Ask God to Reveal

Read Acts 4:24-31

24 And when they heard it, they lifted their voices together to God and said, Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them, 25 who through the mouth of our father David, your servant,said by the Holy Spirit, “‘Why did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples plot in vain? 26 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers were gathered together, against the Lord and against his Anointed’— 27 for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, 28 to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place. 29 And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, 30 while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” 31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.

Ask God to Renew

Read Acts 2:37-41

37 Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” 40 And with many other words he bore witness and continued to exhort them, saying, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.” 41 So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.

  • Pray for renewal of your own faith. Pray for God to move deeply in your own heart. Ask Him to renew your own faith of what He can do and what He wants to do in your world of influence.

  • Ask God for Revival.

  • Pray and listen. Ask God to show you what revival would look like in Clarksville.  Write down anything you see or feel.

  • Pray for people in power. Pray for Mayor Golden and Mayor Pitts.

  • Take a step of faith. Ask God to lead you to particular people on campus. Talk with them and ask them if you can pray for them on the spot.

  1. Be alert. If you prayer walk with a partner, don’t get distracted by conversation with each other. It’s helpful to agree ahead of time that you will keep conversation to a minimum to keep the focus on prayer.

  2. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Just as your five senses gather information from your surroundings, remember to keep your heart open to what the Holy Spirit is telling you as well. Perhaps you feel impressed to stop and talk to someone or to go down a new street. Listen to and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit as you go.

  3. Be ready. You may encounter someone who needs prayer or is willing to engage in a spiritual conversation with you. Be ready to interact with those around you. Be willing to ask people if you can pray for them. Find out what is heavy on their heart and be ready to listen and pray persecution—you can still assure them that you will pray for them later.

  4. Be a doer. You can’t really learn to prayer walk unless you just do it. Put your shoes on and put yourself in the neighborhoods.

  5. Be on the lookout for God at work. Make your prayer walk an opportunity for thanking the Lord. Be assured that you didn’t beat God into the neighborhood. He has been there working long before you arrived. What an awesome privilege we have to join God as he draws people to himself.

  6. If you are prayer walking inside FBC buildings, leave a sticky note that you prayed for the class teacher and class members.


Pastor Ronny

1. God’s wisdom as I pastor the Lord’s church. My passion is to preach and pastor for the Lord’s glory. Wisdom equips me to lead and serve as God desires.  

2. Five goals for 2023: 103 Baptisms, Kirkwood’s Constitution, 10% Increase in Attendance, 10% Increase in Giving, and Filling the  Discipleship Pastor and Next Generation Pastor Positions. 

3. My personal time with the Lord to be consistent and faithful. I want to grow in my walk with the Lord. May my pastoral ministry overflow from my time with Jesus! 

4. Angie and I to balance life and ministry well. We want to love one another and the church with compassion and integrity. We’re thankful to serve at FBC Clarksville. 

5. The Lord will help me worship Him, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples. My prayer is to lead God’s people by example. 

Worship – John Mark Cox

1. Pray for the content and communication of song and preaching to be a clear picture of where the Lord is leading His church.

2. Pray for the strength, motivation and the hearts of volunteers and staff who make any gathering of First Baptist Church a reality.

3. Pray for the growth of the Worship, Tech and Communications ministries. Pray all newcomers will align with the vision of why we Worship. We Worship because of who Jesus is and what He’s done!

4. Pray that through the consistent gathering of God’s church, we will continue on a path to unifying this body.

5. Pray for the empty seats in the worship services. Pray for those that are not yet here. The ones that need to come to salvation, the families that will re locate to our community and potentially join this fellowship and the ones that might return to gather and pursue a closer walk with Christ through the fellowship of the body.

Military Ministry  – Richard Davis 

1. Pray for the soldiers that are currently deployed in response to the Russia/Ukraine situation and to other countries around the world and for those that are preparing to deploy. Pray for soldiers, marriages, and families to be strengthened as strong soldiers and families make strong forces. 

2. Pray for the current volunteers serving in the military ministry as they lead classes, connect with new quests, organize prayers, and assist in meeting the needs of our military personnel and their family members. 

3. Pray to the Lord for more laborers to enter the harvest field of the military community. The specific ministry areas that need volunteers include marriage, family, disabilities, and finances.

4. Pray for Chaplains and Christians serving in units on Fort Campbell to be the light of Christ and for a spiritual awakening to occur on Fort Campbell in 2023. May First Baptist Clarksville experience an increase in membership among those that are saved requiring two new Connect Groups.

5. Pray for new opportunities and cooperation among churches in the Clarksville-Montgomery County area to reach the military community in 2023.

Prayer Ministry – Bill Graham

1. Increase participation in Sunday Morning Prayer time that begins at 8:15 AM to 8:30 AM.

2. Add 50 people to the list who receive the weekly prayer letter.

3. Have a great response to Movie Night January 22, 2023 of 150 people

4. Enlist 50 families to attend Prayer Boot Camp on February 19, 2023, with Claude King.

5. Enlist 20 children for the Children’s Prayer Boot Camp.

Communications – Beverly Ross

1. Vision/Gospel - To communicate the Gospel and the vision of First Baptist to worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples clearly, creatively, and consistently through all forms of communication (design, social media, video).

2. Internal Communications - To reach our congregation (in-person and those at home) through as many avenues as possible (in-person, digital or print) so that we are thorough, transparent and informative as well as inviting in-active members to join us again.

3. External Communications - To reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel through online worship and to use our online platform as an invitation and front door to families in our community that are unchurched or do not have a church home.

4. Volunteers - To seek out those in our church that want to serve in the communications area with a passion for sharing Christ with others through digital media.

5. Communications Team - To work together as a team that glorifies God, do life together, build each other up in all that we do, and grow in Christ together.

Missions – Jason Johnson

1. Pray for God to send a leader and co-leader for Burt Elementary Good News Club that we are trying to start.

2. Pray that God would direct our church to enter into strategic missions partnerships in 2023.

3. Pray for the Korean ministry to create two home groups designed to invite unbelievers to attend. 

4. Pray for the Hispanic ministry to make inroads with the Hispanic community on Power Street in Clarksville. 

Preschool – Cheryl McCrary

1.    The Preschool Ministry Leaders and Teachers. May we follow in God's plan carrying forth His mission and vision for our church and ministry. Pray that God will keep us healthy & safe and guide our words as we teach the most precious in His kingdom about His love. 

2.    The Preschool Ministry is growing, and we need to open two new Smiles Worship Hour classes.  We are are currently praying for 16 new team members to bring a smile and share God's love with our Toddlers and Three-year-olds on Sunday mornings one Sunday a month during the worship hour. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of our church family and lead those 16 Smiles Team members to their new ministry. 

3.    Please pray for our preschoolers and their families. Pray that God will keep them safe and give them a desire to come to the Connect Group and Smiles hour. Pray that God will protect their families and help them to know how loved they are at FBCT and in His kingdom. May their parents grow in their knowledge and love of God.

4.  pray for our Mothers of Preschoolers group as we seek to connect and befriend moms in Clarksville who are searching for answers and community. 

5.    Pray for our upcoming Vacation Bible School. Pray that God will work in the hearts of our leaders. Nudging and calling them to serve. May they understand how important they will be to the lives of the kids they will be teaching. Also, Pray for the Mother of Preschoolers (MOPS) Ministry. As preparations begin for the new 22-23 year, may the current team finish strong and ensure that all moms know about the Power and depth of God's love for them. 

Kids Ministry – Tabitha Dowdy

Student Ministry – Leah Kennedy

That our students would be strengthened in their faith in Christ and that students would live out the vision of our church which is, worship God, love people, share Jesus, and make disciples.

1. That God would stir up a passion in our students to courageously share the gospel.

2. That our small group leaders are growing and being obedient in their personal journey with the Lord on a daily basis through their decisions. Colossians 1:9

3. That MVMT students would be a place where students can have authentic encounters with Christ!

4. That MVMT students would be a ministry that has a heart for the lost students in our community.

Discipleship/Pastoral Care and Collegiate Ministry – Pat Van Dyke

Faith Building – Chris Beck

1. Continue to pray for unity, funding, purpose, wisdom, and divine intervention regarding the Faith Building.

2. Pray for giving, that money will be provided to fund ministry and to maintain and provide updates to the Grace and Hope facilities. 

3. Pray for our staff, that they would be encouraged, united, and focused on worshiping God, loving people, sharing Jesus, and making disciples. 

4. Pray that God would provide the right people to fill open staff positions. 

5. Personally, pray for me, that God would grant me wisdom in my position as Senior Administrator. 

Operations and Facility Ministry – Barrie Royal

1. Prayer for God to sustain our HVAC Systems campus wide until we're able to financially replace them.

2. Prayer for the funds to recarpet the Fellowship Hall.