuss these Bible verses (1 Peter 5:6-7; Philippians 4:4-7; Psalm 46:1; Psalm 121:1-2). What is the Lord saying to you through His Word? What needs to change immediately in your life? Do you need to pray now for God to set you free and give you His peace?

1. We Need to Acknowledge Our Baggage. In your relationship with God, are you honest with Him? You don't have to pretend. He can handle your honesty and "stuff." That's amazing news! Is your church a "safe place?" You can share with others your failures, struggles, and temptations. To the Lord and with your group, what do you need to acknowledge?  

2. We Need to Believe God's Promises. In your group, take a few moments and share several of God's promises. How have His promises comforted and ministered to you? If you come to Him, Jesus promised to give you rest. Being overwhelmed isn't unusual. The invitation is to draw near to the Lord. What do you need to do now to come to Jesus? He's inviting you. 

3. We Need to Obey Jesus' Invitation. Jesus invited many people to make decisions. Take several minutes and talk about His invitations. How did God call Isaiah (Is. 6:1-8)? What did the Lord ask the fishermen to do (Matt. 4:18-22)? How did Jesus call a wealthy tax collector (Lk. 19:1-10)? What is Jesus inviting you to do? Matthew 11:28-30 is an invitation for the overwhelmed. 

What do you need for the Lord to do in your life? How do you need to serve another overwhelmed person? God wants to use your experiences and story. 

Finish your time together in prayer. First, pray for one another. Second, pray for mothers who are overwhelmed on this Mother's Day weekend. Third, pray for your local church, your pastor and leaders, and the nation. Fourth, pray for revival and spiritual awakening to take place. Fifth, pray for the spread of the gospel throughout the world. 

We hope you'll worship with us this weekend! The Lord is at work, and people are "breaking free!" 

Have a blessed Mother's Day!          

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at


Breaking Free: I’m Tempted

Genesis 39:1-10

How were you tempted this week? 

What do you know about the Bible? That's a strategic question. If you're going to handle temptation God's way, you need to know the Word. Take a few moments now and read Matthew 4:1-11. After reading the biblical text, answer the following five questions:   

1. Who is the source of temptation? 

2. Is it a sin to be tempted? 

3. When does the enemy often tempt God's children?

4. What do you know about the enemy and how he works?   

5. How did Jesus handle temptation?    

Read about Joseph's life in Genesis 39:1-10. He didn't have to look for temptation. The enemy found him. Joseph was a young man with a heart for the Lord. He confessed that he didn't want to sin against God. Holiness was present in his life and decisions. Are you living aware of God's presence? Is holiness a priority for you in the Christian life? 

As you study God's Word, focus on the following three practical statements:

1. RECOGNIZE the Threat Behind Temptation. You're not to play around with snakes or temptation. As you identify the source of temptation (Satan), you need to know his intention. Satan isn't your friend. His goal is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He wants to devour your life (1 Peter 5:8). Share a time when the enemy sought to destroy your life, marriage, family, or church. 

2. RESPOND to Temptation God's Way. Life throws many curve balls at you. You can respond God's way or the world's way. Why do many individuals sacrifice their future for the pleasure of the moment? Why do many people in ministry wreck their lives, marriages, and families? It's because they responded to temptation the world's way, not God's way. What is God's way?  

3. RESIST the Temptation to Clutter the Closet. Do you like clutter? Rather than deal with issues, many people stuff them in the closets of their lives. That gets messy over time. How can you get rid of the clutter in your life? How did Joseph deal with the clutter in his life? Take a few moments and get practical. How can you declutter your life? This opens the door for you to "break free." 

This message applies to people of all ages. When you wake up every morning, temptation is ready to meet you face-to-face. You can be enslaved, or you can "break free." God wants you to live free (John 8:32, 36). 

We hope you'll join us in worship this week. We're praying for people (including you) to make the following spiritual decisions:

  • Salvation

  • Baptism

  • Church Membership

  • Call to Ministry

  • Confess Personal Sins

  • Give the Lord Your Best

As you seek the Lord, may He change your life for His glory and your good! If we can help you as you obey the Lord's call, please reach out to us. We'd love to serve you. 

First Baptist Church Clarksville loves you!  

View all of the "I AM" Sermon Series Study Guides at