
Filtering by: Missions
Serve Clarksville
8:00 AM08:00

Serve Clarksville


On Saturday morning, April 12, our church plans to serve our community in many different ways. Registration to serve on that day begins on Sunday, March 2. Stop by to register at Missions Landing, one of the tables in our Grace Concourse, or online at fbct.org/serveclarksville.

April 12 schedule and ministry projects for you to consider are listed below.


8:00am: Breakfast and Worship

9:00am: Depart to Mission Sites

Serve Clarksville Projects:

  • Good Samaritan Ministry – Cleaning building, pack dental bags, painting outdoors   - TEAM FULL

  • Manna Café – build food boxes; place can goods and food in boxes - TEAM FULL

  • Young Life – repair holes in wall  – TEAM FULL

  • Rossview Elementary School – Cleaning  

  • Baptist Collegiate MinistryTEAM FULL

  • Blue Sky Estates Mobile Park – English as a Second Language promotion / hotdogs & popcorn - TEAM FULL

  • Cards / Cookies / Treats – Hospital workers / fire fighters / police stations 

  • Gospel Convo Team / St. Bethlehem Baseball Concessions Project

  • Free Car Wash on FBCT campus - STUDENTS  

  • Trinity Baptist Church – mulch, landscape work, pressure washing; inside painting - TEAM FULL

  • Cumberland Baptist Association Building – installing rail for steps; changing blinds; trim shrubs - TEAM FULL

  • South Central Village – facilitate games / Scripture devotion

  • Fuel Program – organize and pack food bags for Norman Smith Elementary School - TEAM FULL

  • Hope Pregnancy – painting inside and out; cleaning and sorting clothes - TEAM FULL

  • Loaves and Fishes – help with preparing meals, serving meals, and clean up - TEAM FULL

  • Clarksville Street Department – clean up on Britain Springs road and Eva drive area 

  • First Baptist Clarksville – various cleaning projects 

  • Liberty Park – Water bottles & Easter invites - TEAM FULL

  • Weekley Park – Water bottles & Easter invites

  • Judy’s Hope – landscaping

  • Arcadia Assisted Living – cleaning residents wheelchairs, walkers, and possible craft / activity - TEAM FULL

  • Veterans Home in Clarksville – games, music, gifts  

  • Salvation Army  - Restocking food pantry; build food boxes; rake flower bed; plant flowers; sort items in thrift store - TEAM FULL

* All teams will prayer walk in their areas of service or another specific area assigned.

* Teams might participate in outside trash pick-up at a local school once finished with their project. 

Learn more and sign up at fbct.org/serveclarksville.

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Clarkston, GA Mission Trip Interest Meeting
11:45 AM11:45

Clarkston, GA Mission Trip Interest Meeting


Interested in cross-cultural mission work among unreached peoples right here in North America? Join us on a short mission trip weekend focusing on how you can take a "Step Towards the Nations." Learn and be equipped in refugee ministry. Our team will prayer walk and strategically serve at Kristopher Woods apartment complex. Our team will also worship on Sunday morning with Clarkston International Bible Church in a joint worship service experience with other ethnic churches. The mission trip interest meeting will be on March 16 at 11:45am in the Old Fellowship Hall. 

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2025 Mission Opportunities/Trips Informational Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

2025 Mission Opportunities/Trips Informational Meeting


Join us on Sunday, January 5th from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall as we roll out the mission opportunities for you and your family to be involved with in 2025. We will have both local and global opportunities. Lunch will be provided at no cost. There will not be childcare. We will have a kid’s area in the back of the room where kids can color and make a craft as we share. Help us to plan for the food by filling out a registration form in Missions Landing or scan the QR cod provided here by December 30.

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Serve Clarksville
8:00 AM08:00

Serve Clarksville

It’s time to Serve Clarksville!

Join us as individuals, families, or groups on Saturday, April 27! Please sign up in advance at the link below and select your first, second, and third options for Serving Projects. If you just want to serve and do not have a preference, we will find a great place for you to serve! If you have any questions, please contact us in the church office at 931.245.0000 or email info@fbct.org.


8:00am: Breakfast and Worship

9:00am: Depart to Mission Sites


  • Salvation Army - pull weeds and other outside work

  • Clarksville Street Departmentroadside trash pick-up in specific areas

  • Block Party at Blue Sky Mobil Home Park (partnership with our Hispanic ministry)

  • Gospel Convo / Prayer Teamdoor to door

  • Moore Magnet Elementary remove and replace small fish pond liner

  • Loaves and Fisheshelp cook hamburgers, put into 200 sacks, give out at section 8 housing

  • Free Car Wash on campus of First Baptist

  • Deliver cards/cookies/treats and pray at Fire & Police Stations

  • Arcadia Senior Livingfacilitate board games & art projects

  • Real Life Ft. Campbelllight construction work inside facility

  • Give out water bottles and protein bars at the Greenway  

  • Rossview Middle Schoolflower bed work; plant flowers, etc.

  • TEAM IS FULL - Rossview Elementarydeep clean library shelves 

  • TEAM IS FULL - Hope Pregnancypainting; cleaning; possible outside project

  • TEAM IS FULL - Veteran’s Homehelp with bingo games; sing a few songs 

  • TEAM IS FULL - Fuel Program - organize and pack food bags for schools 

  • TEAM IS FULL - Clarksville National Baseball Leaguerun concession stand for a team 

  • TEAM IS FULL - Norman Smith Elementarybeautify outside area; clean out brush; possible flower planting

  • TEAM IS FULL - Baptist Collegiate Ministry – pull weeds, pick up sticks from property, clean/paint benches, etc.

  • TEAM IS FULL - Good Samaritan Ministryput together dental bags; cleaning; shredding papers

  • TEAM IS FULL - Manna Caféput together boxes for their food distribution program

* All teams will prayer walk in their areas of service or another specific area assigned.

* Teams might participate in outside trash pick-up at a local school once finished with their project. 

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1:00 PM13:00



On Sunday, February 25 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m., you are invited to a brief training and engagement time in our community.  After the brief training, we will form small groups and go out into our community in order to pray and share the gospel. Meet us in the Old Fellowship Hall / Mark Briggs Connect room at 1:00 p.m.

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Mission Trips Interest Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Mission Trips Interest Meeting


On Sunday, February 25 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., we invite you to join us to consider several mission trip opportunities coming up this year. We will meet in the Old Fellowship Hall / Mark Briggs Connect Group room. Light lunch will be provided. Please register by February 22 through this link below.

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2023 Missions Day Mingle Time
12:00 PM12:00

2023 Missions Day Mingle Time

Immediately following our worship service on November 19th from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m., we will be hosting a missions mingle time in our Old Fellowship Hall area. At this mingle time, you will be able to try some snacks from South Korea and the Americas. We will have many of our missions partners at information tables that you will be able to connect with as you walk around. We will also share briefly about missions at First Baptist along with potential 2024 mission opportunities. 

Childcare is not available. No cost for the event. Please register here by November 12th.

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Operation Christmas Child Atlanta Trip Interest Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Operation Christmas Child Atlanta Trip Interest Meeting

Operation Christmas Child Atlanta Trip Interest Meeting | October 29

There will be a brief meeting on Sunday, October 29, at 12:00 p.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall / Mark Brings Connect Room for anyone interested in going to Atlanta to serve for a shift at the Operation Christmas Child processing center on December 2. If you have any questions, please email Susana.Crespo@fbct.org.

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Diapers for Israel
to Nov 5

Diapers for Israel

  • First Baptist Clarksville (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There is an urgent need for items for children in Israel, and Tennessee Disaster Relief is collecting items to get to partner ministries...who will then distribute items on the ground in Israel.

We are collecting diapers now until November 5th. You can drop them off at the table in the Missions Landing or at our church office Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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Operation Christmas Child
to Nov 5

Operation Christmas Child

  • First Baptist Clarksville (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Sunday, October 8, our Operation Christmas Child mission project will officially begin! You can pick up a shoebox starting on that day. There will be a display of boxes in the church concourse near the Mission Landing entrance. There will also be a pick-up station in the KIDS Ministry welcome area. This pick-up station is in the Hope Building at the Hiter Street entrance (door #7). Packing instructions will also be available. The last day to return boxes will be Sunday, November 5th.

You may also build a shoebox online. If you click on the following link, you will be directed to the Operation Christmas Child Website, where you can follow instructions to pack a shoebox online. https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/

Each child that receives a box will also hear the Gospel. The shoebox recipients will also be able to enroll in a 12-lesson follow-up discipleship program called "The Greatest Journey." These children will be able to learn to follow Christ and share HIM with others.

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Backpacks for Burt Elementary
9:00 AM09:00

Backpacks for Burt Elementary


Our church has an opportunity to be a blessing to children in need at Burt Elementary. We are seeking to fill 75 backpacks with school supplies to give students at the beginning of the school year. We already have the backpacks. We just need supplies to put in the backpacks. We are collecting these supplies through the month of July. You will find tables, information, and bins in our sanctuary concourse and missions landing. If you have any questions, please contact us at onmission@fbct.org.

Supplies Needed:

  • No. 2 Pencils

  • Cap erasers

  • Crayola Crayons (at least 16 in a pack)

  • Colored Pencils

  • Composition Notebooks

  • Loose-leaf paper (wide rule)

  • Packs of tissues

  • Baby wipes

Please bring in your donations by July 23. Our KIDS ministry will be packing the backpacks on Wednesday, July 26th. 

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St. Louis, MO Mission Trip
to Jun 30

St. Louis, MO Mission Trip

  • First Baptist Clarksville (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

June 24-30: St. Louis, MO Mission Trip | fbct.org/missions

First Baptist is sending a team to serve in St. Louis on June 24-30. The team will be involved with various projects, including outreach to youth and children, meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the refugee community, distributing food to hungry families, and sharing the gospel. Mission trip applications as well as a $100 deposit is due by March 26. To learn more about this trip contact Jason Johnson or visit www.fbct.org/missions

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Gospel Conversation Training
12:00 PM12:00

Gospel Conversation Training

We will have a Gospel Conversation Training class on Sunday, March 19th, from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Mark Briggs’ Connect Group classroom (Old Fellowship Hall). It's essential for us as Christians to know how to share the Gospel with others. This will be a time that we can learn and train together. There will be a time for:

  • Lunch

  • Training

  • Going out and putting what we have learned to use

  • Coming back together to report and debrief

A lunch from Jersey Mike’s will be provided. Childcare will not be available. No cost for the event. 

Please register by March 15th.

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2023 Missions Informational Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

2023 Missions Informational Meeting


A new year means there are new opportunities for us to be on mission for Jesus. If you are interested in serving Jesus locally or globally, join us on Sunday, January 15th, from 12:00 - 1:30 pm in the Old Fellowship Hall / Mark Briggs Connect Group room for an informational meeting about mission opportunities in 2023. A light lunch will be served at the meeting.

If you plan to join us, register by January 11th by clicking the button below or contact Graceon Rippy at graceon.rippy@fbct.org.  

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Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
to Nov 13

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

  • First Baptist Clarksville (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Sunday, October 2nd, our Operation Christmas Child mission project will officially begin! You can pick up a shoebox beginning on that day. There will be a display of boxes in the church concourse near the Mission Landing entrance. There will also be a pick-up station in the KIDS Ministry welcome area. This pick-up station is in the Hope Building at the Hiter Street entrance (door #7). There will also be packing instructions available as well. The last day to return boxes will be Sunday, November 13th.

You may also build a shoebox online. If you click on the following link, you will be directed to the Operation Christmas Child Website, where you can follow instructions to pack a shoebox online. https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/

Each child that receives a box will also hear the Gospel. The shoebox recipients will also have the opportunity to enroll in a 12-lesson follow-up discipleship program called "The Greatest Journey." These children will have the opportunity to learn to follow Christ and share HIM with others.

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Gospel Conversation Training
12:00 PM12:00

Gospel Conversation Training

We will have a Gospel Conversation Training class on Sunday, September 25th, from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Mark Briggs’ Connect Group classroom (Old Fellowship Hall). It's essential for us as Christians to know how to share the Gospel with others. This will be a time that we can learn and train together. There will be a time for:

  • Lunch

  • Training

  • Going out and putting what we have learned to use

  • Coming back together to report and debrief

A lunch from Jersey Mike’s will be provided. Childcare will not be available. No cost for the event. 

Please register by September 22nd.

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Who's Your One with NAMB
8:00 AM08:00

Who's Your One with NAMB

Who’s Your One with NAMB

September 19 | 8am Registration and Breakfast | 9-11:30am Evangelism Workshop | Laida Fellowship Hall

Imagine the kingdom impact if every Christian in North America — starting with every member of your church — had one person they shared the gospel with and prayed for regularly.

We must do whatever it takes to reach the lost, and it starts with ONE.

Invite your church to attend the Who’s Your One Evangelism Workshop with you at First Baptist Clarksville on Monday morning, September 19.

Join us for a day of inspiration and training to encourage you and your church members to live on mission and share their faith with others in their home, work and community. Learn more details and register below.

Who’s Your One Evangelism Workshop Schedule:
8:00 a.m. - Check-in/Breakfast
9:00 a.m. - Welcome by NAMB
9:05 a.m. - Session 1
9:45 a.m. - Break
9:50 a.m. – Session 2
10:35 a.m. – Break
10:45 a.m. - Session 3
11:30 a.m. - Dismiss

To help keep attendees and staff healthy, NAMB will follow CDC recommendations for gatherings and events. We ask that if you have had a fever greater than 100.4, cough, runny nose, sore throat or trouble breathing within 24 hours before the event, please stay home.

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Dinner with Dr. Chitwood
6:00 PM18:00

Dinner with Dr. Chitwood

We are inviting you to join us for a special event featuring Dr. Paul Chitwood, IMB President, on Saturday, August 27th from 6:00 – 8:00pm. in our Fellowship Hall. Dr. Chitwood will share about the work at the IMB and offer a time for questions. Mission BBQ will be catering.

Childcare will not be available. No cost for the event.

Please use the link to register for the event or call the church office at 931-245-0000.
Please register by August 21st.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Fellowship Hall

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Brazil Mission Trip Interest Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Brazil Mission Trip Interest Meeting

We will be having an interest meeting to explore the possibility of a mission trip to Brazil in 2023. Rick Thompson, IMB missionary, will be sharing about the work in Brazil and the needs there. We will meet on Thursday, August 4th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in Mark Briggs’ Sunday School classroom (Old Fellowship Hall). A light dinner from Jersey Mike’s will be provided.

Childcare will not be available. No cost for the event.

Please use the link to register for the event or call the church office at 931-245-0000.
Please register by July 31st.

Old Fellowship Hall (Mark Briggs’ Sunday School Classroom)

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Backpacks For Burt
to Jul 31

Backpacks For Burt

  • First Baptist Clarksville (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our church has an opportunity to be a blessing to children in need at Burt Elementary. We are seeking to fill 75 backpacks with school supplies to give students at the beginning of the school year. We already have the backpacks. We just need supplies to put in the backpacks. We are collecting these supplies through the month of July. You will find tables, information, and bins in our sanctuary concourse and missions landing. If you have any questions, please contact us at onmission@fbct.org.

Supplies Needed:
• No. 2 Pencils
• Cap erasers
• Crayola Crayons (at least 16 in a pack)
• Loose-leaf paper (wide rule)
• Packs of tissues
• Baby wipes
• Hand sanitizer
• Pencil box or bag

Please bring in your donations by July 31st. Our KIDS ministry will be packing the backpacks on Wednesday, August 3rd. We will pray over the Backpacks on Sunday, August 7th.

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Disaster Relief Training
12:00 PM12:00

Disaster Relief Training

Join us for an Introduction to Disaster Relief and Introduction to Flood Recovery training!

Located in the Loft, Hope Building
Saturday, January 29 | 12:00-3:00pm

The cost of training is $36.00 which covers your background check and your 3 year ID badge. Please bring a check payable to Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. Also go to the link below and print out the registration form and bring that with you. 


Snacks and drinks will be provided. If you are interested in attending the training please text Michelle King at 931-237-6137 or email at charliemichelle6@yahoo.com

For any questions or more information, please email Jason Johnson, Missions Pastor, at jason.johnson@fbct.org

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Missions Month
to Nov 17

Missions Month

Here at FBCT we believe that God has called and purposed us to spread the Good News. That’s why we follow Jesus’ challenge to reach our community, our city, our nation, and our world. That’s why we work towards being a church on mission that not only makes a difference in Clarksville, but also reach out and touch the utmost regions of the world.   This month is what we call “Missions Month”.  During the month of November we highlight what God is doing with the bountiful resources that He has provided us with.  We will hear testimonies on how God uses our members to serve a world that needs to hear, feel, and see the love of Christ.  We will witness how God is using our faithful giving to help provide for projects and mission work that happen here at home and all over the world.  

November 3rd  at 8:30am and 11:00am  |  Good Samaritan (local mission) Ministry testimony.  Come hear how God is using FBCT and medical volunteers to meet the needs of people in our town.

November 10th at 8:30am and 11:00am  |  Lynch, KY (national mission) ministry partnership.  This is a time to listen to the stories of God’s love being poured out into a town that desperately needs it.

November 17th at 8:30am and 11:00am  |  NAMB Missionary Dave Howeth will be sharing a word on how God is at work all over the world.  

November 17th at 5:00pm  |  Join us as celebrate the missional work that God has allowed us to be a part of.  This will be a night of food, fellowship, and testimonies of God’s love for those that we serve throughout the world.  IMB missionary David Rice will share his testimony on how God has used his ministry to reach people in the most difficult parts of the world.

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Food Drive
to Sep 29

Food Drive

We are collecting items for Manna Cafe, DCS, and Lynch, KY on September 8-29. Please bring your items to the Engage Center or you can bring them to the front office during the week.

Items Needed:

• Spaghetti/Tomato Sauce
• Spaghetti/Pasta Noodles
• Beanie Weenies
• Macaroni & Cheese
• Canned Meats (Chicken/Beef/Tuna)
• Dried Bean
• Canned Chili
• Canned Beans
• Canned Vegetables
• Canned Soups
• Canned Fruits
• Boxed Meals
• Rice/Rice Mixes
• Cereal/Oatmeal
• Tea/Other Drink Mixes
• Sugar
• Flour
• Coffee
• Peanut butter (individual packets)
• Chips/pretzels
• Crackers
• Snackables
• Ramen Noodles
• Drinks (Capri Sun, Juices, Gatorade, Water, Etc.)
• Hygiene Items (Razors, Shampoos, Soap, Feminine Products, Etc.)

For more info, contact Angela at angela.knowles@fbct.org.

THANK YOU for being ON MISSION and making HIM known!

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Women's Ministry Lynch, KY Mission Trip
to Sep 16

Women's Ministry Lynch, KY Mission Trip

  • Google Calendar ICS

T2T Women’s Mission Trip

T2T Mission Trip  |  September 14-16

Cost: $75

Plans are well underway for the mission trip to Eastern Kentucky (Lynch & surrounding area). Three specific projects have been determined. There will be opportunities for everyone to be ENGAGED in this mission project as we collect items needed to complete each project. More information about collections will be coming through the Connect groups. There are still a few available openings if you are interested in being a part of this mission opportunity. Trip packets can be found at the Engage Center or at the front office (see Amy). Important dates to remember:

September 9, 2018, 3:00 pm, Steeple Entrance Landing - Final Team Meeting (All team members)

Please pray for T2T Ministry as preparations are made, for the community we will be serving, and for our work to have kingdom impact. For more information contact Amy Davis, 931-245-0000, Robin Harris 270-726-0622 or Debbie Farrell 770-468-4896.

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Lynch, KY Mission Trip Informational Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

Lynch, KY Mission Trip Informational Meeting

T2T Lynch, KY Mission Trip Informational/ Interest Meeting

Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 3:00 pm

The T2T Women’s Ministry is organizing a mission trip to Lynch, KY for September 14-16, 2018. An informational and interest meeting will be held on Sunday, June 3rd at 3:00pm, in the Steeple entrance landing area (third floor). All women who are interested in participating are encouraged to attend this informational meeting. Details about the trip and potential projects will be discussed. This meeting is for those who have already signed up as well those who are interested in learning more. Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend.

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