God loves you!
As we turn our attention to February, let's remember how much God loves us, and as a result of His love, let's love other people. Our church's vision statement states that we exist to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples.
Take a moment and read and reflect on these verses:
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Romans 5:8 - But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
1 John 4:8, 16 - He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
Ephesians 2:4-5 - But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).
Thank you for praying for and loving Chris Beck, Melanie, their two girls, and their family members. I appreciated your fasting and praying on Friday, January 24. We're asking God to give them special times with the Lord, quality time with one another, wisdom for Chris' doctors, divine healing that glorifies God, and Romans 8:28 moments of ministry, gospel conversations, and fruitfulness.
I want to remind you about four ministry events this month.
1. Connect Group Leaders' Training. The training is scheduled for Sunday, February 2 from 3:00-5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. If you teach a Connect Group, we strongly encourage you to attend this training. We'll worship the Lord through music; we'll do a collective group session; we'll take a break for snacks and drinks; and we'll spend time in age-group sessions. Our Connect Groups help us make disciples, build relationships, and close the back door. I appreciate the leadership and involvement of our Discipleship Team in planning, organizing, and offering this training. Great job, team!
2. The Movie The Forge. On Sunday, February 16 from 4:00-6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, we'll show this inspiring movie. Angie and I watched it months ago. However, we're excited to watch it again. The Forge reveals the power of prayer, the effectiveness of the gospel, and the beauty of healthy relationships. We'll serve popcorn and drinks. The Forge is a family-friendly movie, and it's a timely event to invite other people to attend. You can enter the building that afternoon at the Activities Entrance. That'll be the only entrance open that evening for safety reasons. Our greeters will welcome you and help you. We hope to see you on Sunday, February 16.
3. Our Student Ministry's DNOW Weekend. From February 21-23, our students will join other area students for DNOW. This weekend is high-energy, gospel-focused, and Spirit-led. I encourage you to pray for Cole McCartney, the Student Leadership Team, the many volunteers, host homes, and Bible study leaders, the worship leader and speaker for the weekend, and the hundreds of students who will be in our facility for worship and Bible study. We're praying for Jesus to save souls and call students to come and follow Him. The theme for the weekend is their identity (in life and in Christ). We hope to have good weather, too. Thank you for praying and serving!
4. Our Annual Prayer Conference. This year's prayer conference is scheduled for Friday, February 28, and Saturday, March 1. It'll begin on Friday night with a light meal in the Fellowship Hall area. Dr. Hayes Wicker, former senior pastor of FBC Naples, Florida, and former president of the Pastors' Conference of the Southern Baptist Convention, will lead this year's conference. Dr. Wicker is a dear friend and faithful servant. I'm excited to welcome him to FBC Clarksville for the prayer conference and to the pulpit on Sunday morning. More details about the prayer conference can be found online or at the Connect Centers.
The weather has been challenging recently. However, I thank you for the way you're attending, giving, and serving. The Lord is using you.
As a reminder, here are the five church goals for 2025:
1. Baptisms. We desire to share the gospel and encourage new believers to obey the Lord. Who are you praying for by name to know Jesus? When was the last time you had a gospel conversation?
2. Discipleship. A disciple is a learner and follower of Jesus. The Lord's missional mandate to His church is the Great Commission. We exist to make disciples. How are you growing in your faith? Who are you mentoring?
3. Facilities. We plan to move forward with more improvements to the Faith Building, and we hope to update certain areas in the Grace and Hope Buildings. We desire to be good stewards of God's blessings.
4. Churches. God is opening doors for us to serve churches and pastors. We continue to partner with Trinity Baptist Church. Dr. Rick Thompson and his wife Jill plan to move to the area and serve at Trinity, beginning Sunday. February 2.
5. Health. Our focus on health is holistic. We're seeking to help staff members and church members in the following areas: physical, relational, financial, mental, and spiritual. May the Lord give us many days to serve Him!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Angie and I pray daily for our staff team, our church family, and our local community.
May this be a glorious month for FBC Clarksville!
Pastor Ronny
John 3:30
2025 Bible Reading Plan
Follow along with us as we read the Bible through in 2025! There are three versions you can choose from to follow along with, Through the Bible, Chronological, and New Testament.
NEW to First Baptist Clarksville? WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re worshiping with us! We’d love for you to fill out an online Connect Card so that we can learn more about you and help get you connected! Visit fbct.org/connectcard and someone will contact you shortly!
ONE in-church worship at 10:30am
There are so many ways to watch our morning worship even if you are not able to be with us in person. You can watch live on our church website at fbct.org/live.
LIVE on Facebook: facebook.com/firstclarksville. After the live event, you can replay on this same Facebook page. We will stream on Sundays at 10:30am, 2pm, and 7pm, Mondays at 7pm, Wednesdays at 6pm, and Saturdays at 7pm.
LIVE on Youtube: youtube.com/c/firstclarksville.
You can listen to and watch past services at fbct.org/sermonarchive
You can also watch a recent sermon on television through WCKV-TV which is Channel 6 on Charter/Spectrum, Channel 12 on CDE Lightband and over the air through an antenna on Channel 22.1. These programs air at:
- 9am on Sundays
- 4:30am on Mondays
- 7pm on Mondays
- 8:30am on Wednesdays
- 4:30am on Thursdays
- 4am on Fridays
January 29 - 6:00pm: Quarterly Church Conference
February 2 - 3-5pm: Connect Group Leader and First Impressions Greeter Training | Fellowship Hall | fbct.org/training
February 6 - 10:30am-1pm: Legacy First Thursday | Fellowship Hall
February 16 - 4-6pm: The Forge Movie Night | Fellowship Hall
February 22-23: DNOW Weekend | fbct.org/dnow
February 28-March 1: Prayer Conference with Dr. Hayes Wicker | Fellowship Hall
Feb 28: 5:30pm-8:00pm | Mar 1: 8:30am-1:30pm)March 30 - 3-5pm: Marriage Matters Marriage Conference | fbct.org/marriage
April 6 - 12-2pm: First Steps Class | fbct.org/firststeps
April 12: Serve Clarksville
June 16-20 - 9am-noon: Vacation Bible School | fbct.org/vbs
October 10-22, 2025: Journeys of Paul Tour | fbct.org/journeysofpaul
Aren’t available to join us in-person on Sunday? You can live stream our 10:30am service while it is live in the room from wherever you are! Click the link below or visit fbct.org/livestream.
February 16 - 4-6pm | Fellowship Hall
Join us on Sunday, February 16 from 4-6pm in the Laida Fellowship Hall to watch “The Forge.” This will be a great night for families of all ages! Popcorn will be served! There is no cost for this event!
Our First Steps class is designed for new members and guests. We invite you to join our Senior Pastor, Dr. Ronny Raines, and our ministry team for our next membership class. We'll treat you to a delicious lunch and then help you discover how God wants to use you at First Baptist Church. As you attend the class, we'll cover the following subjects:
A personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Meaning of church membership
Biblical baptism
The Lord's Supper
The church's beliefs and vision
Opportunities to give
Ways to serve in the church
Ministries at First Baptist Church
Meet our ministry team
Time for Q&A
Tour our church facilities
We hope you'll join us for our next First Steps class. You can register by filling out the online form at fbct.org/firststeps or by contacting Dana in the pastor's office at 931.245.0000 or dana.abee@fbct.org.
Sunday, February 2 | 3-5pm | Fellowship Hall
Training for Connect Group Leaders
3:00pm - Opening/Worship Songs - John Mark Cox
3:10pm - Vision Casting and Devotion - Pastor Ronny
3:45pm - Prayer to Dismiss to Snacks and Breakouts - Chris Beck
4:00pm - Breakout Sessions
5:00pm - Dismiss
Breakout Sessions and Locations:
Adults - Pastor Ronny (Original FH)
Students - Cole McCartney (Student Space)
Kids - Tabitha Dowdy (2234 FH)
Preschool - Cheryl McCrary (2230 FH)
Registration for childcare required Sign up at fbct.org/training.
Sunday, March 30 | 3-5pm
Bob Russell, Guest Speaker
3:00 - 4:00pm: Session 1
4:00 - 4:15pm: Cookie and Coffee Break
4:15 - 5:00pm: Session 2
Fellowship Hall
Provided upon reservation - Register at fbct.org/marriage.
Free (Reservation for event not required)
SAVE THE DATE: June 16-20 l 9:00am-12noon
WHO: Entering Kindergarten to Completed 5th Grade
Preschool VBS is available for Volunteer children who are PreK and younger.
WHAT: A 5-day intensive Biblical learning experience for kids that is also FUN for kids & teachers alike! Our kids kick-off the day with Worship Rally, then rotate through Bible study, Rec., Missions, Snacks, Crafts, MORE!
WHEN: June 16-20 | 9am-12noon
Get Involved: Interested in joining the team as a leader or volunteer? Email vbs@fbct.org for more information. Volunteer Early to reserve your VBS shirt.
Learn more and register to volunteer at fbct.org/vbs.
First Baptist Clarksville provides members full access to a large streaming library of Bible studies for men, women, youth, marriage, and family, leadership, children shows, history, missions and outreach, and so much more. RightNow Media is an excellent online resource for our Connect Groups, personal or family devotions, and animated shows for children like Veggietales and Adventures in Odyssey. Rightnow Media también tiene muchos recursos en español. Please clink link below to request an invitation to RightNow Media and begin exploring a growing online Christian resource.
Fellowship, Worship and Discipleship are fundamental to an obedient life in Christ. First Baptist Church maintains several tools to help us stay connected, share and offer the sacrifice of praise, and grow together. Scroll to the bottom of the home page at fbct.org and click on "app" to see options for adding these tools to your phone or other device. You can use these tools to stay connected to your discipleship group, contact the church, watch past worship services and sermons, as well as support the FBC financially as the Lord directs for you and your family. There are even instructions for how to access these tools using your web browser.
Using these apps, updating your profile information to share with the church is easy. When changes occur in your family life such as a move to a new home, change in email address, etc. you can update your information to be sure that our communication with you is efficient. You can even add a picture to make it easier for your church family to put a name with a face!
Information about any groups that might be of interest to you, such as Connect Groups, teams, committees, etc will be available as well. Group Leaders can use the tools to take attendance online and access other features. You can contact the church through the app, read messages from group members/leaders and browse the church directory.
Check out fbct.org/app for instructions on how to get the app and reach the membership and giving website.
We invite you to join us every Friday for a Day of Prayer. No need to sign up, just pray. We ask you to set aside 15 minutes during the day to stop and pray. A new prayer guide will be posted at fbct.org/pray each Thursday to help direct your prayer time. Every day is a day for us to pray. We are reminded to continually be in a spirit of prayer.
2 Chronicles 7:14 ”And my people, who bear my name, humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”
Whether you worship at home or join us in-person, you can now visit fbct.org/bulletin and find out about what's happening at First Baptist Clarksville through our NEW online bulletin! You can find helpful links, give, and follow along with sermon notes! Check back each week for updated information!
You can now view and listen to our First Baptist Worship Team music that is used for our online worship! Head over to fbct.org/music and be sure to share the page and your favorite songs with others!
We have many online and in-church Connect Group opportunities for you and your family! Visit fbct.org/connectgroups to learn more!
RightNow Media is an awesome tool for small groups. To get plugged in to Right Now Media, simply text to get started! Text: RightNow FBCClarksville to 41411
Baptistry Tour
January 26, 2025
On Sunday, January 26, our PreK and Kindergartners were blessed to hear their Bible story from a very special teacher—Pastor Ronny! He shared the story of Jesus’ baptism, teaching our little ones about the importance of obeying God and the significance of baptism.
Pastor Ronny explained that baptisms can happen anywhere, but what truly makes them special is the act of sharing with others the life-changing transformation that comes from believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior. To bring the lesson to life, the children enjoyed a tour of the FBCT Baptistry, making this message even more meaningful.
We are so grateful to Pastor Ronny for showing our youngest learners the importance of Worshiping God, Loving People, Sharing Jesus, and Making Disciples. Thank you for investing in their faith journey of our next generation!
Currently Enrolled Families | Thursday, January 21 @10am
Waitlist Families | Thursday, January 28 @10am
Registration Opens to All | Thursday, February 4 @10am
First Learners Preschool (FLP) is our ever popular two-day-a-week limited enrollment preschool program that uses Christian curriculum to teach preschoolers not only their ABC's & 123's, but also about God & His love for them. FLP meets on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9am-2pm throughout the CMCSS school year. We offer classes for babies who are at least 6 months old on Aug. 15, 2025 through Pre-K. As part of the monthly tuition fee, FLP also has special classes in art, music, and science.
Visit fbct.org/firstlearners for additional information including information on our 2025-2026 rates.
You can register starting Thursday, February 8 @10am by visiting fbct.org/firstlearners!*
All registration forms and fees are submitted online. The $75 registration fee secures your child's spot in our program and is refunded only if there is a military ordered relocation before August 1st.
*FLP teachers receive a significant tuition discount. Visit fbct.org/firstlearners for details.
If you would like to receive additional information or schedule a tour prior to the opening of registration, email firstlearners@fbct.org.
Jesus Loves you “SNOW” Much!
On Sunday, January 12, our preschoolers learned a valuable lesson about Jesus’ time at church. They heard the story of how Jesus read the Bible scrolls and were reminded of His deep love for them—a love so great it’s “snow”-much!
This meaningful day was made even more memorable through hands-on activities like crafts, snacks, and a fun snowball game. Moments like these allow our youngest members to build a foundation of faith and connect with the love of Jesus in a personal and joyful way.
We’re so grateful for the opportunity to share God’s Word with the next generation. Thank you to everyone who supported this special time of learning and fellowship!
Keeping our Preschoolers Healthy
Colds, flu, and other illnesses can spread quickly among our little ones. To help keep everyone healthy, please monitor your child for symptoms and keep them home if they’re unwell. Children must be fever-free—without medication—for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
We’re encouraging good hygiene habits in the classroom, such as hand-washing and covering coughs, and appreciate your help reinforcing these practices at home. Together, we can maintain a safe and healthy environment for all!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
*REMINDER: According to Preschool Ministry Health policy, any preschooler sent home due to illness by the Preschool Ministry may not return to the Preschool Ministry for a minimum of 24 hours. A doctor's note may be required at the discretion of the supervisor for any child sent home more than once.
Wednesdays: Every Wednesday night at 6pm in the Kids Worship Room
Connect Groups: Every Sunday morning at 9am in the Kids Area
Did you know that Kids 10 and under eat FREE every Wednesday night at First Baptist?! Join us on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00pm in the Laida Fellowship Hall for a meal before Wednesday Night Connect Groups at 6pm! We can’t wait to see YOU there!
Interested in serving in Kids? We would love to have YOU! Wednesday night volunteers are needed. Email Tabitha Dowdy, Kids Ministry Director, at tabitha.dowdy@fbct.org for more information or to sign up for this opening.
MDWK: Every Wednesday night at 6pm in the Student Space
Connect Groups: Every Sunday morning at 9am in the Student Space
DNOW Weekend: February 21-23 | fbct.org/dnow
DNOW 2025
Students, join us for DNOW 2025, February 21-23!
DNOW is a local weekend retreat, hosted in the homes of our church members and a local church facility. This year it is being hosted right here at First Baptist Clarksville, and we are expecting hundreds of students from local churches to come and encounter Jesus. The cost this year is $60, which includes all meals for the weekend, as well as curriculum, and a t-shirt.
For: Students 6th-12th Grade
Date: February 21-23, 2025
Location: FBC Clarksville
Cost: $60
Your student must have a completed Code of Conduct & Medical Release completed by registration to participate in this event. Sign up at fbct.org/dnow.
Check out the monthly Newsletter for Students at movementstudents.org.
Student Ministry Remind
Parents, sign up for our students ministry remind app for an extra layer of fast communication. Just text “@2k9abc” to 81010
6:00-7:15pm | Cost: $10
The Gospel of John - Mikka Doyle - Room 2230 FH
Mikka Doyle teaches Melissa Spoelstra’s study on the Gospel of John. Learn how to slow down and linger with the living Word. As a result, you’ll grow in intimacy with Jesus and learn to live, serve, and rest in His peace. Join this diverse group of ladies who infuse each session with a dose of joy and laughter, and get ready to make a friend.8 Money Milestones - Marshall and Beth Biter - Room 2208 Parlor
Based on Art Rainer’s 8 Money Milestones, Marshall and Beth Biter discuss biblical financial principles with individuals and couples. Join them on the path to financial health and generous living. A milestone is an important marker on a journey. You can reach financial peace as you reach each milestone on your financial journey. Learn how to handle money God’s way!Prepare Your Heart for God’s Word - Steve and Rachel Megyesi - Room 2232 FH
In the first book of the Navigator’s The 2:7 Series, Growing Strong in God’s Family, you will complete exercises that strengthen your spiritual foundation through enriching Bible study, Scripture memory, and group interaction. Join Steve and Rachel Megyesi as they navigate The 2:7 Series, based on Colossians 2:7. Be taught, rooted, built up in Christ, and abounding with gratitude.Women’s Study - Tabitha Dowdy - Original Fellowship Hall
Join Women’s Ministry Director Tabitha Dowdy In this 7-session study on Esther by Kelly Minter. You are invited into the daring faith modeled by Esther and her cousin Mordecai—a faith rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world. Although our time looks different from Esther’s, our God is just as active and faithful today, and He has called you for such a time as this.Men’s Study - Mike Madewell - Room 2223 FH
“The Man God Uses” is an enriching daily study of the ways an encounter with God will change your life forever. Mike Madwell will lead this seven week study that is designed to enhance a sense of God’s presence and power. Spiritual transformation will take place as your mind is renewed, and you find yourself putting the truths of God’s Word into practice. It is a call for men to return to the Lord (Zechariah 1:3).
Sign up at fbct.org/growthgroups.
Revival and Spiritual Awakening - Pastor Ronny - Grace Worship Center
Has God’s fire gone out? Join Pastor Ronny as we explore what God says about revival and spiritual awakening. This 7-week Bible study will ignite a passion in your soul for a fresh encounter with God. Throughout the pages of the Bible, the movement of God is revealed. His people drifted and sinned, leading to an urgent need for spiritual renewal. History unfolds many glorious examples of God’s activity, too. Is revival needed in our day? If so, will the Lord do it now? Let’s come together and ask the Lord to revive us again. May we experience a fresh movement of God, a downpour of His Holy Spirit! We hope you’ll join us for this timely study.Students - Acts - Cole McCartney - Student Space
NextGen Pastor Cole McCartney digs into the Book of Acts with students as they continue to look at the spread of the early Christian church and the continuation of Jesus’ ministry through the power of the Holy Spirit. If you are a student in grades 6 - 12, join other students, Cole, and student leaders for an inspiring time of worship, fellowship, and teaching.Kids’ Night Children’s Ministry, Hope Building - 1st Floor
Join us at Kids Night for a high-energy mid-week ministry that encourages kids to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through Bible Study, missions education, worship, and recreation games.Preschool Wild Adventures, Grace Building - 1st Floor
Wild Adventures is our Wednesday night program where preschoolers rotate through Bible study, crafts, music and recreation to learn about the love of Jesus.Hispanic Ministry - How to Defeat Giants in My Life - Dr. Ed Rocha - Room 2120
Nestor Martinez will continue teaching from God’s word in February.Korean Ministry - Jesus Christ and the Church - Korean Pastor John Lee - Room 2352
The Korean Ministry will study Jesus Christ and the Church based on John 20:31. The study will focus on Witness, Faith, and Life.Adult Choir Rehearsal, Grace Building Choir Room
Join us in leading our congregation in worship. For more information, please contact John Mark Cox, Worship and Creative Arts Pastor, at john.cox@fbct.org.ReUp Men’s Beta Group, (Class Full) Room 2234 FH
GriefShare, Room 2208, Led by Lyle and Pam Carlson, Begins January 5 (15 weeks) 4:30-7:30pm | Register at www.GriefShare.org
GriefShare is a support group to help you move through the grief process. It is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief.
Men’s Prayer Group, Chick-Fil-A, 6:30am, Led by Scott Moncrief and Greg Utley
Currently, they are studying Paul’s letters to Timothy. After they conclude the letters, they will study the book of Jude and then move into a study of Eschatology for the remainder of the year.
MomLife, Steeple Landing, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6:00-8:00pm, September- May, 3rd Floor Steeple Landing, Led by Tabitha Dowdy, fbct.org/momlife
MomLife exists to see groups of moms in all ages and stages grow in their faith and spiritual friendships. WHOLEHEARTED - LOVING GOD: HEART, SOUL, MIND, & STRENGTH. Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:29-31, ESV)
conNect groups
CONNECT GROUPS on Sunday mornings are our main time of discipleship. There are classes for everyone at 9am on Sundays followed by worship at 10:30am.
Grace & Grit Ministry
February 11 | 10:00am | Room 2208, Hope Building
You’re invited to join Grace & Grit, our widow’s ministry, on February 11, 2025. We would love to have you part of our ministry. Each month, we have a different program.
To RSVP, call Karen Bone at 931.245.0004 or email Karen at karen.bone@fbct.org.
Legacy First Thursday Lunch
February 6 | 10:30am-1:00pm | Laida Fellowship Hall
For all who are 55 and older, join us on Thursday, February 6, 2025, starting at 10:30am for a special time of spiritual enrichment, lunch, and fun. Bible study starts at 10:30am. At 11:30am after delving into God’s Word, we will enjoy a delicious meal, offering a chance to connect and share stories in a relaxed setting. The day will end with a variety of engaging activities each month.
Come and be a part! We can’t wait to see you there!
To RSVP, call Karen Bone at 931.245.0004 or email Karen Bone at karen.bone@fbct.org.
2025 Mission Trips Registration
We would love for you to join us as we seek to make a gospel impact both locally and globally this year. Take a few minutes and scan the Mission Trips QR code here in The Voice. You can indicate which trips interest you. By showing your interest, you are not committing to go on the trip. You are committing to receive further updates about those particular trips. You can also look through the trips brochure at Missions Landing and register there. If you have any questions, please Susana Crespo at Susana.crespo@fbct.org.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Update
Our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions goal for December was $25,000. We are excited to report that we exceeded that goal. We gave $30,788! If you include that amount with the LMCO funds given through our World Mission Fund in 2024, we have given a total of $62,038 to help resource our IMB missionaries all over the world! We pray the Lord will use these resources to bring many people to Himself. Thank you for your generosity.
Mission Nashville
We are looking to build and take a mission team to serve on a cross-cultural trip to Nashville on February 15-16. If you would like more details, please email jason.johnson@fbct.org as soon as possible as we are making plans now.
Join us February 28-March 1 for a Prayer Conference with Dr. Hayes Wicker in the Laida Fellowship Hall.
Friday, February 28
5:30pm: Dinner
6:00-7:00pm: Session 1 Throne Life Let us draw near! Hebrews 10:22
7:00-8:00pm: Session 2 Essential Aspects of Prayer
Saturday, March 1
8:30am: Light Breakfast
9:00-10:00am: Session 3 Listening to the Lord; Being Led by the Lord Psalm 5:108
10:00-10:15am Break
10:15-11:15am: Session 4 Pursuing a Lifestyle of Intercession
11:15am-12:15pm: Lunch
12:15-1:00pm: Session 5 Building a House of Prayer Luke 19:46
The cost for this event is FREE! Please let us know that you are coming so we can have food prepared.
Important dates
Black History Month, Heart Month, International Friendship Month, Library Lovers Month
1 Take Your Child to the Library Day
2 Children’s Authors and Illustrators’ Week, Groundhog Day
5 World Read Aloud Day
6 Chopsticks Day
8-15 Random Acts of Kindness Week
9 Super Bowl Sunday
14 Valentine’s Day
15 Great Backyard Bird Count birdcount.org
17 Presidents’ Day
18 Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
19 Jeff Kinney’s birthday—WIMPY KID books
22 Play More Cards Day
26 Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Word Search
The following words are contained in the word search below, from the pastor’s sermon on Psalm 19, on February 16:
the Law
converting the soul
rejoicing the heart
enlightening the eyes
servant warned
great reward
secret faults
Dinner: 4:30-6pm | $10 per person, Kids 10 and under eat FREE!
February 12: Parmesan Encrusted Chicken
Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, Salad Bar, Choice of DessertFebruary 19: NO MEAL ( Inclement Weather)
February 26: Chick-Fil-A Box Meal
Choice of Chick-Fil-A Sandwich or Nuggets, Chips and Cookie, Salad BarMarch 5: Mission BBQ
Choice of Pulled Pork or Pulled Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese, Baked Beans, Choice of Slider Bun or Cornbread, Salad Bar, Banana PuddingMarch 12: Spring Break - No Meal
March 19: Meatloaf
Loaded Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, Salad Bar, DessertMarch 26: Chick-Fil-A Box Meal
Choice of Chick-Fil-A Sandwich or Nuggets, Chips and Cookie, Salad Bar
(Attendance includes online and in-church worship)
December 15, 2024: 6,324
Total On-Campus: 965 Total Online: 5,359December 22, 2024: 12,947
Total On-Campus: 1,021 Total Online: 11,926December 29, 2024: 7,569
Total On-Campus: 755 Total Online: 6,814January 5, 2025: 10,067
Total On-Campus: 634 Total Online: 9,433January 12, 2025: 9,327
Total On-Campus: 1,082 Total Online: 8,245January 19, 2025: 9,786
Total On-Campus: 669 Total Online: 9,117
January 12, 2025: Jacob Yoreck
January 26, 2025: Finlay Holtfreter, Ethan Bennett
February 9, 2025: Hannah Gfeller
February 16, 2025: Kristies Hopkins, Tyler Hopkins
Cole McCartney - Ministerial Team: 1 Year
Steve Pike - Facilities Team: 2 Years
Christian Sympathy
Our church extends Christian sympathy to…
…Karen Chandler in the passing of her husband, Jerry Steven Chandler. Teresa (Larry) Butts, Renea (Mike) Rosson and Michelle (Derek) Comperry in the passing of their brother on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
…Barbara Briggs, Jane Schroeder, Pete (Amy) Schmittou and Donald (Sue) Schmittou in the passing of their brother, Tommy Schmittou on Friday, January 17, 2025.
…Katha Campbell Wilson in the passing of her husband, Larry Wayne Wilson on Saturday, January 18, 2025.
…John (Victoria) Ranneklev in the passing of his father, Eilert Ranneklev on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
…Ted (Missy) Reece in the passing of his brother, Christopher “Scott” Reece on Friday, January 24, 2025.
…Estelle (Jim) Alexander in the passing of her brother, John R Jordan on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
…James D. (Barbara) Register in the passing of his mother, Virginia Bell Register Clark on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
…Joanne (Dan) Askew and Angela Beth Mitchell in the passing of their mother, Ann Kathleen Ott. Walt (Kaitlyn) Askew, Margaret (Ryne) Ladley and Hope Askew in the passing of their grandmother on Sunday, February 9, 2025.In memoriam of…
…Brianne Elizabeth Barr, who passed away on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
…JoAnne Caldwell, who passed away on Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
Thank you for your faithful giving to First Baptist Clarksville. Your financial support and investment in our church has a direct impact on our ministry. God is at work in our church and because you give, we are able to see lives touched, changed and redirected to honor Him. Learn more about different ways to give at fbct.org/giving or give instantly at fbct.org/give.
First Baptist Church is seeking an experienced accountant who can prepare financial reports, make journal entries and work in the general ledger, create and analyze spreadsheets and budgets, and perform other tasks related to church financial matters. Please send resumes and questions to chris.beck@fbct.org.
If you are interested in volunteering anywhere throughout the campus,
please visit fbct.org/volunteer and let us know!
9am Connect Group Hour
Connect Group Assistant Leaders
Connect Group Leaders
10:30am Worship Hour
Worship Hour Smiles Team Member
Wednesday 6pm
Wednesday PM Babies Helper
Wednesday PM Pre-K TeamKID Leader & Assistant Leader
Teachers for elementary-age kids for Connect Groups
Wednesday night volunteers
Connect Group Leaders and Co-Leaders
Photographers (capture Sunday mornings and events)
Camera Operators during in-person worship for online services
Audio, Video, and Lighting
Military Appreciation Team
Event Coordination Team
Mentor Group
Research Assistance Team
Resource Management Team
Adult Choir, Worship Team, Musicians
Loving Touch Care for the Homebound and Nursing Homes
first events/KITCHEN ministry
Kitchen Helpers (making coffee, serving food, and setting up and cleaning up after events)
Sunday Morning First Impressions Greeters and Connectors
Lillian Bradley Church Library Ministry
Displays/bulletin boards
Book processing
Man circulation desk
We’d love for you to like and follow us on social media! It’s a great way to stay up-to-date and connected with our First Family! When you visit us for in-church worship, we’d love for you to check-in! This is a great way to invite others to join you! Or if you’re at home or in-person, take a photo of what worship looks like where you’re at and who you’re with and tag us!