
Filtering by: Women

"Feast" Women's Event
9:00 AM09:00

"Feast" Women's Event

First Baptist LADIES, you are invited to join us for the "Feast" Women's Event on Saturday, March 22 from 9:00am-1:00pm in the Laida Fellowship Hall! The Event is FREE. Invite a friend to come with you! The Activities Entrance doors and childcare will open at 8:45am. Childcare will be available (for 3rd grade and younger), but you must pre-register before event. The deadline to register for childcare is March 19. Register at fbct.org/feast.

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Sweeter Than Honey Ladies' Event
3:00 PM15:00

Sweeter Than Honey Ladies' Event

Ladies, join us for the Sweeter Than Honey Ladies’ Event on Sunday, November 3 from 3-5pm in the Laida Fellowship Hall. We will hear from Keynote Speaker Laurel Powell as well as be a part of two breakout sessions of your choice! No registration required. There will not be childcare.


  • Honor Your Father and Your Mother
    Led by Beverly Briggs
    In His wisdom God has set us together in families.  His word assures us that He is faithful to all generations. (Psalm 119:90) As our parents reach the time of needing our support in many ways, we can be sure that God is faithful to them and to us. (Psalm 90:1; Isaiah 46:4)

  • Walking Deeper In Faith
    Led by Jeri Evans
    Christians should spend their lives glorifying God in everything they do. It requires faith to live this way. In  “Walking Deeper in Faith” we will discuss spiritual disciplines to strengthen our daily faith walk.

  • Praying for your Children
    Led by Rissa Larson and Robin Harris
    Find joy and blessings as you connect your heart to God’s heart on behalf of your children.

  • Teaching your children how to have a daily quiet time and organization ideas in your home
    Led by Kendyl Chambers
    This session includes ideas on family devotion time and teaching your older children how to incorporate a quiet time into their day.  There will also be ideas on how to be organized with your children in the home.

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Parent's Night Out
6:00 PM18:00

Parent's Night Out


December 10 | 6-9pm

Join us on Friday, Dec 10 from 6-9pm for Christmas Parents Night Out. PNO is a great opportunity to do some Christmas shopping, go on a date night, meet with friends or fellowship with your Connect group. Preschoolers will enjoy Christmas themed crafts, games and more while learning the true meaning of Christmas. KIDS will have special activities for our 1st-5th grade children.

Space is limited! Register Today!

COST: $10 per child with a $25 family max.

AGES: Babies (3 months) to 5th grade.

REGISTRATION will open on November 15 and will close when full or on Dec. 8th.

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Thanksgiving Meal and Worship Service
4:30 PM16:30

Thanksgiving Meal and Worship Service

We'd love to invite you to our Thanksgiving Meal and Worship Service on Wednesday, November 17! Reservations are suggested but not required. This will help us get a head count for dinner! Dinner will be $5 per person and include Turkey, Dressing, Potato Casserole, Cranberries, Green Beans, Dessert, and a drink! DInner will be from 4:30-6:00pm in the Laida Fellowship Hall.

Immediately following Dinner at 6:00pm we will have a Thanksgiving Service in the Grace Worship Center. All ministries, including kids and students, will join together for a special time of worship!

Preschool will be available beginning at 5:45 for babies to Kindergarten children. To help us prepare, please let us know if your preschooler will be coming to the Preschool ministry during the worship service.

To register, you can call Sherry in the main office at 931.245.0000, email us at info@fbct.org, or register online at  https://fbct.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/54e8e066-6f84-4453-b7e2-eb0c3bcecd3c

We have much to be thankful for! Come and celebrate with us!

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Grief Support Seminar #2
6:00 PM18:00

Grief Support Seminar #2

Dr. Felts Dent will be leading a study on GRIEF SUPPORT for anyone who has suffered a significant loss through the death of a loved one, and is dealing with the grief caused by that loss. The study will offer insights into an understanding of grief as well as practical suggestions for working through the process of overcoming one’s personal grief. The class will meet each Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30pm for 2 weeks in Room 2208 across from the Recreation Center in the Activities Building. For additional information about the study, contact Dr. Felts Dent by email at felts.dent@fbct.org or call 931-624-0754.

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Grief Support Seminar #1
6:00 PM18:00

Grief Support Seminar #1

Dr. Felts Dent will be leading a study on GRIEF SUPPORT for anyone who has suffered a significant loss through the death of a loved one, and is dealing with the grief caused by that loss. The study will offer insights into an understanding of grief as well as practical suggestions for working through the process of overcoming one’s personal grief. The class will meet each Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30pm for 2 weeks in Room 2208 across from the Recreation Center in the Activities Building. For additional information about the study, contact Dr. Felts Dent by email at felts.dent@fbct.org or call 931-624-0754.

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Family Fish Fry
6:00 PM18:00

Family Fish Fry

4th Annual Family Fish Fry Fellowship

Sunday August 4th at 6pm immediately following the Collective Night of Praise, we're celebrating our Fish Fry Fellowship with dinner together as a church family. Tickets are $5 a person and will be purchased at the following times:

  • Through Amy Davis in the main office or in the Recreation Department starting July 21st .

  • In the concourse after the 8:30am & 11am service on July 21st, 28th, and August 4th.

  • Through the kitchen staff starting July 21st and every Sunday and Wednesday night dinner leading up to the event, including the night of the Ice Cream Social.

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Discipleship Rally
3:00 PM15:00

Discipleship Rally

Connect Groups Leaders and teachers of FBCT (Small Group, Sunday School, Connect Group or Bible Study class), we invite you to our Discipleship Rally event on Sunday, August 4 in the High School Space from 3:00-4:45pm.

Our New Year is just around the corner! Join all Small group Bible Study teachers @FBCT as we prepare for our 2019-2020 year. Together every week we reach over 1000 people with the truth of God's love. Come together with your fellow teachers to learn about all upcoming updates to our guest process, be renewed in God's love for our FBCT church family & prepare to Know, Grow & Go in Christ as we reach of Clarksville Community with the truth of Jesus.

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Easter Collective Night of Praise & Dinner
5:00 PM17:00

Easter Collective Night of Praise & Dinner

Easter Collective NIGHT OF PRAISE Save the date for the Easter Collective - Sunday evening, April 14 at 5:00pm in the Grace Worship Center! You're not going to want to miss this night of Worship as ALL FBCT Campuses come together as One in Christ as we worship our risen Savior! Be sure to invite someone to come with you and to tour the scenes in the Pathway to the Cross!

Easter Collective DINNER Immediately following the Easter Collective Night of Praise we will join in fellowship for our Easter Collective Dinner in the Laida Fellowship Hall at 6:00pm. Tickets are just $5 per person!

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Secret Keeper
6:00 PM18:00

Secret Keeper

Secret Keeper is a mother-daughter live interactive event (for girls ages 7-12) that help bring mothers and daughters closer to each other and to Jesus. Join us on March 21 at 6:00pm in the Grace Worship Center. Tickets are sold only online for this event. Click the link below to purchase tickets. We expect this to be a sold out event, so get your tickets early!

If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact Tabitha (tabitha.dowdy@fbct.org).

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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service | December 24 | 5:00pm

It's a family tradition! Make plans now to gather your entire family and attend our Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve at 5:00pm in the Grace Worship Center. The warmth of Christmas will fill the room by the beautiful glow of candles held by all that attend, sweet sound of Christmas carols fill the air, observance of the Lord's Supper that humbles our hearts, and an uplifting message that reminds us of the greatest gift we have in Christ. We can't wait to celebrate with you! No Childcare

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Christmas Parade and Tour of Trees
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas Parade and Tour of Trees

We invite you to join us after the Clarksville Parade for a Tour of Trees! Over 30 beautifully decorated trees will be on display inside our church campus. Come and enjoy warm drinks and snacks and live musicians and carolers as you see the story of Jesus’ birth on display throughout the trees on display!

Trees will be on display through December. For a schedule tour, you can also call 931.245.0000.

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Powerful Parenting Through Prayer
3:00 PM15:00

Powerful Parenting Through Prayer

Powerful Parenting Through Prayer - header-01.jpg

If you are a parent or grandparent shepherding children under 18 years of age, the POWERFUL PARENTING THROUGH PRAYER event is for you.  On November 11th,  3:00 – 5:00pm in the Middle School area of the Hope building, there will be a keynote speaker and several breakouts about praying with and for your children and grandchildren from babies to teenagers.  They are in desperate need of your prayers.  Knowing God and how to walk with Him as the culture increasingly turns against them is as challenging as it has ever been in America.  On the one hand they face the rampant sexualization of our culture, gender confusion, and drugs.  On the other hand they look school shootings in the eye, bullying, depression and suicide, as well as many other adversities.  But they can handle it if they have parents and grandparents praying and equipped to shepherd them through it.  Childcare is provided at the cost of $1 per child, ages birth through 5th grade.

Tara Vinson - Keynote Speaker
Paul and Amanda Jennings - Preschool and Elementary School
Paul and Stacy Batson - Middle School and High School
Jackson Moser - Dealing With Media
Susanne Van Dyke - Leading Your Children To Christ
Sue Goad - Godly Grandparents

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We Are Stronger Movie Event
6:00 PM18:00

We Are Stronger Movie Event

First Baptist Clarksville Tennessee

WE ARE STRONGER movie event

Date: November 9th

Location: 202 Fifth Street (Hope Building, Laida Fellowship Hall)

Time: Movie starts at 6pm

The movie is free to the community with basic refreshments and simple snacks provided. There is no childcare available for this movie. 

WE ARE STRONGER is about Master Sergeant Victor Raphael who is nearing the end of his military career when an explosion in Afghanistan leaves him injured. Back home, he is thrust into battle once again, but he hasn't been trained for this type of warfare. With his career behind him and painful physical therapy ahead, he finds himself without a purpose and in a war with his own mind. Having spent years with an ocean between them, his wife, Michelle, is distant and their marriage seems to be held together only by her sense of duty.

From leading troops into battle to being unable to leave the house, Vic finds himself isolated in more ways than he ever thought possible, until the unexpected happens. Through the help of two kids and some unlikely heroes, Vic must face the trauma and the wounds on his soul to save his marriage and to help his fellow brother in need. To succeed he must discover the true source of strength and realize he can't do it alone if he is going to win this war and emerge STRONGER.

This film was made in cooperation with the Stronger Alliance: Mighty Oaks, CRU Military, Amos House of Faith, Armed Forces Mission, and more who are dedicated to trauma recovery

For more information about WE ARE STRONGER please visit http://www.strongermovie.com/

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Grief Support Seminar
6:00 PM18:00

Grief Support Seminar

Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30pm | October 17 & 24

Dr. Felts Dent will be leading a study on GRIEF SUPPORT for anyone who has suffered a significant loss through the death of a loved one, and is dealing with the grief caused by that loss. The study will offer insights into an understanding of grief as well as practical suggestions for working through the process of overcoming one’s personal grief.

The class will meet each Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30pm for 2 weeks in Room 2208 across from the Recreation Center in the Activities Building. For more information about the study, contact Dr. Dent by email at felts.dent@fbct.org or call 931-624-0754

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