Thank you for visiting the Military Ministry Serving Opportunities page. There are six opportunities listed with a brief description, purpose, responsibilities, training, and any requirements needed. If there is a serving opportunity not listed that you are interested in, we would enjoy hearing what God has laid upon your heart to reach and serve our Military community. For all inquiries, please contact Richard Davis to schedule a time to meet and discuss serving in one of our established positions or the possibility in establishing a new serving opportunity. 

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 

1 Corinthians 12:4-7, ESV 

1. Military Appreciation Team

Description – Connect with new Military guests, single Soldiers or families attending First Baptist Clarksville to welcome them and provide appreciation gifts on behalf of the Senior Pastor and the congregation of First Baptist Clarksville Tennessee (FBCT).

Purpose – Initial meeting with first-time guests is very important as we want them to know that First Baptist Clarksville appreciates their military service and welcomes them to join FBCT in worship and service. 

Responsibilities – Military Appreciation Team members will make contact with the visiting Military member or family and welcome them to Clarksville and FBCT. Military Appreciation Team (MAT) members will also encourage new guests to fill out a Guest Card, provide guests with information about attending one of FBCT Connect Groups or Sunday School classes, and provide appropriate Military Appreciation Gift. MAT members are to be available to meet with new families on Sunday before and after services at the Military display. 

Training – Yes. Division of Military Appreciation Gifts based on Active Duty, Veteran, National Guard and Reserve Component service member status and their family members. Familiarized with the history of FBCT, layout of the campus, Connect Group/Sunday School classes available and making recommendations, and confirming Guest Card information. MAT Training will be scheduled as needed.

Requirements – Open to all members.


Description – Work with outside organizations in scheduling Military events at First Baptist Clarksville. 

Purpose – As a lead Military Church in Clarksville it is important that we assist interested organizations in providing the best event possible at First Baptist Clarksville Tennessee (FBCT). 

Responsibilities – Help the organization plan, schedule, and resource their event at FBCT by providing information of available resources (i.e., Tech services, Child Care services, First Food Services), campus amenities (e.g., location and availability of specific rooms, parking, etc.), make necessary Rooms and Resource requests through the Church Community Builder (CCB) online program, and help with advertisement opportunities (e.g., FBCT Facebook, The Voice, or new graphics). Event Coordinators will walk with the organization through the entire process and be present for the event as a representative of FBCT. Two Event Coordinators will be active for a two month period. Once an event is scheduled that Event Coordinator will remain with the organization until completion even if the event is six months away. 

Training – Yes. Scheduling events in CCB, Church facility agreement, sponsor vs hosting events, and coordinating resources. 

Requirements – Limited positions available to members. Position rotates responsibilities throughout the year. Spiritual gifts of hospitality or administration preferred with skills in public relations and organization. 


Description – Volunteer to serve as a point-of-contact in a Connect Group or Sunday School class for new Military members and families.

Purpose – The U.S. Army utilizes a Family Readiness Group (FRG) to assist families by providing timely information and being available to unit families during deployments and while serving in garrison. The Military Mentor Group of First Baptist Clarksville Tennessee (FBCT) will operate in a similar fashion in being available to the new Military member and family. 

Responsibilities – Military Mentors assist new Military members and families with area familiarization (i.e., welcoming to Clarksville), resources (Military, Civilian, and Church), prayer support, and spiritual guidance. Military Mentors can be Veteran, Active Duty, National Guard, Reservist, or their Family members…Military Helping Military.

Training – No. Should Military Mentors need assistance they can contact Richard Davis. 

Requirements – Open to members.


Description – Volunteers praying for the needs of our Military members, our Military community, and our Military Ministry. 

Purpose – Intercessory prayers for the church and community in their individual needs, spiritual maturity or salvation, and the mission of the church and Military Ministry in reaching, teaching, and ministering among our Veterans, Active Duty, National Guard, Reservists, and their family members. 

Responsibilities – Prayer Team members need to maintain confidentiality when asked for specific prayer requests. Prayer Team members will serve three months out of the year. Military specific prayer requests will be sent to Richard Davis for consolidation and the consolidated prayer list will be sent out weekly. Prayer Team members are asked to pray daily over the list provided and any specific prayer requests they may have received personally. 

Training – No. Prayer Team members need to have an active email address on file with the church and be passionate about prayer. 

Requirements – Open to all members. 


Description – Provide assistance in researching resources for the Military Ministry. 

Purpose – The Military Ministry provides free resources for members and guests of First Baptist Clarksville Tennessee (FBCT). Which the resources are selected are based on needs of the church and Military community. Priority is given to materials produced by Military and for Military in their Christian formation. 

Responsibilities – Search for available resources, read reviews, read or preview the material, and provide a summary and recommendation of the material. Research Assistance Team members may also be asked to review a specific resource. Summary of the material is to be two paragraphs (four paragraphs maximum) providing a synopsis of the material and highlighting areas important to the Military Ministry. Recommendations will answer why the material should or should not be considered for purchase and distribution. Research Assistance Team members need to have an email to send their summaries and to receive a request for information on an available resource. 

Training – Yes. Research Assistance Team training will be once every three months covering specifics on research needed (i.e., By Military authors, for Military Members and their Family Members, and focused on Christian Formation). 

Requirements – Limited positions available to members with the spiritual gifts of leadership, discernment, and teaching. Must be able to think critically of the material and provide recommendation on profitability for staff, members, or a community resource along with ordering information. 


Description – Ensure Military Table is presentable with available resources every Sunday. 

Purpose – The Military Table contains free resources for guests and members. Those resources can be informational (e.g., VA, biblical counseling, etc.) or for spiritual growth (e.g., adult or children books, devotional, etc.). Resources can also range in topic (e.g., prayer, struggle, etc.) or have a Military related focus (i.e., PTSD, deployment, PCS), or about Military life in general. The resources also help the church identify potential needs among our Military families by the type of resource and amount being taken. 

Responsibilities – Resource Management Team members will rotate resources and restock items on the Military Table before Sunday morning. Volunteers will be scheduled to serve one month out of the year to maintain the Military Table located in the Grace building. Resource Management Team members will also help prepare resources for FBCT events (e.g., Trunk or Treat or scheduled Military events). 

Training – Yes. Resource Management Team will know where the Military Resource Room is located, maintaining inventory of current resources, and submitting requests for resupply (i.e., pens, Military book stickers, gospel tracks, Bibles, and books). Training will be scheduled with Richard Davis. 

Requirements – Open to all members.