Lessons from the Psalms: Behaviors that Lead to a Blessed Life

Psalm 1:1-6

It's a new year. What are you asking God to do in your life, marriage, family, or church over the next twelve months?   

Are you happy with your life? How do you navigate the twists and turns of life? Have you ever asked the question, "How did I end up here?" 

The Psalms are real and relevant to life. The Psalmist was honest with God. Do you believe many believers are wearing masks, pretending that life is better than what it is? Are you honest with God? What are your priorities? In your study group, discuss your answers to these questions. It's healthy to be honest with God and other people. 

Do you desire to live a blessed life? In Psalm 1, the Psalmist gives insights into behaviors that lead to a blessed life. May 2025 be a year of blessings, growth, and maturity!         

1. Handle Relationships with Care (Psalm 1:1). How do you hold a baby? How do you help a person who has fallen and sustained injuries? You handle those people with care. Relationships can be a blessing or a burden. What does the Psalmist mean by the words, "Walks, stands, and sits?" Give examples of how relationships can draw you near the Lord or pull you away from Him.    

2. Study Scripture with Consistency (Psalm 1:2-3). How often do you read and study God's Word? God commanded Joshua to be in the Word daily. The Psalmist challenged God's people to be in the Book every day. If you're going to live a blessed life, you must invest time in the Bible. Share with your study group how, when, and where you study the Bible. His Word changes lives. 

3. Reach Nonbelievers with Conviction (Psalm 1:4-6). In your city, some people are lost without Jesus. How do you reach them with the gospel? The Psalmist contrasted the lives of the wicked with the godly. Take a moment and identify the differences. As you begin this new year, whom are you praying for by name to be saved? How does the Lord want to use you to reach him or her?

Living a blessed life is possible in 2025! 

In your study group, before you pray together, answer the following three questions.         

1. How do you develop relationships that draw you near the Lord? 

2. In what ways has your time in the Word changed your life? 

3. How do you turn an everyday conversation into a gospel conversation?

We hope you'll worship with us on Sunday. We're praying for you in 2025. 

Thank you for connecting with FBC Clarksville. Our prayer is to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples. 

Have a blessed first Sunday of 2025!  

View all of the "Lessons from the Psalms" Sermon Series Study Guides at fbct.org/psalms.