NEW to First Baptist Clarksville? WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re worshiping with us! We’d love for you to fill out an online Connect Card so that we can learn more about you and help get you connected! Visit and someone will contact you shortly!
Dr. Ronny Raines, Senior Pastor
Lessons from the Psalms: I Lift Up My Eyes
Psalm 121:1-8
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
8 The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.
I. The Lord Provides My Needs (Psalm 121:1-2)
1. Humility
2. Worship
3. Assurance
II. The Lord Preserves My Life (Psalm 121:3-4)
1. Evaluation
2. Revelation
3. Inspiration
III. The Lord Protects My Future (Psalm 121:5-8)
1. Power
2. Behavior
3. Awareness
MARCH 23, 2025 Study Guide
Lessons from the Psalms: I Lift Up My Eyes
Psalm 121:1-8
How much time do you spend looking down at electronic devices? How much time do you invest looking up to the Lord?
Psalm 121 calls God's people to lift up their eyes to the Lord. No matter how strong and independent you are in life, at some point, you'll need help. The Psalmist wants you to find your help from the Lord. Share a time recently when you lifted up your eyes to the Lord and found help in Him.
If your life is falling apart, if your marriage is unstable, or if your relationships are toxic, help is available. The Lord wants to help you. Instead of looking to the world for fixes, look to the Lord for help.
What insights do you find from Psalm 121?
1. The Lord Provides My Needs. David asked and answered his question. He needed help, and he knew that his help came from the Lord. "I need help" are hard words for many people to say. Do you need help? Are you asking the Lord to help you? As you reflect on your life and the Lord's help, worship the Lord for His presence, promise, and power. The Lord is your helper!
2. The Lord Preserves My Life. David acknowledged the Lord's steadfastness in preserving the lives of His people. The Lord doesn't slumber or sleep. He is always available. As you evaluate your relationship with the Lord, discuss and answer these questions. How's your walk with the Lord? Are you rejoicing in the Lord's continual presence? Are you relying on the Lord to overcome your fears?
3. The Lord Protects My Future. David testified how the Lord protects His people. Are you aware that God is always watching over you? As a husband or father, one of the greatest gifts you can give your wife or family is to pray a protective prayer over your marriage or family. In your study group, take the necessary time to ask the Lord to protect your life, marriage, family, and church.
As you fellowship with your study group, take time to discuss and answer the final three questions:
1. In what specific areas of your life have you found it most challenging to admit your need for help, and how has your understanding of God's provision changed when you finally turned to Him? Share a personal experience when you felt the Lord's presence, promise, and power as your helper.
2. Considering that God doesn't slumber or sleep, how does the knowledge of God's unwavering attention impact your daily life and your ability to overcome fears? Share a time when you felt particularly aware of God's preservation, and how it affected your walk with the Lord.
3. Beyond personal awareness, how do you actively participate in seeking God's protection for your family, marriage, or church? Share a specific way you've prayed for protection, and discuss the importance of collective prayer for these needs within your study group.
Do you need to lift up your eyes to the Lord at this moment?
We're praying for you as we worship the Lord on Sunday. Please let us know how we can pray for you, and we'd love to hear how the Lord is changing your life.
Grace and Peace!
View all of the "Lessons from the Psalms" Sermon Series Study Guides at
At First Baptist, an important part of how we function is by connecting with each other as well as creating an atmosphere that is conducive to growing in our relationship with God and with others. One way in which we make strides to achieve that goal is through Connect Groups. Even during this time, we have online Connect Group opportunities as well as in-person Connect Groups that meet at 9:00am! Learn more about connecting opportunities by visiting
Thank you for your faithful giving to First Baptist Clarksville. Your financial support and investment in our church has a direct impact on our ministry. God is at work in our church and because you give, we are able to see lives touched, changed and redirected to honor Him. Learn more about different ways to give at or give instantly at
Our Pastor has called us to make every Friday a Day of Prayer. We invite you to join us. No need to sign up, just pray. We ask you to set aside 15 minutes during the day to stop and pray. A new prayer guide will be posted at each Thursday to help direct your prayer time.
Of course, every day is a day for us to pray. We are reminded to continually be in a spirit of prayer.
2 Chronicles 7:14 ”And my people, who bear my name, humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”
We’d love for you to like and follow us on social media! It’s a great way to stay up-to-date and connected with our First Family! When you visit us for in-church worship, we’d love for you to check-in! This is a great way to invite others to join you! Or if you’re at home or in-person, take a photo of what worship looks like where you’re at and who you’re with and tag us, and be sure to share the online worship so others can worship with us!
March 30 - 3-5pm: Marriage Matters Marriage Conference |
March 31-April 1: Iron Sharpens Iron Pastors’ Retreat
April 6 - 12-2pm: First Steps Class |
April 12: Serve Clarksville |
April 18 - 12:00pm: Good Friday Service |
April 20: Easter Sunday - 7:30am Worship, 9:00am Connect Groups, 10:30am Worship |
April 27 - 10:30am: Parent and Child Dedication Service |
May 18 - 10:30am: Graduation Sunday |
May 18 - 3-5pm: VBS Training
May 21 - 5-7pm: End of School Bash
June 16-20 - 9am-noon: Vacation Bible School |
June 20-23: Student Camp | Laguna Beach Christian Retreat | 6th-12th |
July 14-18 - 9am-12pm: Kids Music Camp
July 19 - 5pm: Kids Music Camp Performance
July 24-27: Kids Camp at Jonathan Creek
July 26 - August 1: NYC Mission Trip - High School Students |
October 10-22, 2025: Journeys of Paul Tour |
Follow along with us as we read the Bible through in 2024! There are three versions you can choose from to follow along with, Through the Bible, Chronological, and New Testament.
Join us for our Good Friday Service on Friday, April 18 at noon in the Grace Worship Center
Celebrate Easter with us at First Baptist as we invite you to join us for Worship at 7:30am or 10:30am on Sunday, April 20! Childcare is available at both services. We also invite you to join us for Connect Groups for ALL ages at 9:00am!
Check out our Midweek Growth Groups on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:15pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow in Christ together!
week of prayer and fasting
March 24-26 | Grace Worship Center
Week of Prayer and Fasting begins Monday, March 24, 2025 at 6:00pm. Pastor John Burkart from the East Rogersville Baptist will be our guest speaker to share about his experience in revival for four week. Also Knox Chambers will have some of the students from Montgomery Central Middle School to share their testimonies.
For more information and to reserve childcare, please visit
Sunday, March 30 | 4-6 pm | Laida Fellowship Hall
Join us on Sunday evening, March 30, from 4-6 pm in the Laida Fellowship Hall for our “Marriage Matters” Marriage Conference, where we will welcome our Guest Speaker, Bob Russell.
3:00 - 4:00 pm: Session 1
4:00 - 4:15 pm: Cookie and Coffee Break
4:15 - 5:00 pm: Session 2
LOCATION: Fellowship Hall
CHILDCARE: Provided upon reservation. Childcare registration closes on March 26, 2025.
COST: Free (reservation for event not required)
UPCOMING CLASS: April 6, 2025, 12-2 pm
LOCATION: hope BUILDING, original fellowship hall
Our First Steps class is designed for new members and guests. We invite you to join our Senior Pastor, Dr. Ronny Raines, and our ministry team for our next membership class. We'll treat you to a delicious lunch and then help you discover how God wants to use you at First Baptist Church. As you attend the class, we'll cover the following subjects:
A personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Meaning of church membership
Biblical baptism
The Lord's Supper
The church's beliefs and vision
Opportunities to give
Ways to serve in the church
Ministries at First Baptist Church
Meet our ministry team
Time for Q&A
Tour our church facilities
We hope you'll join us for our next First Steps class. You can register by filling out the online form HERE or contacting Dana in the pastor's office at 931.245.0000 or
Saturday, APRIL 12
On Saturday morning, April 12, our church plans to serve our community in many different ways. Registration to serve on that day begins on Sunday, March 2. Stop by to register at Missions Landing, one of the tables in our Grace Concourse, or online at
April 12 schedule and ministry projects for you to consider are listed below.
8:00am: Breakfast and Worship
9:00am: Depart to Mission Sites
Serve Clarksville Projects:
Good Samaritan Ministry – Cleaning building, pack dental bags, painting outdoors
Manna Café – build food boxes; place can goods and food in boxes
Young Life – repair holes in wall - TEAM FULL
Clarksville National Baseball League – run concession stand
Rossview Elementary School – Cleaning
Baptist Collegiate Ministry – TEAM FULL
Blue Sky Estates Mobile Park – English as a Second Language promotion / hotdogs & popcorn - TEAM FULL
Cards / Cookies / Treats – Hospital workers / fire fighters / police stations
Gospel Convo & Prayer Team (door to door) – location to be determined
Free Car Wash on FBCT campus - STUDENTS
Trinity Baptist Church – mulch, landscape work, pressure washing; inside painting
Cumberland Baptist Association Building – installing rail for steps; changing blinds; trim shrubs
South Central Village – facilitate games / Scripture devotion
Fuel Program – organize and pack food bags for Norman Smith Elementary School
Hope Pregnancy – painting inside and out; cleaning and sorting clothes
Loaves and Fishes – help with preparing meals, serving meals, and clean up
Clarksville Street Department – clean up on Britain Springs road and Eva drive area
First Baptist Clarksville – various cleaning projects
Liberty Park – Water bottles & Easter invites
Weekley Park – Water bottles & Easter invites
Judy’s Hope – landscaping
Arcadia Assisted Living – cleaning residents wheelchairs, walkers, and possible craft / activity
Veterans Home in Clarksville – games, music, gifts
Salvation Army - Restocking food pantry; build food boxes; rake flower bed; plant flowers; sort items in thrift store
* All teams will prayer walk in their areas of service or another specific area assigned.
* Teams might participate in outside trash pick-up at a local school once finished with their project.
Learn more and sign up at
Check out all of the First Baptist Worship Team videos from our online worship services at
Stay up to date with all that is going with our monthly newsletter, the Voice! Visit!
Fellowship, Worship and Discipleship are fundamental to an obedient life in Christ. First Baptist Church maintains several tools to help us stay connected, share and offer the sacrifice of praise, and grow together. Scroll to the bottom of the home page at and click on "app" to see options for adding these tools to your phone or other device. You can use these tools to stay connected to your discipleship group, contact the church, watch past worship services and sermons, as well as support the FBC financially as the Lord directs for you and your family. There are even instructions for how to access these tools using your web browser.
Using these apps, updating your profile information to share with the church is easy. When changes occur in your family life such as a move to a new home, change in email address, etc. you can update your information to be sure that our communication with you is efficient. You can even add a picture to make it easier for your church family to put a name with a face!
Information about any groups that might be of interest to you, such as Connect Groups, teams, committees, etc will be available as well. Group Leaders can use the tools to take attendance online and access other features. You can contact the church through the app, read messages from group members/leaders and browse the church directory.
Check out for instructions on how to get the app and reach the membership and giving website.
LOVE the time of worship through song today? You can follow us on Spotify and listen to our playlist each week! Follow us on Spotify “First Clarksville” and sing along!
Check out these Staff Picks for Books and Resources for all ages!
Many of these materials are available in the church library, room 2326, on the third floor.
You may locate them by searching the online catalog at
If you are interested in volunteering anywhere throughout the campus, please visit and let us know!
9 am Connect Group Hour
Connect Group Assistant Leader
Connect Group Leader
10:30 Worship Hour
Worship Hour Smiles Team Member
Wednesday 6 pm
Wednesday PM Babies Helper
Wednesday PM Pre-K TeamKID Leader & Assistant Leader
Teachers for elementary-age kids for Connect Groups
Group Leaders and Co-Leaders
Photographers (capture Sunday mornings and events)
In-Person Worship Camera Operators for Online Service
Audio, Video, and Lighting
Military Appreciation Team
Event Coordination Team
Mentor Group
Research Assistance Team
Resource Management Team
Adult Choir, Worship Team, Musicians
Kitchen helpers needed - making coffee, serving food, and setting up and cleaning up after events.
Legacy Ministry
Loving Touch Care for the Homebound and Nursing Homes
Sunday Morning First Impressions Greeters and Connectors
Lillian Bradley Church Library Ministry
Displays/bulletin boards
Book processing
Man circulation desk
IN-PERSON Opportunities:
Sundays: 9:00am (Connect Groups)
Sundays: 10:30am (Worship)
Wednesdays: 4:30-6:00pm (Dinner)
Wednesdays: 6:00-7:15pm (Connect Groups)
Online Worship Opportunities:
Saturdays: 7:00pm
Sundays: 10:30am, 2:00pm, 7:00pm
Mondays: 7:00pm
Wednesdays: 6:00pm
LIVE on Facebook: After the live event, you can replay on this same Facebook page. We will stream on Sundays at 10:30am, 2pm, and 7pm, Mondays at 7pm, Wednesdays at 6pm, and Saturdays at 7pm.
LIVE on Youtube:
You can listen to and watch past services at
You can also watch a recent sermon on television through WCKV-TV which is Channel 6 on Charter/Spectrum, Channel 12 on CDE Lightband and over the air through an antenna on Channel 22.1. These programs air at:
- 9:00am on Sundays
- 4:30am on Mondays
- 7:00pm on Mondays
- 8:30am on Wednesdays
- 4:30am on Thursdays
- 4:00am on Fridays
QUESTIONS? Email us at