
Welcome to 2024! 

May this year of our Lord bring kingdom increase!  

We finished 2023 strong. We continue serving families affected by the tornado outbreak in December. Our partnership with Samaritan's Purse has been extended throughout January. Our prayer is to help families in the coming days, weeks, and months. Thank you for praying, giving, and serving. 

Let me share many growth opportunities for January:

New Sermon Series

I'm launching a new sermon series in January entitled, "Deeper." The Lord wants us to go deeper with Him in 2024. The biblical focus will be from 1 & 2 Samuel. We'll focus on solitude, prayer, giants, jealousy, friendships, revenge, grace, and tears. We pray you'll join us each Sunday for this sermon series.    

Bible Reading Plans

As we make disciples, God's Word is essential. The Bible is milk and meat for the soul. I challenge you to spend time in God's Word every day in 2024. We have three Bible Reading Plans for you: The Chronological Plan, The Old and New Testament Plan, and the New Testament Plan. You can find copies of the plans on our website or in the concourse. Let's always be people of the Book!    

Prayer Conference

God has called His people to pray. We desire to help you grow in your prayer life. We must pray for our church family, our city, and our nation. Dr. Kie Bowman, National Director of Prayer for SBC, is leading our prayer conference. The conference will start on Friday evening, January 12, and continue on Saturday, January 13. Dr. Bowman will preach for me on Sunday morning, January 14. You can find more details about the conference on our website. You can also sign up online, too. May the Lord teach us to pray (Luke 11:1)!          

Kingdom Goals for 2024  

As we begin a new year, we have five major kingdom goals before us. Let me list them for you: 

1. Baptisms: One More. When we baptize the first person in 2024, our prayer is for one more. After every baptism afterward, we pray for one more. May the Lord bless us with His favor and increase this year! 

2. At Least 5,000 Gospel Shares. A gospel share is different than a church invite. We plan to offer gospel conversation training, beginning on Wednesday night, January 10. Jason Johnson will be leading the training. You can find information about the training on our website. We'll have a visual located in the concourse to measure our progress of 5,000 gospel conversations. We'll use different colored ping pong balls for every gospel share, conversion, and baptism. May the Lord use us to share Jesus this year! 

3. Complete the Faith Building Plan. The two Ad Hoc teams are working. The groups are meeting again in early January. We'll keep you posted about progress and decisions. One of the first tasks to complete is cleaning out the education building and chapel. You'll hear more details soon about this need. May the Lord allow us to be good stewards this year!  

4. Expand Good Samaritan Ministry. Good Samaritan has been a ministry of FBC for years. A growing community means a greater level of medical and dental needs. We want to expand the reach of this ministry. We desire to expand the board to include members of FBC and other area like-minded churches. We pray to secure more doctors. We hope to increase giving units, too. May the Lord open doors for us to serve people this year! 

5. Enlist Three to Five Ministry Interns. We must call out the called. A call to ministry is a call to prepare. One way to prepare people for vocational ministry is through internships. We want to help interns see and experience ministry in a local church context. How do you prepare a sermon? What happens in a deacons' meeting? What does a staff meeting look like? Who answers the church phones? How do you make a hospital visit? If you know of someone who is called into ministry and would be open to an internship, please let Dana know. I'd love to have a conversation with him or her. May the Lord increase our ministry team this year! 

You can also find more information about Discipleship/Connect Group classes on our website. We'd love for you to be involved in a discipleship group. There's a Bible study for everyone at FBC. I appreciate Tony Lewis and the Discipleship Team coordinating these growth opportunities.     

May the Lord show His glory to FBC Clarksville in 2024! As we embark on a new year, let's stay focused, united, and passionate about worshiping God, loving people, sharing Jesus, and making disciples!

Angie and I love you! 

Pastor Ronny
John 3:30                  

2024 Bible Reading Plan

Follow along with us as we read the Bible through in 2024! There are three versions you can choose from to follow along with, Through the Bible, Chronological, and New Testament.


Check out the Overview of the Bible audio from the Wednesday Night Bible Study led by Pastor Ronny. Join us on Wednesdays at 6pm in the Grace Worship Center!

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NEW to First Baptist Clarksville? WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re worshiping with us! We’d love for you to fill out an online Connect Card so that we can learn more about you and help get you connected! Visit and someone will contact you shortly!

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  • ONE in-church worship at 10:30am


There are so many ways to watch our morning worship even if you are not able to be with us in person. You can watch live on our church website at

  • LIVE on Facebook: After the live event, you can replay on this same Facebook page. We will stream on Sundays at 10:30am, 2pm, and 7pm, Mondays at 7pm, Wednesdays at 6pm, and Saturdays at 7pm.

  • LIVE on Youtube:

  • You can listen to and watch past services at

    You can also watch a recent sermon on television through WCKV-TV which is Channel 6 on Charter/Spectrum, Channel 12 on CDE Lightband and over the air through an antenna on Channel 22.1. These programs air at:
    -  9am on Sundays
    - 4:30am on Mondays
    -  7pm on Mondays
    -  8:30am on Wednesdays
    -  4:30am on Thursdays
    -  4am on Fridays



  • January 12-13: Prayer Conference with Dr. Kie Bowman |

  • January 28 - 12-2pm: First Steps Class |

  • January 31 - 6pm: Quarterly Church Conference


You are invited and encouraged to attend and participate in a Prayer Conference at First Baptist Church on Friday and Saturday, January 12 & 13, 2024. The guest preacher is Dr. Kie Bowman, Pastor Emeritus at Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin, TX.

The schedule for Friday night, January 12, begins with a soup and salad supper at 5:30 pm in the Original Fellowship Hall. Session 1 begins at 6:15 pm, when Dr. Bowman will share how over 100 churches in the Austin, TX area pray for their city. Every day more than one church prays for 24 hours for their city. 

Saturday morning begins with a biscuit breakfast at 8:30 am. The second session begins at 9:00 am. Dr. Bowman will share information on how the Lord has given them this prayer movement. After a light lunch, we will finish the conference with an extended time for prayer. 

Visit to register. The Prayer Team of FBC sponsors this event.



UPCOMING CLASS : January 28, 2024


Our First Steps class is designed for new members and guests. We invite you to join our Senior Pastor, Dr. Ronny Raines, and our ministry team for our next membership class. We'll treat you to a delicious lunch and then help you discover how God wants to use you at First Baptist Church. As you attend the class, we'll cover the following subjects:

  • A personal relationship with Jesus Christ

  • Meaning of church membership

  • Biblical baptism

  • The Lord's Supper

  • The church's beliefs and vision

  • Opportunities to give

  • Ways to serve in the church

  • Ministries at First Baptist Church

  • Meet our ministry team

  • Time for Q&A

  • Tour our church facilities

We hope you'll join us for our next First Steps class. You can register by filling out the online form at or by contacting Dana in the pastor's office at 931.245.0000 or


First Baptist Clarksville provides members full access to a large streaming library of Bible studies for men, women, youth, marriage, and family, leadership, children shows, history, missions and outreach, and so much more. RightNow Media is an excellent online resource for our Connect Groups, personal or family devotions, and animated shows for children like Veggietales and Adventures in Odyssey. Rightnow Media también tiene muchos recursos en español. Please clink link below to request an invitation to RightNow Media and begin exploring a growing online Christian resource.



Fellowship, Worship and Discipleship are fundamental to an obedient life in Christ. First Baptist Church maintains several tools to help us stay connected, share and offer the sacrifice of praise, and grow together. Scroll to the bottom of the home page at and click on "app" to see options for adding these tools to your phone or other device. You can use these tools to stay connected to your discipleship group, contact the church, watch past worship services and sermons, as well as support the FBC financially as the Lord directs for you and your family. There are even instructions for how to access these tools using your web browser.

Using these apps, updating your profile information to share with the church is easy. When changes occur in your family life such as a move to a new home, change in email address, etc. you can update your information to be sure that our communication with you is efficient. You can even add a picture to make it easier for your church family to put a name with a face!

Information about any groups that might be of interest to you, such as Connect Groups, teams, committees, etc will be available as well.  Group Leaders can use the tools to take attendance online and access other features.  You can contact the church through the app, read messages from group members/leaders and browse the church directory.

Check out  for instructions on how to get the app and reach the membership and giving website.

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We invite you to join us every Friday for a Day of Prayer. No need to sign up, just pray. We ask you to set aside 15 minutes during the day to stop and pray.  A new prayer guide will be posted at each Thursday to help direct your prayer time. Every day is a day for us to pray. We are reminded to continually be in a spirit of prayer.

2 Chronicles 7:14 ”And my people, who bear my name, humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”



Whether you worship at home or join us in-person, you can now visit and find out about what's happening at First Baptist Clarksville through our NEW online bulletin! You can find helpful links, give, and follow along with sermon notes! Check back each week for updated information!



You can now view and listen to our First Baptist Worship Team music that is used for our online worship! Head over to and be sure to share the page and your favorite songs with others!



We have many online and in-church Connect Group opportunities for you and your family! Visit to learn more!

RightNow Media is an awesome tool for small groups. To get plugged in to Right Now Media, simply text to get started! Text: RightNow FBCClarksville to 41411

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First Learners

We hope all of our First Learner families enjoyed their time spent together during the Christmas break. We cannot wait to see everyone back on January 9th. 

FLP loves to celebrate birthdays, especially the best birthday of all, Jesus' Birthday! On Tuesday, January 16th, parents of children in the Chicks, Cows, and Piglets classes are invited to join their First Learner for a "Happy Birthday Jesus Party" at 12:30pm. The children will sing, make a craft, and decorate cookies with their parents. On Thursday, January 18th, parents and special friends of our older First Learners are invited to attend our annual Christmas Program in the Grace Sanctuary upstairs at 1pm. This program will air on the livestream of the FBCT website. You can find it here:

Participating classes are Bunnies, Ducks, Eagles, Frogs, Lambs, Peacocks, and Raccoons. 

Want to make a difference in this new year? Join our team! First Learners is seeking Christian teachers and substitutes. FLP meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-2pm during the school year. Our FLP teachers are paid positions and are the first to share the love of Jesus with a class of preschoolers. All teachers are able to receive a tuition discount. New to teaching? All training is provided.

Interested in learning more? Contact Mrs. Sarah Hinton, FLP Director or Mrs. Cheryl McCrary, Preschool Minister at 931.245.0004 or email

Jesus Loves you “SNOW” Much!

January 14, 2024

Preschoolers, join us on January 14th as we learn that Jesus loves you “Snow” much! From going to church, to reading our Bible, to loving God, and Baptism, Jesus is our ultimate example. In fact, through fun snow themed crafts, games, and a very special Bible story, our preschoolers will learn the depth of how much God truly loved us when He sent His Son, Jesus. 

Mark your calendar to join us Jan. 14th at 9:00 & 10:30am as we learn that Jesus loves you, Jesus loves me, and Jesus loves the world “Snow” much!

Baptistry Tour

January 21, 2024

Preschoolers are naturally curious about their church and the world around them, often asking, "Why?" To satisfy this curiosity, we're inviting our PreK and Kindergarten students to a Baptistry Tour with Pastor Ronny on Sunday, January 21, 2024, at 9 am during the Connect Group Hour. This special session will introduce them to the meaning and purpose of baptism. They'll have a unique opportunity to have all their "why" questions answered while learning about baptism through the life and example of Jesus. Preschoolers, join us as we explore and understand this significant aspect of our faith!

You’re Never too Young!

On Sunday, December 17th, our PreK and Kindergarteners learned that you're never too young to Worship God, Love People, Share Jesus, and Make Disciples! Engaging in Christmas Caroling to our Legacy Connect Group classes at 9 am and then to our younger preschool classes at 10:30 am, our little ones shared the love of Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas over 150 times! A heartfelt thank you to our Preschool Connect Group teachers, and all the moms and dads who helped prepare them for this special day. We're also grateful to our Legacy Connect Group classes for inviting us to Christmas Carol. Preschoolers, remember to join us on January 7th at 9 am as we learn that Jesus' parents took Him to church, too! 

Wild Adventure Wednesday Resumes

Babies-kindergarteners, get ready because Wild Adventures Wednesday night activities resume on January 3, 2024. Come join the fun @6-7:15pm. We’re WILD about 2024!

Staying Healthy

To keep our preschool a place of health and happiness, we kindly remind you to monitor your children for any signs of illness. If your child exhibits any symptoms, please err on the side of caution and keep them at home. We require children to be fever-free, without the use of fever-reducing medication, for at least 24 hours before returning to school. This policy helps protect not only the other children but also our valued teachers and staff.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.


Accepting Donations!

Has your child outgrown any gently used shirts, pants, jeans or shorts? Our preschool clothing closet is accepting donations of clothes that can be given to children who have accidents or other needs while in the Preschool Min.

We welcome clothes in all sizes from 18mos. to size 6 for boys and girls! We accept summer and winter clothes donations throughout the year. 

Currently our greatest need is for pants for boys and girls.

Please drop them off at the Preschool Welcome Desk any Sunday or Wednesday.



  • Wednesdays: Every Wednesday night at 6pm in the Kids Worship Room

  • Connect Groups: Every Sunday morning at 9am in the Kids Area

  • January 3 - 6pm: Wednesday evening activities resume at 6pm!


Did you know that Kids 10 and under eat FREE every Wednesday night at First Baptist?! Join us on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00pm in the Laida Fellowship Hall for a meal before Wednesday Night Connect Groups at 6pm! We can’t wait to see YOU there!



  • MDWK: Every Wednesday night at 6pm in the Student Space

  • Connect Groups: Every Sunday morning at 9am in the Student Space




  • GriefShare, Room 2208, Led by Lyle and Pam Carlson January 14

    GriefShare is a support group to help you move through the grief process. It is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief.


  • Monday Ladies, Room 2208 (on the 8th and 22nd of January will be in 2232), 6:30pm, Led by Melanie Boisseau

    This is a group of 20-30 ladies that are from different churches across Clarksville. The class reaches ladies of all ages. They will be studying Kristi McLellend "Jesus & Women".


  • Men’s Prayer Group, Chick-Fil-A, 6:30am, Led by Ron Pendergrass

    Currently they are going through the minor prophets.


  • MomLife, Steeple Landing, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6:00-8:00pm, September- May, Led by Tabitha Dowdy,

    MomLife exists to see groups of moms in all ages and stages grow in their faith and spiritual friendships. Beautiful Mess:Seeking Jesus, Finding Beauty. Join us this year as we grow more deeply rooted in our faith through seeking Jesus in the beautiful mess. We’re going to spend the next 9 months seeking Jesus to find beautiful faith, beautiful purpose, beautiful wisdom, and beautiful connection.


  • Explorers, 3rd Floor Hope Building, 11:30am, August-May, Led by Becky Bourne, 

    This semester they are studying Joshua and Ruth.

Wednesday Night D-CONNECT GROUPS (6:00pm):

  • Hispanic Bible Study, Room 2121-2123 (Bible study will be in the Faith Building in Room 1204 in January and will be in Room 2121 and 2123 starting back in February), Led by Nestor Martinez

  • Ashamed: Fight Shame with the Word of God, Ladies class. A 6 week Bible study led by Mikka Doyle in the Loft. Books can be purchased through LifeWay or Amazon.   (in the Loft through the month of January and will move to 2122 at the beginning of February. )
    When Isaiah stepped into the throne room of God, he was “undone” by his sinfulness in view of God’s holiness. When an angel touched his mouth with a coal and told him his sin was forgiven, Isaiah essentially said, “Here I am. Send me. I don’t care where. I’m yours! I’ll do whatever!” He moved from being undone by shame to a hopeful humility and an eagerness to serve the Lord.
    In this 6-session study from Scarlet Hiltibidal, discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start. Move beyond your shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus. We were made to live in the light—confessing and repenting and renouncing our shame—because Jesus experienced shame in our place.  
    Invite a friend, this is not just for MOPS members!

January 2024: January 10 

  • Gospel Conversation Training, Room 2232, Led by Jason Johnson, January 10, 6:00pm
    Come and learn multiple ways that you can share the Gospel and discover several opportunities to be involved with families sharing the powerful message of Salvation!

  • New and Potential Leaders, Room 2234, Led by Tony Lewis January 10, 6:00pm
    Are you a new leader looking for ideas on how to lead a Connect Group? Are you curious to discover how God has gifted you to be used as a potential Connect Leader? Join together with others who are learning how to teach God’s Word, reach people for Christ, help others connect with FBCT, and grow them as disciples.

  • Pastor’s Study, Grace Worship Center, 6:00pm, Led by Dr. Ronny Raines January 10, 6:00pm
    Pastor Ronny is going through an overview of the Bible where a different book of the Bible is taught each Wednesday night.

  • Ladies Class, Acts, Holy Spirit and the Beginning of the Church, Room 2120 (Room 2208 in January), Led by Debbie Farrell January 10, 6:00pm
    Acts, the book of firsts, Acts is the book of the church’s beginnings with the Holy Spirit coming in power. It is a book of firsts: the first preaching of the gospel but the apostles by the Holy Spirit, the first churches, the first missionaries, the first time believers were called Christians, the first Gentiles accepted into the body of believers, the first church counsel, the first christian martyr, and more.

February 2024: February 21

  • Character Still Counts by Dr. James Meritt, Room 2234, Led by Mike Madewell
    Character still counts, and it always will. If you are ready to invest in the content of your character, join James Merit as he looks at the 12 role models who reveal the traits that are essential to Godly character.

  • Woman of the Word, Room 2232, Led by Kayla Johnson
    Woman of the Word teaches you how to study the Bible with both our hearts and our minds.


Return to Ukraine

Dr. Richard Davis returned to Ukraine after Thanksgiving to continue teaching at the Institute for Leadership, Management, and Coaching at the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary in Lviv. Richard's wife, Tina, joined him on this trip as she spoke to military spouses of Ukrainian service members. While several new faces were joining the lessons, there were many welcoming hugs from those who attended the initial training in September. Dr. Davis was invited to speak with professors and students of the psychology department at the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University in Lutsk on veteran care and posttraumatic growth. The university was welcoming and very interested in learning more about the domains of posttraumatic growth and how to facilitate hope and growth among wounded Ukrainian veterans. While in Lutsk, Richard and Tina visited with wounded veterans at the hospital for a time of fellowship and sharing the importance of faith in Jesus Christ post-service. 

In Lviv, Richard taught the second series of supplemental topics on Christians and Warfare, Transforming Civilians into Soldiers, Defining Posttraumatic Growth, and Renewing Identity and Purpose. These supplemental topics are part of a Beyond Suffering course offered to seminary students, Ukrainian chaplains, ministry workers, and military spouses at the institute. Tina spoke on the challenges military spouses face when their soldier is at war and the importance of community. She encouraged everyone there just by her presence with them in Ukraine while the war continued. 

Richard and Tina finished their time at the seminary with an evening of fun and fellowship. The class was encouraged to ask Richard and Tina any questions as the fellowship helps everyone move beyond a teacher-student relationship to that of friendship of the same military tribe. It was sad to say our goodbyes, but the Beyond Suffering course and supplemental topics will continue in April and June 2024.   

Thank you for supporting the mission to Ukraine to teach combat traumatic stress and discipleship. The next series of topics for April 2024 include The Church and Trauma-Informed Care, Integrated Approach to Care, Spiritual Disciplines, Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Forgiveness and Hope, and the Importance of Quality Sleep.

Pray for victory in Ukraine!


Check out the Military Ministry social media pages and be sure to like, follow, and share for opportunities and for ministry updates!

  • Facebook: /FBCT-Military-Ministry-776808488996856/

  • Instagram: @militaryfbct

  • Twitter: @MilitaryFBCT


conNect groups

CONNECT GROUPS on Sunday mornings are our main time of discipleship. There are classes for everyone at 9am on Sundays followed by worship at 10:30am.

Legacy First Friday Lunch

January 5, 2024 | 10:30-1:00am | Laida Fellowship Hall

For all who are 55 and older, join us on January 5, 2024, starting at 10:30am for a special time of spiritual enrichment, lunch, and fun. Bible study starts at 10:30am. At 11:30am after delving into God’s Word, we’ll enjoy a delicious meal, offering a chance to connect and share stories in a relaxed setting. The day will end with a variety of engaging activities, including guest speakers, informational meetings, etc.

Come and be a part! We can’t wait to see you there!

Please RSVP by Jan. 2, 2024. Call Karen Bone at 931.245.0004 or email Karen at

Grace & Grit Ministry

January 9, 2024 | 10:00-11:00am | Room 2208 Hope Building

Grace and Grit is a fellowship time for widows. Join us on Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024 at 10:00 in the Parlor of the Hope building Room 2208. Please use Entrance Door #4.

It’s more than just a meeting; the fellowship embodies a spirit of camaraderie and support, creating a space where laughter, sharing, and encouragement are at the heart of every encounter. The Grace and Grit gatherings are not just events but pivotal moments of connection and growth, leaving a lasting, positive impact on all who attend.

To reserve your spot, please call Karen Bone at 931.245.0004 or email Karen at


2024 Mission Opportunities

There are many mission opportunities for you to be involved in next year, both locally and globally. Please take a minute to let us know what opportunities interest you. Please complete a simple interest form by visiting or scanning the QR code here.


The First Clarksville Conservatory concluded its 2023 Fall semester with recitals on Friday, December 1st and Saturday, December 2nd. Over 100 students, and 10 Conservatory Instructors, shared their musical gifts with friends and family across seven recital times. The Conservatory would like to thank the church staff and membership for their continued support of this ministry as we teach the next generation of musicians! It was truly a blessing to see the smile on each student’s face as they took a bow following their performances at the recitals. To learn more about the First Clarksville Conservatory please visit our webpage at or email Jackie Lane, Conservatory Administrator, at


Men’s Basketball League

Sign up now for the Men's Basketball League!  The league will be played on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings, beginning the first or second week of November.  Those who sign up will be offered the opportunity to play each week, so there are no long-term commitments and no designated teams.  All games will be “pick-up” full-court games.  For additional information and to sign up to play, contact Preston Howle at for a registration form, waiver of liability, and a copy of the league guidelines.


Library NEWS

Our Mobile Library Station began operation December 10, in the concourse around the sanctuary.  We welcomed a new user to the station; and we also had two new users in the library, Room 2326, across the bridge on the third floor.  Stop by, and look:  it’s not easy to bring books that will appeal to everyone, but if you don’t see something you like on the cart, please visit the library.

Pertaining to the Pastor’s next sermon series

In the library—222.4 LEW  1 & 2 SAMUEL, 1 CHRONICLES; 

222 BER  1, 2 SAMUEL; 2222.4 BAL  I and II SAMUEL

Items on Grace—248.8 HIG  EMBRACE GRACE,







Braille Month, Hobby Month, Soup Month

1 New Year’s Day          

2 Science Fiction Day         

5 Bird Day

6 Technology Day         

15 Martin Luther King Day:  “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”

18 WINNIE THE POOH Day           

21 Hugging Day

Try your hand at finding these 24 Old Testament Names:


Dinner: 4:30-6pm | $10 per person, Kids 10 and under eat FREE!

  • January 10: Lasagna, Roasted Veggies, Garlic Toast, Fruit Salad, Salad Bar, Dessert

  • January 17: Chili and Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Salad Bar, Dessert

  • January 24: Chick-Fil-A Box Meal, Choice of Chick-Fil-A Sandwich or Nuggets, Chips and Cookie, Salad Bar

  • January 31: Breakfast for Dinner, Scrambled eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Hashbrown Casserole, Biscuits and Gravy, French Toast Casserole

  • February 7: Fried Chicken, Loaded mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, Salad Bar, Dessert

  • February 14: Mission BBQ, Choice of Sliced Brisket or Pulled Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese, Green Beans with Bacon, Choice of Slider Roll or Cornbread, Salad Bar, Choice of Cookie or Brownie for Dessert

  • February 21: Pork Tenderloin, Roasted Red Potatoes, Steamed Vegetables, Roll, Salad Bar, Dessert

  • February 28: Chick-Fil-A Box Meal, Choice of Chick-Fil-A Sandwich or Nuggets, Chips and Cookie, Salad Bar

  • March 6: Spring Break - No Meal

  • March 13: Meatloaf, Loaded Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, Salad Bar, Dessert

  • March 20: Chick-Fil-A Box Meal, Choice of Chick-Fil-A Sandwich or Nuggets, Chips and Cookie, Salad Bar

  • March 27: Hamburger (Cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles), Choice of Cheeseburger or Burger, French Fries, Potato Salad, Salad Bar, Dessert

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(Attendance includes online and in-church worship)

  • November 12, 2023: 4,061
    Total On-Campus: 849 Total Online: 3,212

  • November 19, 2023: 3,898
    Total On-Campus: 801 Total Online: 3,097

  • November 26, 2023: 3,743
    Total On-Campus: 846 Total Online: 2,897

  • December 3, 2023: 4,618
    Total On-Campus: 954 Total Online: 3,664

  • December 10, 2023: 5,890
    Total On-Campus: 878 Total Online: 5,012

  • December 17, 2023: 5,427
    Total On-Campus: 965 Total Online: 4,462


  • December 3, 2023: Julie Rollins, Rob Dama

  • December 10, 2023: Jonah Weyant, Coleman Padgett

  • December 17, 2023: David Chesney

  • December 24, 2023: Adam Swain, Broderick Cage

  • December 28, 2023: Vailolo Lara

  • December 31, 2023: Abigail Powers

  • January 8, 2024: Irina Petrov, Misha Petrov

  • January 10, 2024: Joe Lopez, Eugene Taroma 

  • January 17, 2024: Antonio Vallejos

Christian Sympathy

  • Our church extends Christian sympathy to…
    …Lee (Tim) Hall in the passing of her mother, Iris Virginia Nicholson on Thursday, November 30, 2023.
    …Donna Brew Radcliff in the passing of her husband, Guy Robert Radcliff. Frances (Don) Mays in the passing of her brother on Saturday, December 9, 2023.
    …Shelia French Schmittou in the passing of her husband, Ronald Layne Schmittou. Peter (Amy) Schmittou in the passing of his brother, Rhonda (Mike) Lafferty in the passing of her father and Kyle Lafferty in the passing of his grandfather on Sunday, December 17, 2023.
    …Brenda Omifracke in the passing of her husband, Jim Omifracke. Chad (Melinda) Byard in the passing of his father. Tyler, and Colby Byard in the passing of their grandfather on Wednesday, December 13, 2023.
    …Jennifer (Michael) Oyler in the passing of her father, Howard Dale Fowler. Mikey and Kayla Oyler in the passing of their grandfather on Wednesday, December 27, 2023.
    …Kimberly (Roy) Matthews in the passing of her mother, Joan Gater on Monday, January 1, 2024.
    …Brenda Davis Fye in the passing of her husband, Jon Alan Fye. Stacy (Christopher) Haag in the passing of her father on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
    …James Richard Spangler in the passing of his wife, Barbara Sue Spangler on Saturday, January 20, 2024.
    …Julie (George) Tinsley and Cynthia (Kris) Urquhart in the passing of their mother, Betty Willard. Riley and Ethan Urquhart in the passing of their grandmother on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
    …Mark (Nancy) Hawkins in the passing of his father, William Edward Hawkins on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.

  • In memoriam of…

    …Bennie Lee Parks, who passed away on Monday, December 18, 2023.
    …Evelyn Keeton, who passed away on Monday, December 5, 2023.


  • Lamark & Marianne Lisenbee and Aleena, Adora, & Amaya welcomed baby sister, Aubrianna Elizabeth, into the family on December 16, 2023.


  • Sherry Donaldson - Admin Team: 20 Years

  • John Lee - Pastoral Team: 18 Years

  • John McClain - Facilities Team: 16 Years

  • Jaime Casiano - Preschool Team : 16 Years

  • Debra Burr - Operations Team: 10 Years

  • John Mark Cox - Ministerial Team: 6 Years


Thank you for your faithful giving to First Baptist Clarksville. Your financial support and investment in our church has a direct impact on our ministry. God is at work in our church and because you give, we are able to see lives touched, changed and redirected to honor Him. Learn more about different ways to give at or give instantly at


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Interested in serving in the First Events Ministry such as making coffee, serving food, and setting up and cleaning up after events? If so, please contact Angela Knowles, First Events Coordinator, at

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Want to help people connect with Jesus Christ by creating an environment where they can experience the presence of God through worship? Become a part of the TECH MINISTRY TEAM! If you are interested in joining the team, whether it be through operating sound, lights, computers, or video cameras, please contact Jonathan Anderson, Tech Director, at



Interested in joining the First Baptist Worship Team, whether it be vocal or instrumental? Email John Mark Cox, Worship Leader and Creative Director, at to schedule an audition!

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9 am Connect Group Hour

  • Greeter/Attendance

  • Babies Connect Group Assistant Leader 

  • Three-Year-Old Connect Group Leader 

10:30 Worship Hour

  • Greeter/Attendance

  • Worship Hour Smiles Team Member

Wednesday 6 pm

  • Wednesday PM Babies Helper

  • Wednesday PM Pre-K TeamKID Leader & Assistant Leader

Email Cheryl McCrary, Preschool Minister, at for more information or to sign up for one of these openings.


  • Teachers for elementary-age kids for Connect Groups

Email Tabitha Dowdy, Kids Ministry Director, at for more information or to sign up for one of these openings.


  • (1) Middle School Boys Group Co-Leader

Email Tony Lewis, Discipleship Pastor, at for more information or to sign up for one of these openings.


  • Photographers (capture Sunday mornings and events)

  • Camera Operators during in-person worship for online services

  • Online Worship Hosts for Facebook during streamed services

Email Beverly Ross, Director of Communications, at for more information.


  • Audio, Video, and Lighting

Email Jonathan Anderson, Tech Director, at for more information.


  • Military Appreciation Team

  • Event Coordination Team

  • Mentor Group

  • Research Assistance Team

  • Resource Management Team

Email Richard Davis, Military Ministry, at or visit for more information on each opportunity.


  • Adult Choir, Worship Team, Musicians

Email John Mark Cox, Worship Leader/Creative Director, at for more information.


  • Loving Touch Care for the Homebound and Nursing Homes

Email Tony Lewis, Discipleship Pastor, at for more information or to sign up for one of these openings.


  • Sunday Morning First Impressions Greeters and Connectors

Email Tony Lewis, Discipleship Pastor, at for more information or to sign up for one of these openings.

Lillian Bradley Church Library Ministry

  • Displays/bulletin boards

  • Advertising

  • Book processing

  • Typing

  • Man circulation desk

Email Frances Sumner, Library Director, at

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We’d love for you to like and follow us on social media! It’s a great way to stay up-to-date and connected with our First Family! When you visit us for in-church worship, we’d love for you to check-in! This is a great way to invite others to join you! Or if you’re at home or in-person, take a photo of what worship looks like where you’re at and who you’re with and tag us!

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