First Baptist Church Clarksville is anticipating the retirement of our long-time director of finance and Human Resources later this year. Some of the duties include monthly closing and compilation of financial reports, quarterly filings, HR matters, personnel and payroll administration, annual closing and audit support, banking matters, state filings, oversight of the bookkeeping function, work in the general ledger and performing journal entries, email and software security and management, database and church software administration, filing committee and Church minutes and records, contributions, management of liability, workers compensation, health, and other insurances, and other duties related to assisting in the business and financial matters of the Church. The person who fills this position would report directly to the Senior Administrator.  As with any position, we desire the candidate to be a strong Christian, a member of First Baptist Church or similar church, faithful and regular in attendance and giving, and a bold witness for Christ.

If you or anyone you know has a strong accounting, finance, and human resources background, especially in the area of church matters, please have them send their resume, Christian testimony, and questions to